Fundasaun Mahein; May 21st 2014
Press Release
The Investigation policy of weapon in Timor-Leste
Mahein’s Voice No. 78 analyses issue of the weapon becomes the concerns of the all entities because it has not finalized yet thus far. Those missing weapons in 2006 crisis and afterwards period did not know the whereabouts as well. Even there has been the investigation for the missing weapon however public did not know yet over its process and how is the implementation recommendations of the investigations’ process.
According to report which is recommended by the investigation commission that there should have investigation process to member of PNTL, former of F-FDTL and some civilians referred to pistol and some riffles that they made disappear, where have identified 26 members of PNTL made disappeared pistol and HK-33 of PNTL. A PNTL member referred to pistol of F-FDTL, 3 formers of PNTL member referred to pistol of PNTL, 5 members of F-FDTL referred to pistol of F-FDTL and a civilian referred to a gun HK-33 of PNTL.
Therefore, the armament investigation commission of F-FDTL and PNTL recommend that it needs to have the investigation process to members of PNTL, former of PNTL members and some civilians. And report of the armament investigation commission of F-FDTL and PNTL particularly, weapon of PNTL recommends to make criminal and discipline processes for effective members of PNTL as well as former PNTL members who did not have responsibility for weapons which are belongs to theirs. And they have shown irresponsibility during the investigation process. This report recommends that officers, sergeants and agent of PNTL who have mentioned on the recommendation of the investigation report forbade them not to use guns in duty hour.
As well as the investigation result of the accusation process of PNTL weapon with Indonesia entrepreneur PT. PINDAD (Persero) by the eventual commission based on the mandate of the government resolution No. 13/2013, 26 June. The mandate from the eventual commission has published the report on 3rd February 2014 with some recommendations and the commission has further given to the Ministry of Defense and Security including the Republic President, which was raised on the weapon accusation processed in 2012 by the Indonesia entrepreneurs PT.PINDAD (Persero) to PNTL, where Fundasaun Mahein had alerted previously that the purchasing process of the weapon considered has the irregularity and the National Parliament committee B considered that those weapons are illegal because it has not been based on the legal procedure.
Recommendation report of the eventual commission also recommends to make discipline and criminal processes for the main actors within the institution of PNTL and the Secretary State of Security regarding the involvement on the accusation process and admit the weapon which is not be based on the legal process and it refers to the General Command of PNTL as well as the Secretary State of Security.
Fundasaun Mahein urges the Ministry of Defense and Security to be serious to conduct the implementation of the investigation report whether related with the criminal’s or other practical which would not promote for well-governance. So we could professionalize the institution of security and promoting the principality of well-governance inside the institution of security such as PNTL.
1. Recommends to the Ministry of Defense and Security to implement the recommendation of the investigation report of F-FDTL and PNTL weapons which have been published in 2011. Particularly to make the criminal and discipline process for effective members of PNTL and former members of PNTL who have no responsibility for those weapons that are really belongs to theirs.
2. Recommends to the Ministry of Defense and Security to implement recommendations of the investigation result of the eventual commission of 2014 that insisted to make the discipline and criminal processes including other violation which would not promote to well-governance.
3. Recommends to the Ministry of Defense and Security to be serious to conduct those processes in order to professionalize the Security Institution and the principalities of well-governance.
4. Recommends to the committee B National Parliament to fiscalize and urge the Ministry of Defense and Security over how works of the implementation of both investigation reports and how was searching of those missing weapon.
For more detail on this issue please see the following:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone (+670) 7737-4222 or can contact (+670) 7756 1184