Transformasaun FALINTIL ba F-FDTL Dala XII: Fundasaun Mahein Kongratula ba Dezenvolvimentu Instituisaun F-FDTL

Transformasaun FALINTIL ba F-FDTL Dala XII:  Fundasaun Mahein Kongratula ba Dezenvolvimentu Instituisaun F-FDTL post thumbnail image


“Girilia ho Disiplina ba Ukun-An no Agora Kontinua Disiplina hakat ba Dezenvolvimentu”

Instituisaun FALINTIL – Força Defesa Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) mai ho ninia istoria luta ne’ebé naruk iha tinan 24 iha ailaran ho naran Força Armadas de Libertação Nacional Timor-Leste – FALINTIL. Hafoin referendum 1999, iha governu tranzisaun nia okos transforma forsa gerilia ba forsa konvensional ida ne’ebé modernu ho naran FALINTIL – Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), iha 02 Febreiru 2001.

Prosesu hirak ne’e to’o ohin loron iha mudansa signifikativu tebes ba dezenvolvimentu forsa armada nian. Maibe la signifika ses husi sasidik sira ne’ebé hakait iha dekade sira ne’e nia laran. Teste boot ida ba F-FDTL iha krize polítika no militar tinan 2006, ne’ebé elementu balu halai haketak an husi instituisaun forsa armada nian.

Teste ida ne’e lori forsa armada sai maduru diak liu tan no aprende husi sasidik hirak ne’e, iha ambiente demokratiku no oinsa instituisaun forsa armada bele dezenvolve nia an sai hanesan forsa defeza ne’ebé disiplinadu no profesional iha natureza forsa modernu nian.

To’o tinan 2012 institusaun F-FDTL sai lalenok ba mundu, F-FDTL hetan fiar nu’udar observador militar iha Nasoens Unidas nia okos iha Guinea Bissau. Ne’e nu’udar rekuiñesementu internasional ba progresu dezenvolvimentu F-FDTL no ida ne’e ejije katak forsa armada presiza valoriza disiplina no servisu profesional liu tan.

Iha parte seluk, F-FDTL fortifika lasu amizade sira ka relasaun ho viziñu sira, relasaun estratejiku sira no relasaun istorikal ho nasaun sira koalia lian Portugés ka CPLP. Ne’ebé kontinua apoiu ba formasaun rekursu umanu, formasaun tekniku profesional sira, apoiu infra-estrutura no ekipamentu sira.

Ikus liu, Fundasaun Mahein kongratula ba selebrasaun loron transformasaun FALINTIL ba F-FDTL ba dala XII, hein katak sei sai forsa ne’ebé modernu no profesional, respeitu diretus umanus no sai forsa manutensaun da paz iha mundu.
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The 12the anniversary of Transformation of FALINTIL to F-FDTL: Fundasaun Mahein congratulates the institutional development of F-FDTL

Institution FALINTIL- Force Defense of Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) originated from the long history of 24 years in the jungle with the name National Liberty Defense Army of Timor-Leste-FALINTIL. After the referendum 1999, under the transitional government authority transformed guerrilla force to modern conversional force with name FALINTIL-Defence Force of Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) on 2nd February 2001.

These processes have resulted in significant progress and development of defense force. However it doesn’t mean there are no hindrance to the army institutional development a decade. Political turbulence of 2006 became a huge test to F-FDTL where some members left the institution.
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Many believe 2006 crisis was a pivotal moment for the defense institution to be mature and learnt from its mistakes in a democracy circumstance to develop the institution to be a more discipline and professional defense army in the modern nature.

Institution of F-FDTL have become an example to world. F-FDTL was trusted to be UN military observer for UN mission in Guinea Bissau. It is a sign of international recognition for the development progress of F-FDTL. It also means that F-FDTL requires to value discipline and professional more.

On the other hand, F-FDTL fortified the amity relationship with its neighbors, both strategic relations and historical relations with Portuguese speaking countries (CPLP).
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This cooperation aim to improve human resource, professional technical, and support for infrastructure and equipments.

At last, Fundasaun Mahein sincerely express congratulation for the celebration of 12th anniversary of transformation of FALINTIL to F-FDTL. We hope that Defense institution will become more professional and modern, respect human rights and secure peace in the world.

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