Timor oan ida ho otas tuan tu’ur hakru’uk hela no tauk iha kadeira plastiku ida. Haleu nia argola ida husi forsa seguransa hatais farda militar no polisia halo zombaria hanesan soldadu ida ho brutal tesi mane nee nia fu’uk ne’ebe naruk ho kateri. Fó korajen husi ema lubuk boot ida, soldadu seluk finji tuku mane nee nia ulun. Sira hotu-hotu hamnasa wainhira mane nee ho insintivu oin-oin. Mane nee depois hamri’ik wainhira soldadu nee tuku iha nia isin-lolon. Wainhira mane la’o ho kadik tau raan ba iha ninia knosen ruin ho luhan, nia hameno atu foti tau sae iha nia ulun, atu nunee nia isin ne’ebe nakloke greve nee hetan anin foun.
Parágrapu iha leten fo hanoin fila fali kona-bá testimonia ne’ebé rejista husi Comisaun Akuilamentu Verdade e Rekonsiliasaun (CAVR) hodi deskreve aktus sira ne’ebé komete husi forsa TNI durante okupasaun, maibe lolos ne’e deskreve fatin ida husi video ida ne’ebe fiar hodi halo deit filmajen semana liu-ba. Hakfodak liu tan forsa seguransa sira ne’ebé mosu iha video ne’e Timor-oan sira.
Ba dahuluk atensaun ida, Fundasaun Mahein haree ona video iha media sosial no seidauk verifika ninian ho autentiku ka karik ita maneja hodi intervista autor ne’ebé tau ida nee iha Facebook.
Maibe, hanesan kontenti ida, fiar katak iha kauza impresaun hodi atensaun ba asaun imediata ne’e. Ida ne’e vale duni mensiona lei no regulamentu hotu-hotu ne’ebé soldadu sira haraun iha video laran (Konstituisaun Timor-Leste, Kodigu Penal Timor-Leste, Kodigu F-FDTL kona-bá komportamentu no deklasaun Universal kona-bá Diretus humanus hodi komesa…) hanesan tratamentu ba ema ne’ebé klaru sala ba kualker sidadaun ne’ebé laran moras.
FM fiar katak video ne’e hasai iha Postu Administrasaun Laga nia laran, Munisipiu Baucau durante Komandu Operasaun Konjunta (KOK) husi F-FDTL no PNTL hodi responde ba asaun husi Mauk Moruk no apoiante-sira kona-bá ninia ukun maka grupu Konselu Revolusaun Maubere (KRM). Operasaun ne’e ho inegavel no susar ba membru sira husi forsa seguransa, insidente ne’ebé komete husi KRM inklui sekuestra husi ofisial PNTL sira, destruisaun kona-bá kareta polisia ida no naok kona-bá kilat. Maibe operasaun ne’e rasik no hahalok kona-bá PNTL no F-FDTL hetan mos kritika husi relatoriu ne’ebé forsa seguransa habelar ona divisaun iha komunidade lokal nia laran no inisia maka’as suspeita no antagonismu hasoru militar no polisia.
Biban kona-bá abuzu direitus humanus partikularmente sai hanesan operasaun ne’ebé dadaun ne’e lao hela iha Laga no unidade seguransa sivil sai kole liu-tan, frustradu no tauk. Ida ne’e lolos iha tempu ida ne’ebé presija kona-bá kultura organizasaun nian ne’ebé forte, lideransa no disiplina sai klaru-liu no falta husi kualidade hirak ne’ebé ilustra klaru tebtebes iha video ne’e.
Karik verifika, video ne’e mos provoka perguntas barak no observasaun-sira kona-bá F-FDTL no PNTL:
– Oinsa bele membru sira barak husi F-FDTL no PNTL direitamente involve ka sasin ba abuzu moe-laek ida ne’e kona-bá direitus humanus hodi lahapara ida ne’e? Falta intervensaun hanesan sujestaun ne’ebé diak duke insidente ne’ebé izoladu husi “matan aat” ne’ebé natoon, hahalok kona-bá hatudu-an ne’e sei ignora no sai aat liu, lolos ne’e apoia husi komandu forsa seguransa nian.
