(Foto: Prezidensia Republika)
Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 23 Fevereiru 2016
Komunikadu Imprensa
Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 108 (Versaun Tetum.pdf) kona-bá Polémika ne’ebé dadaun ne’e espalla iha públiku kona-bá nomeasaun no exonerasaun ba kargu Chefe Estado Maior General das Força Armada (CEMGFA) F-FDTL no Vice-Chefe Estado Maior General Força Armada (Vice-CEMGFA) F-FDTL nian. To’o agora públiku kontinua dúvida ho interpretasaun oin-oin no espalla mos rumoris oin-oin. Nune’e mos nomeasaun no exonerasaun ba CEMGFA (F-FDTL) no Vice-CEMGFA (F-FDTL) hetan protestu maka’as husi membru Parlamentu Nasional no Governu rasik sei dúvida ho ninia konstituisionalidade no legalidade.
Relasiona ho polémika nomeasaun no exonerasaun ba CEMGFA (F-FDTL) no Vice-CEMGFA (F-FDTL), to’o agora husi parte rua, Governu mantein proposta renovasaun ba kargu CEMGFA (F-FDTL) no Vice-CEMGFA (F-FDTL). Nune’e mos Prezidente da Repúblika mantein desizaun exonerasaun ho promosaun no nomeasaun foun ho promosaun.
Haree ba situasaun Forsa Armada nian (F-FDTL), funsaun CEMGFA, Vice-CEMGFA no Chefe Estado Maior Força Armada (CEMFA) F-FDTL dadaun ne’e iha situasaun “interinidade”. Prezidente da Repúblika nu’udar Komandante Supremu Forsa Armada nian tenki foti desizaun ne’ebé bele garante funsionamentu instituisaun Forsa Armada (F-FDTL). Portantu mandatu CEMGFA, Vice-CEMGFA no CEMFA (F-FDTL) ramata ona iha loron 6 Outobru 2015.
Antes ne’e Governu halo ona proposta nomeasaun no iha termus proposta ne’ebé Governu aprezenta atu halo renovasaun ba mandatu CEMGFA (F-FDTL) Major General Lere Anan Timur no Vice-CEMGFA (F-FDTL) Brigadeiro General Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus. Resposta husi Prezidente da Repúblika rezeita proposta Governu nian tanba proposta ne’e la kompletu no temi deit kargu CEMGFA (F-FDTL) no Vice-CEMGFA (F-FDTL), haluha tiha kargu CEMFA (F-FDTL) ninia mandatu tinan rua deit, ne’ebé ramata ona no labele halo renovasaun-tan. Iha ne’ebé mandatu CEMFA (F-FDTL) Koronel Falur Rate Laek ramata ona iha loron 6 Outobru 2015 ba periodu rua nian (6 Outobru 2011 to’o 6 Outobru 2013 no 7 Outobru 2013 to’o 6 Outobru 2015) ne’ebé lolos tenki halo nomeasaun foun. Konforme Artigu 75, no 2, Decreto Lei No 7/2014 Estatuto dos Militares das F-FDTL nia haruka.
Ba mandatu kargu CEMGFA (F-FDTL) Major General Lere Anan Timur no Vice-CEMGFA (F-FDTL) Brigadeiro General Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, la signifika labele halo renovasaun. Maibe bele halo renovasaun ba mandatu ida-tan tanba foin asume mandatu dahuluk ba tinan haat. Tuir Dekretu Lei No 7/2014 Estatutu Militares das F-FDTL artigu 74 hatete mandatu ba kargu CEMGFA (F-FDTL) no Vice-CEMGFA (F-FDTL) masimu durasaun tinan haat no bele halo renovasaun ba dala ida deit. Iha ne’ebé asume hahu loron 6 Outobru 2011 no ramata iha loron 6 Outobru 2015.
Maske nune’e, proposta husi Governu la signifika Prezidente da Repúblika tenke simu tomak deit. Governu halo proposta, nomea no exonera ne’e kompetênsia Prezidente da Repúblika nian (haree Konstituisaun RDTL artigu 86 alinea m, Lei Organika F-FDTL artigu 8 no 9, Dekretu Lei No 7/2014 EM F-FDTL artigu 74).
1. Rekomenda ba Prezidente da Repúblika no Governu presiza komunikasaun ne’ebé saudavel no klarefika ba públiku kona-bá polémika ne’ebé dadaun ne’e la’o hela, hodi labele kria rumoris oin-oin iha sosiedade nia leet. Tanba públiku dadaun ne’e sente tauk wainhira haree polémika ne’ebé liga ho militar sira.
