Fundasaun Mahein, 17 Abril 2013
Komunikadu Imprenza
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) Nia Lian ba dala 48 (relatoriu kumpletu versaun Tetun. pdf) (English Version) aktualiza kona-bá situasaun atual hadau malu rai ne’ebé akontese iha komunidade Timor-Leste ne’ebé iha tinan 2010 FM públika tiha ona Mahein Nia Lian Nú. 8, iha loron 10 Abril 2010 kona-bá disputa rai ho estabilidade nasional iha Timor-Leste. To’o ohin loron problema hadau malu rai kontinua a’as no kauza oho malu iha komunidade.
Hahu kedas iha tempu Administrasaun Transitoriu UNTAET nian to’o mai ohin loron asuntu hadau malu kontinua sai boot. Hadau malu kona-bá rai ne’e buras husi istoria Timor-Leste ne’ebé nakonu ho deslokasaun obrigatoriu, okupasaun militar no disturbiu interna nian. Aleinde ne’e durante tinan 10 ukun rasik an, Timor-Leste la dun iha esforsu hodi estabelese enkuadramentu legal sira ba administrasaun rai nian. Aproveita situasaun ne’e maka ema kontinua hadau malu rai ne’ebé kauza konflitu no violensia iha komunidade.
Levantamentu nasional hala’o ho sistematika, husi fatin ida ba fatin seluk, hodi foti dadus kona-bá rai no fo oportunidade ba ema atu halo deklarasaun nu’udar na’in ba rai. Deklarasaun hotu fo sai fali ba públiku hodi komunidade sira bele haree no verifika rezultadu iha nivel lokal. Hafoin prosesu sira ne’e la’o iha Distritu 13, hatudu katak iha Distritu 12 hala’o deit iha Sub-Distritu sira iha kapital Distritu no Distritu Dili kobre hotu Sub-Dsitritu sira iha Dili laran, hamutuk Sub-Distritu 18 iha Distritu 13. Dadus rai nian ne’ebé kolekta hamutuk 51.701 parselas (88.46%), husi total númeru ida ne’e rai ne’ebé sei disputa hela hamutuk 5.968 (11.54%).
Kazu hadau malu rai kontinua akontese iha teritoriu tomak Timor-Leste. Volume akontesementu hadau malu rai aumenta ba bebeik no hahu kauza konfrontasaun fiziku hodi hamate komunidade inklui feto no labarik inosenti. Kazu Samalete no Aidabaleten hatudu realidade ida ne’e. Nune’e mos hadau malu la’os deit ona involve individu ho individu deit maibe hahu involve grupu hanesan buat ne’ebé akontese, CPD-RDTL hala’o okupasaun ba komunidade nia rai iha Welaluhu – Same. Maske okupasaun CPD-RDTL nian bele rezolve ona maibe ida ne’e sai nu’udar ezemplu ida kona-bá hadau malu rai iha Timor-Leste.
Heto’ok triste liu tan maka hahu akontese mos iha instituisaun Igreija Katolika nia le’et. Iha Outubru 2011 akontese hadau malu rai Jardim Borja da Costa, Eis Taman Mini Motael entre Governu liu husi Sekretariu Estadu Kultura ho Diocese Dili. Kazu ida ne’e konsege sai boot iha media maibe to’o ohin loron ita la dun rona oinsa instituisaun boot rua ne’e nia solusaun ba asuntu refere. FM nian observasaun dadaun ne’e Diocese Dili monta hela aikabelak iha sikun hotu iha fatin ne’eba ho mensajem katak “Rai ne’e Propriedade Diocese Dili nian”. La’os ne’e deit iha inisiu fulan Abril 2013 akontese mos hadau malu rai entre Parokia Balide ho Diocese Dili. Konsekuensia husi ida ne’e ikus parokia baku rahun vidru no sasan sira Universidade Katolika João Paulo II nian.
FM hanoin katak Timor-Leste presiza lei rai ida ne’ebé bele refleta duni tendensias ho dimensaun hotu hanesan dimensaun polítika, ekonomia no kultura hodi responde duni ba hametin direitu ba rai ho pasifiku no dame. Ida ne’e imporatnte hodi kontribui ba hametin estabilidade no dezenvolvimentu ekonomia Timor-Leste nian. Hare ba katak rai ne’e direitu fundamental ema nian, baze ba moris, no identidade ema nian maka ita presiza lei ida ne’ebé refleta identidade kultural kona-bá rai iha Timor-Leste.