– Tambasa autor-sira rekorda hela insidente ne’e, ida ne’e burutu ka sadiku ne’ebé aat-liu? Oinsa karik membru sira husi forsa seguransa bele senti lei ne’ebé temi iha leten halo sira kmaan rekorda no tau sira nia krime iha media sosial?
– Tambasa, maski frekuensia publikasaun ba treinamentu direitus humanus kompromete husi membru-sira F-FDTL no PNTL, karik insidente hanesan ne’e sei kontinua mosu? Karik treinamentu ne’e efetivu lolos ka ida ne’e iha ezersisiu relasaun publiku?
– Tambasa ita larona deklasaun ida husi komandu F-FDTL no PNTL relasaun ho video ida ne’e? Ida ne’e dadaun ne’e haree tia ona kuaze dala 12.000, no ne’e fasil oituan atu fiar katak lideransa husi organizasaun ne’e la sensibiliza kona-bá ninia ezistensia. Failansu hodi proativu responde ba abuzu direitus humanus ida ne’ebé mosu mos sujere inkapasidade, falta interese, ka involvimentu iha lideransa-sira.
Enkuantu iha tinan foin dadauk ne’e progresu ril halo tia ona hodi dezenvolve konfiansa, komprensaun no kooperasaun entre komunidade ho forsa seguransa, isidente hanesan ne’e iha potensia importante kore kona-bá servisu diak ida ne’e. Ida ne’e agora tarde liu hodi hadia fali estragus hotu ne’ebé liu ona ba vitima no involvimentu komunidade, maibe komandu F-FDTL no PNTL kontinua hela ho sasukat suporta ida husi públiku karik aktus-sira ho desizivu no transparente hodi investiga insidente ida ne’e. Ho alternativu seluk, failansu atu halo ho evidente kona-bá asuntu ida ne’e sei interpreta hanesan sekundariu ida, no dalaruma kondena liu failansu husi setor seguransa hodi apoia direitus humanus.
Tamba ne’e Fundasaun Mahein ho urjenti fó atensaun ba:
1. Komandu F-FDTL no PNTL responde ba públiku kona-bá video ne’e, inklui prepara orariu ida kona-bá investigasaun ida no kualker divisaun ho disiplina no foti sasukat prosedura hodi haree loos katak públiku bele iha konfidensia iha setor seguransa atual no opersaun.
2. Provedor direitus humanus no justisa (PDHJ) atu lansa inkeritu imediata ida ba insidente ne’e inklui karik komprova rekomendasaun sira ba akuzasaun kriminozu, kompensasaun vitima, strutura no troka prosedura iha orgaun setor seguransa hodi garante no tane diretus humanus.
3. Provedor direitus humanus no justisa (PDHJ) atu lansa inkeritu ida ba polisia sira no asaun sira husi Komandu Operasaun Konjuntu husi F-FDTL no PNTL hala’o iha Laga kona-bá posibilidade seluk ba abuzu direitus humanus.
Caught on Camera – Human Rights Abuses By F-FDTL and PNTL
An elderly Timorese man sits cowering and scared on a plastic chair. Surrounding him, a ring of security forces dressed in military and police uniforms taunt and mock as a soldier violently hacks away at the man’s long white hair with scissors. Encouraged by the crowd, another soldier feigns to punch the man’s head – they all laugh as the man instinctively winces. The man is then made to stand as soldiers punch at his body. When the man’s limp arms block the blows to his ribcage he is ordered to raise them above his head, as he does so his exposed body is struck immediately by fresh blows.
The paragraph above may be reminiscent of testimony recorded by the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation(CAVR) in describing acts committed by TNI forces during the occupation, but actually it describes scene from a video believed to be filmed only weeks ago.
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More shocking, the security forces that appear in the video are Timorese.
Firstly a caveat, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) has viewed the video on social media and has not verified its authenticity – nor have we managed to interview the author who posted it to Facebook.
