La’os buat foun, akontesementu konflitu no oho malu entre timor-oan iha kapital Dili no Munisipiu sira wainhira atu tama no depois loron natal no tinan foun nian. Kazu asalta no oho malu entre foinsae sira, foinsae sira ho autor siguransa nomos ho ema estranjeirus. Tuir monitorizasaun Fundasaun Mahein – FM hahu husi tinan 2012 to’o 2015 hatudu katak iha periodu antes no depois loron natal no tinan foun sempre mosu konflitu entre grupu geng iha Timor-Leste no asaltu husi ema deskuiñesidu sira. Situasaun hirak ne’e hamosu trauma no komunidade senti la seguru.
Ezemplu kazu konflitu no asaltu malu lubuk ida ne’ebé mosu entre fulan Setembru no Dezembru 2012. Grupu diskuiñesidu ataka padre nia rezidensia iha Igreja Motael iha loron 28 Setembru 2012, joven ida hetan sona iha Comoro iha loron 27 Setembru 2012, no loron 29 Setembru 2012 joven ida hetan sona iha Bairo-Pite, asaltu Uma Reitor Dili Institute of Technology iha lorn 28 Setembru 2012. Konflitu Grupu Arte Marsial – GAM iha loron 10 fulan Dezembru tinan 2012 iha kapital Dili hodi rezulta joven ida mate no estragus sasan barak komunidade nian, sunu uma no kareta.
Iha tinan 2013, konflitu no asaltu entre foinsa’e no ho autor siguransa kontinua akontese iha dalan-sira kapital Dili no Munisipiu sira iha Timor-Leste. Kazu sustifikadu ida, iha loron 29 Dezembru 2013 grupu deskuiñesidu halo asaltu no tá kanek membru polisia Eskuadra Baguia Sarjentu Armindo da Cruz. No, depois tinan foun, ema deskuiñesidu oho joven ida iha ponte Bekora, iha loron 04 Janeiru 2014. Nune’e mos kazu oho malu brutal iha periodu natal no tinan foun (30 Dezembru) 2014 ne’ebé joven na’in 3 hetan tá iha kakorok no joven ida mate hetan sona husi ema deskuiñesidu depois loron tuir mai, iha Munisipiu Baucau.
Kazu konflitu no asaltu husi grupu diskuiñesidu besik no depois periodu loron natal no tinan foun kontinua akontese to’o ohin loron. Kazu konkretu maka iha inisiu fulan Novembru 2015, hahu mosu tan ona kazu asaltu malu brutal iha tempu kalan, iha kapital Dili no Munisipiu Manatuto. Akontesementu sustifikadu ida maka grupu deskuiñesidu ataka joven ida ne’ebé foin fila husi treinu joga bola iha loron tersa (10/11), iha area Delta Tres, Dili. Asaltu ne’e, joven ida hetan sona iha kotuk-laran no tá iha liman karuk. Depois liu loron ida joven ne’e mate hafoin hetan tratamentu iha Hospital Nasional Guidu Valadares – HNVG – Dili. Akontesementu brutal iha loron hanesan, membru siguransa privadu ida hetan hana iha kabun ho rama-ambon husi ema deskuiñesidu na’in rua ne’ebé lori motor no taka oin ho masker metan.
Nune’e mos kazu rua ne’ebé akontese iha Munisipiu Manatuto, antes loron finadu joven ida hetan asaltu husi grupu deskuiñesidu iha area entre Munisipiu Manatuto ho Administrador Postu Laleia. Iha asaltu ne’e grupu deskuiñesidu foti vitima nia osan hamutuk Dollar Rihun Ida Amerikanu. Grupu deskuiñesidu kontinua hala’o atividade asaltu iha loron 5 Novembru hasoru sidadaun estranjeiru (Indonezia) iha area no dirasaun ne’ebé hanesan. Rezultadu husi akontesementu ne’e, vitima husi nasaun viziñu ne’e hetan tá iha liman parte loos no karuk. Grupu diskuiñesidu mos lori motor marka Revo ho matrikula TL 3736. Husi kazu rua ne’ebé FM relata to’o ohin loron autor siguransa seidauk iha kapturasaun ba suspeitu.
Relasiona ho akontesementu brutal hirak ne’e, mosu pergunta no rumores iha komunidade nia leet, tanba sa konflitu no asaltu malu ne’e kontinua mosu? Karik grupu KIBATA mosu fali ona? Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste – PNTL iha ne’ebé? Karik instituisaun PNTL bele garante siguransa no paz iha periodu natal no tinan foun 2015? Pergunta ida ne’e sadik no provoka timor-oan ida-idak atu sai no nu’udar autor ba siguransa no ajente ba paz no estabilidade iha rai-laran.