Iha tinan 2012 lei rai nian ne’ebé Parlamentu Nasional segundu lejislatura aprova, hetan veto husi Prezidenti da Repúblika Jose Ramos Horta iha tinan 2012. Lei refere sei kaduka hela iha Parlamentu Nasional. Oras ne’e ita tama ona tinan 2013, Timor-Leste seidauk iha lei rai nian rasik. Maske nune’e Ministériu da Justisa hahu fali ona prosesu konsultasaun foun. Tuir planu katak Governu sei lori hikas lei refere ba Parlamentu Nasional atu hetan aprova iha tinan ida ne’e. FM kongratula Estadu liu husi Governu no Parlamentu Nasional nia esforsu ba halo Lei ba Regime Espesial ba Definisaun Nai’n ba Ben’s e Moves iha Timor-Leste.
- FM rekomenda ba Parlamentu Nasional ho Governu atu halo konsulta profundu no diskusaun kle’an liu tan ba Proposta Lei Rai ne’ebé governu sei hatama hikas ba Parlamentu Nasional atu aprova hodi garante interese povu nian.
- Governu no Parlamentu Nasional atu halo mos konsulta públiku ba lei fundu finasieiru imobiliariu no proposta de Lei N.º /2010 de Lei das Expropriações. Durante ne’e públiku seidauk hatene kona-bá lei lei fundu finasieiru imobiliariu tan Governu halo inklui lei ne’e iha konsulta públika.
- Governu presiza estabelese mekanismu prevensaun konflitu iha komunidade ba hadau malu rai liu husi asaun responde sedu autoridade lokal no PNTL nian bainhira akontese hadau malu rai.
- Sekretariu Estadu Terras e Propriedades atu kontinua fasilita prosesu levantamentu kadastral nasional ne’ebé Programa Ita Nia Rai hala’o tiha ona ba komunidade tomak iha Timor-Leste.
Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nelson Belo,
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
Telephone: +670 7737 4222
Fundasaun Mahein, April, 17, 2013
Mahein’s Voice Report Number 48 will survey the instances of land dispute in East Timor, and at the same time, will follow up the previous report “Land Disputes and National Instability in East Timor,” published on 10 April 2010. FM has observed that the number of land disputes continued to increase following that report, and resulted in lost lives for some community members of East Timor.
Land disputes have been occurring since the UNTAET period, and FM analyses that land disputes are a continuing type of violence in East Timor. The widespread nature of land disputes in East Timor stems largely from its history of displacement, military occupation, and internal conflict. Furthermore, after 10 years of independence, East Timor has fallen short in its efforts to create a legal framework for land administration. As a result, people continue to take opportunities to claim land ownership in situations and dispute claims in ways that lead to conflict.
After the horrific crisis of 2006, there was a thorough evaluation which identified that empowering land security was very important to prevent conflict in society. In this respect, the government requested that donors to establish a system that can promote the protection of land rights. As a response to the request, in 2007 the American Government – through USAID – established a program called “Ita Nia Rai”. The program greatly helps the National Direction of Land and Property (under the Ministry of Justice) develop the land administration system and conduct a national program to collect much-needed land data from 2009 to 2012. The program also supports the development of land law in East Timor.
The Land and Property National Program was completed systematically from one location to another, collecting data and hearing declarations of land ownership. The declarations were announced publicly in order to help the community access and verify the results. The data is important to the government t to establish the land administration system and to allow people to claim land ownership certificates in the future. The National Program took place in all 13 districts. As listed, the Program of 12 districts only covered the capital sub-district, while in Dili district the Program covered all sub-districts. A total 18 sub-districts (out of all 13 districts) from which land data was collected indicated 51.701 (88.46%) clearly owned land, while 5.968 (11.54%) of land remained in land dispute zones. FM noted that just these first 18 sub districts indicated a high rate of land dispute. Furthermore, FM believes that the overall land dispute rate will continue to increase in East Timor if the national program “Ita Nia Rai” continues to conduct these land surveys throughout the entire territory of East Timor.