However, such is content we believe that there is prima facie cause to call for immediate action. It is barely worthwhile mentioning the all the laws and regulations that the soldiers breach in the video (The Constitution of Timor-Leste, Penal Code of Timor-Leste, F-FDTL Code of Conduct and Universal Declaration of Human Rights for a start…) as the treatment of the man is so plainly wrong to any decent citizen.
FM believes that the video was filmed within the Laga Sub-District (Baucau District) during the F-FDTL and PNTL Joint Command Operation (KOK) in response to the actions of Mauk Moruk and supporters of his banned Konselu Revolusaun Maubere (KRM) group. The Operation has been undeniably tense and stressful for members of security forces –incidents committed by the KRM have included the kidnapping of PNTL officers, destruction of a police vehicle and the theft of firearms. However, the operation itself and behaviour of the PNTL and F-FDTL has also been criticised with reports that security forces have broadened divisions within the local community and initiated greater suspicion and antagonism towards the military and police.
The chance of human-rights abuses is particularly high as operations such as the one currently underway in Laga drag-on and security sector personnel become increasingly tired, frustrated and scared. It is precisely at this time that the need for strong organizational culture, leadership and discipline becomes most obvious and it is the lack of any of these qualities that is so clearly illustrated in the video.
If verified, the video also provokes many other questions and observations in regards to the F-FDTL and PNTL:
– How can so many members of the F-FDTL and PNTL be directly involved or witness to such a flagrant abuse of human-rights without putting a stop to it? The lack of intervention seems to suggest that rather than an isolated incident by a few ‘bad apples’, the behavior on display is ignored or worse, actually endorsed by Security Force command.
– Why are the perpetrators recording the incident– is it simply gross stupidity or sadistic bragging? How is it that members of the security forces can feel so above the law that they are comfortable recording and posting their crimes on social media?
– Why, despite frequently publicizing the Human Rights training undertaken by members of FFDTL and PNTL, do incidents like this continue to occur? Is the training actually effective or is it simply a public relations exercise?
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– Why have we not heard a statement from the F-FDTL or PNTL command regarding the video? It has currently been viewed over 12,000 times and it is hard to believe that leaders in these organizations are not aware of its existence. The failure to proactively respond to an apparent human-rights abuse either suggests incompetence, indifference or complicity within the leadership.
Whilst in recent years real progress has been made to develop trust, understanding and cooperation between the community and security forces, incidents such as this have the potential to significantly undo much of this good work. It may now be too late to repair all the damage done to the victim and community involved, but the F-FDTL and PNTL Command can retain a measure of support from the public if it acts decisively and transparently in investigating this incident. Alternatively, failure to act unequivocally in this matter will be interpreted as a secondary, and perhaps more damning failure of the security sector to uphold human-rights.
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Fundasaun Mahein therefore urgently calls for:
1. F-FDTL and PNTL command to publically respond to this video, including providing a timeline for an investigation and any provisional disciplinary and procedural measures taken to ensure the public can have confidence in all current security sector personnel and operations.
2. The Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ) to launch an immediate inquiry into this incident including, if substantiated, recommendations for criminal charges, victim compensation, and structural and procedural changes within the security sector organs to ensure human rights are upheld.
3. The Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ) to launch an inquiry into the policies and actions of the Joint Command Operation by F-FDTL and PNTL undertaken in Laga for other possible human-rights abuses.
Hahalok abuzo de poder ne hahalok ida nebe mak sempre akontese ba ema idaidak nebe mak la hatene ou sidauk iha konhese mentu diak ba sira nia poder ou servico. Maibe hahalok ida ne dala barak ofende ema seluk nia direito atu hetan prosesu ou legislasaun legal ba sira nia hahalo ou atitude ida nebe mak kontra lei, iha sorin seluk mos ho razaun hahalok non crime victim or ( Inocent ) mos hetan tratamentu hanesan ho sira nebe mak halo crime grave.
Tan ne mak Instituisaun ida idak liliu FDTL no PNTL tenke toma nota no hadia sira nia sistema de encontrar ou aproach ba ema nebe mak sira hasoru iha ternu, tan tuir hau nia comprende katak sira sei la halo assaun fisiku wainhira executante ou pelaku ida la halo assaun fisiku hasoru sira.
Respect Individuals rights then yours will be valued.