Ho ida ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein hakarak rekomenda maka hanesan tuir mai ne’e;
1. Rekomenda ba Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste – PNTL atu halo patrollamentu rutina no reativa postu mobile iha kapital Dili. Ho nune’e bele asegura siguransa iha komunidade nian leet, partikularmente movimentu komunidade iha tempu kalan.
2. Rekomenda ba PNTL iha Munisipiu sira atu halo patrollamentu iha Estrada publiku sira hodi nune’e evita numeru asaltu husi grupu diskuiñesidu ba komunidade ne’ebé halo movimentu ba-mai.
3. Rekomenda ba Autoridade Lokal, lider juventude ho veteranu hodi serbisu hamutuk ho Ofisial Polisia Suku – OPS iha ida-idak nia suku. Hodi nune’e bele hametin paz no estabilidade iha bairo-laran.
FM ALERTS: A Need to Ensure Security for Christmas and New Year’s 2015?
Conflicts and murders among Timorese people are not a new thing in Dili and the municipalities around Christmas and New Year’s. In the past, there have been attacks on and killings of young people, security actors, and against foreigners. According to Fundasaun Mahein’s (FM) monitoring, during the Christmas and New Year time period and afterwards, conflict among local groups (gangs) occur frequently in Timor-Leste, and involve increased attacks on strangers and unknown parties in local communities. These incidents traumatize communities and make local citizens feel insecure.
For instance, a number of conflicts took place in mid of September and December 2012. In one incident, an unknown group attacked the residence of the priest in Motael Church on September 28th 2012. A young man was stabbed in Comoro on September 27th 2012, and another stabbing of a young man took place in Bairo Pite on September 29th 2012. There was an assault on the residence of the rector of DIT (Dili Institute of Technology) in September 2012. Conflicts between martial art groups (GAM) occurred multiple times in December 2012 in Dili, and resulted in the death of one young man and the destruction and burning of community property, including houses and vehicles.
In 2013, conflicts arose between local youth and security actors in the streets in Dili and municipalities of Timor-Leste. For example, on December 29th 2013, an unknown group assaulted and stabbed a PNTL member of Baguai station, Sergeant Armindo da Cruz, and after New Year’s Day the unknown group killed a young man on Becora Bridge on January 4th 2014. Brutal cases arose again near Christmas and New Year’s Day in 2014, when on December 30th 3 youths were attacked and stabbed in their necks, with one dying the next day in Baucau.
Conflicts and assaults from unknown groups in the time period around Christmas and New Year’s Day continue to occur. One known recent incident occurred in early November of 2015, in which two groups assaulted each other in night altercations in Dili and Manatuto. Yet another indicent arose on Tuesday, November 10th, in which an unknown group attacked and stabbed a young man who was returning from his football training in Delta 3, Dili. The victim died from his injuries despite treatment at the National Hospital Guido Valadares (HNGV) in Dili. Another assault occurred the next day, November 11th, when a private security member was shot in the throat by two unknown people on a motorbike with faces covered with black masks.
Two further cases took place in Manatuto. Near All Saints Day, a young man was assaulted by an unknown group in Manatuto and near the administrator of the Laleia post area. In this incident, the gang took the victim’s money, totaling one thousand dollars. This same group then assaulted an Indonesian citizen on November 5th in the same area. During the assault, the victim was injured in both his hands. The group was riding a motorbike (REVO-TL 3736). In these two cases, related by FM, security actors have not yet captured the suspects.
There are emerging questions and rumors amongst local communities regarding these brutal incidents. Why do conflicts and assaults continue to take place? Is the KIBATA group re-appearing? Where is the PNTL? Can the PNTL ensure security and peace during this Christmas and New Year’s? These questions challenge every Timorese people to become security actors and agents for peace and stability for this nation.
Fundasaun Mahein recommends:
1. The National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) hold a routine patrol and establish reactive mobile posts in Dili in order to ensure security and safety for the community, especially for citizens’ engagements and activities at night.
2. The PNTL in the municipalities hold patrol in public roads in order to limit the number of assaults from gangs on local citizens.
3. Local authorities, youth leaders, and veterans cooperate with Police Official Villages (OPS) in each village in order to strengthen peace and stability in each suburb.
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