Nino Konis Santana: Inspirador Rohan La’ek

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Nino Konis Santa

Restu Mortais Saudozu Nino Konis Santana, Heroi revolusionariu ne’ebé mate iha tinan 1998, husik ona Dili iha loron 13 Dezembru 2012 bá Lospalos hodi halo seremonia tradisional nian. Saudozu Santana mos komadante kuinesidu ida iha tempu okupasaun Indonezia, nomós lider rezistensia ida ne’ebé mos karismatiku mos. Durante nia moris nia esforsu maka’as hodi hari’i unidade nasional nu’udar ezemplu ida atu hari’i disiplina iha tempu luta nian bá libertasaun. Komandante Konis husi Lospalos maibé durante luta bá ukun rasik an nia halo nia baze iha Ermera. Tanba ida ne’e mak nia kontinua nafatin sai simbolu bá unidade.

Oinsa maka foin sa’e sira dadaun ne’e uza vizaun Nino Konis Santana nia atu fo kontribuisaun no partisipa iha prosesu dezenvolvementu nasional bá tempu ukun rasik an ne’e? Oinsa maka foin sa’e sira ne’e uza vizaun Konis kona-bá unidade nasional, modelu disiplina an husi Konis nian atu bele transfere bá dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste bá futuru nian?

Loron ida ne’e, ami husi NGO Fundasaun Mahein (FM), salutu bá Nino Konis Santana nu’udar heroi nasional. Iha FM, ami ida-ida hakarak espresa no identifika vizaun Konis nian bá tempu agora nian.

Caetano Alves: Nino Konis Santana hanesan inspirador bá ita hotu atu disiplina an. Nia nudar motivator ba foin sa’e sira atu ka’er metin unidade nasional no kontinua servisu maka’as.

Moises Lopes: Nino Konis Santana nia vizaun bá tempu ukun an ne’e hanesan mata dalan bá disiplina nasional. Nia vizaun husu bá sidadaun hotu-hotu ne’ebé halo kna’ar iha area la hanesan ho kapasidade oin-oin iha Timor laran tomak, atu servisu maka’as no disiplina an para halo kombate korupsaun, droga no krime organizadu. Vizaun seluk mos atu husu ita funu kontra trafiku humanu no seluk-seluk tan.

Luis: Nino Konis Santana nia kna’ar durante luta bá ukun rasik an to mate, loyal tebes no motivator bá sistema ne’ebé iha rezistensia laran. Bá dadaun ne’e ita uza nia inspirasaun atu kontinua halo kontrolu bá sistema aat sira ne’ebé dadaun ne’e eziste iha tempu agora. Atu fo honra bá Nino Konis Santana la’os atu hanoin deit nia memoria, maibé tenki halo kontribusaun pratikal nian iha prosesu dezenvolvementu tuir sidadaun ida-ida nia kbi’it.

Joao Almeida: Iha biban ne’ebé difisil iha situasaun difisil, Nino Konis Santana hatudu nia kbi’it hari’i no haforsa unidade nasional. Dadaun ne’e tempu bá foin sa’e sira atu hatutan ho disiplina an ho diak. Ida ne’e ita nia heroi boot nia eransa ne’ebe husik hela, no ita tenki orgullu hetan lider sira hanesan nia ne’ebé nia inspirasaun kontinua relevante to ohin loron.

Nelson Belo: Nino Konis Santana nia loyalidade boot tebes bá nia povu no nia nasaun to nia iss kotu. Ninia dedikasaun an bá nia povu nu’udar ezemplu diak bá ita foin sa’e sira atu kontinua banati tuir, hakruk no respeita lei ho diak no halakon maun abut nia orden hanesan lei ka regra, hakruk bá lei ho regra sira iha Timor-Leste, tenki kontinua la,o bá oin ne’ebé uniku, fatuk inan ida ne’ebé Komadante Saudozu Nino Konis Santana hatu’ur tiha ona.

Nino Konis Santana: Everlasting Inspiration

The skeletons of Nino Konis Santana, the revolutionary hero who passed away in 1998, left Dili yesterday 13 Dec. 2012 for Lospalos. Santana was one of the most prominent commanders during the Indonesian period, and a very good leader. His emphasis on the importance of national unity touched and his example of self-discipline touched many people during his lifetime. He was originally from Lospalos but was based in Ermera during the struggle for independence. Thus, he was, and continues to be, a symbol of national unity.

How can the young people today use Nino Konis Santana’s vision to contribute to national development in this era of independence? How can they use his proclamations of national unity, his model of self-discipline, to move Timor-Leste forward?

Today, we at Fundasaun Mahein (FM), salute Nino Konis Santana as a national hero. At FM, we would each like to share our identification with his vision today.

Caetano Alves: Nino Konis Santana is an inspiration for us to discipline ourselves. He is a motivator for the young people to keep unity and continue working hard.

Moises Lopes: Nino Konis Santana’s vision for the era of independence is like a guideline for national discipline. His vision asks for all citizens, working in different capacities throughout the country, to work hard and with discipline to combat corruption, drugs, and organized crime. His vision asks for us to work towards human security.

Luis: Nino Konis Santana’s service during the resistance, up until he died, was a motivator for loyalty to the system. And this system calls for us to control all the bad attitudes that appear in this era of independence. To salute Nino Konis Santana is not only to honor his memory, but to contribute practically to the process of development based on each person’s capacity.

Joao Almeida: From difficult times and difficult situations, Nino Konis Santana was able to demonstrate national unity. This is the time for young people to continue the unity that he showed through his own good example. That is his legacy. We are proud to have this practical and motivated leader who continues to remain relevant even today.

Nelson Belo: Nino Konis Santana was a loyal man, loyal to his people and loyal to his country, until the end of his life in the hole where he was hiding. His dedication showed us that we are a new generation who needs to continue to uphold the rule of law, and break down the rule of the deals. We have to continue upholding the rule of law to honor him

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