Land disputes in East Timor have led to physical conflict, which have in turn resulted in the lives lost for some community members – including women and innocent children. Such an incident is precisely what happened in Sama Lete and Aidabaleten. In addition, the Timorese land dispute no longer just involves person-to-person disputes, but has grown to organized group disputes like with the CPD-RDTL in Welaluhu-same. Although this CPD-RDTL occupation has since been resolved, it still remains a noteworthy example of land dispute in East Timor.
The land disputes of the Catholic Church marks perhaps the saddest such episodes. In October 2011 there was a land dispute between the government, through the State Secretariat for Culture, and the Church regarding a claim to the mini park in Motael known as Jardim Borja da Costa. This issue has been covered by the media, the community has yet to find a solution. FM observed that the diocese claimed publicly, by announcing on a community board, that “This land is the property of the diocese”. Furthermore, in early April 2013, there was a land conflict between the Balide parish and Diocese of Dili. The conflict resulted in a parishioner destroying the buildings of the University of John Paul II.
Fundasaun Mahein thinks that Timor-Letse needs solid land laws that reflect the political, economic, and cultural nuances of life in East Timor and effectively protect land rights. This would be an important step to contribute to stability and economic development in East Timor. FM points out that land rights are fundamental rights for everyone’s life and personal identity, and so there should be a law that can reflect the identities of all Timorese.
In 2012, the National Parliament created the land law that was considered by the President of the Republic of East Timor, Jose Ramos Horta. But the proposed land law was not discussed at that time and the land law had yet to be ratified in 2013. Somehow, currently the Ministry of Justice has begun another consultation process of land law, and will bring it to the National Parliament assembly for approval this year. FM congratulates the State, through the Government and the National Parliament, for their efforts to create land ownership laws in East Timor.
1. Recommendation to the National Parliament and the Government of East Timor to meet for a profound consultation and deep discussion about the proposed land law in order to guarantee the interests of all Timorese.
2. Recommendation to the Government and National Parliament to convoke a public consultation on the Real Estate Financing Fund law and the proposed laws of N0/2010 de Lei das Expropriacoes (Expropriation Law). So far, the public has no idea about the Real Estate Financing Fund Law. FM insists to Government and the National Parliament to convoke a public consultation and begin addressing this lack of communication.
3. Recommendation to the Government of East Timor to establish mechanisms for conflict prevention and conflict resolution through local authorities and the PNTL.
4. Recommendation to the Secretary of State for Land and Property to facilitate the progress of the national program “Ita Nia Rai,” so that in may complete coverage for all communities in East Timor.
For further information, please contact:
Nelson Belo
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Telephone: +670 7737 4222
problema disputa rai ne’ebe oras ne’e dadaun Timor Leste enfrenta hanesan parte ida kontribui ba instabilidade nasional, tamba ne’e nia impaktu sei afeita ba parte seguransa sosial. atu rezolve problema ida ne’e presija kontribuisaun husi kamada sosial hotu-hotu, maibe kompetensia bo’ot liu atu rezolve problema sira ne’e fila fali ba politika estadu nian, liu husi projeitu lei ne’ebe mak estadu liu husi governu aprezenta ba parlamentu nasional atu aprova iha tinan ida ne’e. tamba so ho meius ida ne’e mak ita bele minimiza disputa rai ne’ebe oras ne’e dadaun komunidade sira enfrenta hela.
ita espera katak ho lei ne’ebe governu sei lori hikas atu aprezenta ba parlamentu nasional atu hetan aprovasaun bele apar ho kondisaun real ita nia rain nian atu nune’e bele rezolve problema disputa rai ne’ebe akontese iha ita nian rain nian.
hau nia hanoin problema ida ne’e akontese laos komunidade sira nia hakarak ka failansu sistema politika ukun nai’in sira nian, maibe problema ida ne’e akontese tamba sistema politika kolonial portugal no indonesia nian, tamba ho sira nia ukun sira uza sira nia poder tomak hodi hadau rai komunidade ida nian entrega fali ba komunidade seluk ne’ebe afavor ba sira nia sistema ukun.
tamba ne’e hau fiar karik projeitu lei nebe governu aprezenta atu aprova iha parlamentu nasional tuir duni natureza cultura nain ba rai, ita bele minimiza problema disputa rai ne’ebe ita enfrenta.
importante mak estadu tenke define lolos se mak bele nain ba rai. signifika lei refere nia natureza refleta ba direitu nain ba rai iha Timor Leste.