2. Rekomenda ba Prezidente da Repúblika no Governu solusiona lalais polémika ida ne’e no ultra-pasa situasaun ne’ebé dadaun ne’e Forsa Armada ka F-FDTL hasoru hela. Nune’e instituisaun ne’e bele hetan fila fali ninia lideransa hodi garante funsionamentu instituisaun nian.
3. Rekomenda Prezidente da Repúblika, Parlamentu Nasional no Governu utiliza dalan legal hodi husu Tribunal Rekursu nia apresiasaun kona-bá desizaun ne’ebé Prezidente da Repúblika hasai. Duke resposta malu liu husi media hodi kria rumoris oin-oin iha sosiedade nia leet.
Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Diretor Ezekutivu
Email: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Telemovel: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184
Website: www.fundasaunmahein.org
Fundasaun Mahein (FM), February 23rd 2016
Press Release
The Exoneration and Nomination: Controversy between the President of the Republic and the Government of RDTL
Conflict is currently growing around President Taur Matan Ruak’s “exoneration” and nomination of the Chief of State (CEMGFA) and Vice-Chief of State (VCEMGFA) of the F-FDTL. At present the public is largely in the dark on the matter, as various interpretations and rumors on the issues have begun to spread. The president’s “exoneration” (used, in this legal sense, as the relief from responsibilities) of the standing Chief of State, Major General Lere Anan Timur, and his subsequent nomination of the Vice-Chief, Brigadier General Filomeno Paixão de Jesus, for promotion, have been protested by members of the National Parliament, and the government itself is in doubt over the constitutionality and legality of these proceedings.
So far, the government has maintained a proposal for renewing the terms for these posts of Major General and Vice-Major General of the F-FDTL, while the President stands by his decisions to exonerate the former Chief of State and submit a proposal for promotion and nomination of the former Vice-Chief.
At the moment the government and military are locked in an interim holding pattern until the matter is resolved. The President serves as the Supreme Commander of Armed Forces and must make decisions to ensure the institutional functionality of the F-FDTL. As he sees it, the mandate for the CEMGFA and Vice-CEMGFA of the F-FDTL ended on October 6th, 2015.
Prior to the end of that mandate, the government submitted a proposal in which it supported the renewal of the mandates for Major General Lere Anan Timur and General Filomeno Paixão de Jesus. The President responded by rejecting this proposal on the grounds that it ignored that the mandate for the CEMGFA positions of the F-FDTL must legally conclude after two years and may not be renewed outside of the extent of the law. The President’s response noted that the mandate for CEMFA Colonel Falur Rate Laek had lasted two terms (October 6th, 2011 to October 6th, 2013, and October 7th, 2013 to October 6th, 2015) and in October it concluded, as per the statutes of Timorese law governing the positional appointment (Article 75 No. 2, Law Decree No. 7/2014 of the Military Statutes for the Order of the F-FDTL), and so a new nomination must be required for the position.
This is not to say that renewals cannot be made for the mandates for the offices of the Chief of State and Vice-Chief of State, held by Major General Lere Anan Timur and Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, respectively. However, the renewal for an extended mandate can be made only to extend it to a total of four years. According to Law Decree No.7/2014, Military Statutes of the F-FDTL, Article 74, the mandates for the offices of the Chief and Vice-Chief of State have a maximum duration of four years and may only be renewed once. The mandate for Major General Timur began on October 6th, 2011, and ended on October 6th, 2015.
The President is under no obligation to accept proposals by the government. The government has the capacity to make proposals, but the power of nominations and exonerations is held by the President of the Republic. (See the Constitution of RDTL, Article 86 line M; Organic Law of the F-FDTL, Articles 8-9; and Law Decree No.7/2014 EM F-FDTL, Article 74).
1. FM recommends the President and the government need to establish working communications on this issue, and clarify to the public the status of the conflict and its ongoing discussions, so as to mitigate worries and concerns on the issue that have sprung up in civil society around the topic of angry conflict and disagreement within the military—a siren call for domestic chaos in Timor-Leste in the past.
2. FM recommends the President and Government resolve this conflict as soon as possible and reestablish a working institutional authority for the F-FDTL.
3. FM recommends the President, National Parliament and Government utilize a legal path for resolution of this issue by asking for consideration from a court of appeals on the decision made by the President, rather than debating in the media and sparking various rumors and concerns among the public.
For more details, please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
E-mail: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Phone 78316075 no 77561184
Web: www.fundasaunmahein.org
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