F-FDTL – PNTL Kontinua Viola Lei Tranzitu no Regulamentu Instituisaun

F-FDTL – PNTL Kontinua Viola Lei Tranzitu no Regulamentu Instituisaun post thumbnail image
(Foto Spesial)

(Foto Spesial)

Tuir lei disiplina militar iha kapitulu II artigu 4 kona-bá dever militar nian katak membru militar labele uza ka hatais oi-oin ka emblema instituisaun ne’ebé latuir prosedementu legal ka hetan kuiñesementu husi superior instituisaun nian. (RDM, Jullu 2007). No, tuir Lei Organiku PNTL Artigu 5 Alinea 3 katak membru polisia uza uniforme no emblema PNTL nian tenke tuir regulamentu instituisaun nian. (Dekretu Lei, Nú 09 2009). Klaru katak bandu atu membru militar no polisia labele uza emblema instituisaun ba interese privadu.

Maibe realidade hatudu katak, membru F-FDTL – PNTL balun uza emblema ho ilegal iha matrikula motor no viaturas privadu. Asuntu ida ne’e sai diskusaun manas iha media nasional, semana ikus fulan Abril, tinan ida ne’e. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia monitorizasaun durante ne’e mos identifika katak, buras duni hahalok in-responsabilidade membru militar no polisia uza sala sasán instituisaun nian. Hahu husi uza emblema instiutisaun nian iha sira nia viaturas privadu to’o fo kilat ba ema sivil sira hodi kaer halimar hanesan brinkeirus.

(Foto: FM)

(Foto: FM)

Husi monitorizasaun FM durante ne’e identifika katak membru balun husi Instituisaun F-FDTL – PNTL mos dala-balun uza farda sivil hodi lori motor kanu-resin, halai motor no kareta ho velosidade maka’as, la uza kapasete wainhira lori motor hodi halo movimentu iha Estrada públiku. Iha ne’ebé sempre hamosu haksesuk no baku malu ho pesoal Tranzitu no DNTT wainhira hetan pasa-revista.

Hahalok ida ne’e akontese husi loron ba loron. No, sai ona diskusaun públiku hodi kestiona profesionalizmu membru membru F-FDTL – PNTL. Komandu Superior husi Institusaun militar no polisia mos preoukupa tebes ba hahalok elementu sira ne’ebé in-responsabilidade.Tuir lolos membru Instituisaun militar no polisia tenki respeitu ba lei no regulamentu instituisaun nian. Liu –liu mos tenki sai ezemplu diak hodi respeitu emblema instituisaun no regra tranzitu nian. (TP, 25 Abril 2015).

Kabe ba hahalok no atetude in-responsabilidade elementu balun husi instituisaun F-FDTL – PNTL nian, tuir FM nia hanoin katak presiza iha medida forte husi superior instituisaun hasoru ba aktu in-responsabilidade elementu balu ne’ebé kontinua viola lei no regulamentu. Nu’udar parte ida atu hametin profesionalizmu no garante prestiju instituisaun nian.

Ho ida ne’e Fundasaun Mahein hakarak rekomenda:

1. Rekomenda ba Governu, liu-liu Dirasaun Nasional Transaporte no Trestre atu hasai dekretu lei ida hodi regula membru F-FDTL – PNTL liu-liu kona-bá uza emblema iha sira nia motor ka viaturas privadu.

2. Rekomenda ba Komandu Superior instituisaun F-FDTL – PNTL atu aplika sasaun forte hasoru elementu sira ne’ebé indisiplinadu hodi uza emblema instituisaun nian ba interese privadu.

3. Rekomenda ba Polisia Militar atu ativu iha prosesu kontrolasaun ba membru F-FDTL ne’ebé viola lei no regulamentu instituisaun iha ambitu tranzitu nian. Hodi nune’e bele hamenus infrasaun sira ne’ebé durante ne’e elementu militar komete.
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F-FDTL and PNTL Personnel Continue to Violate Internal Policy as well as Common Law

According to the Law of Military Discipline Chapter II Article 4 regarding the military’s responsibility, members of the military are forbidden to wear any uniform or emblem of the institution in a way that is not in compliance with legal procedure or without the recognition of the institution. According to the RDM of July 2007 and the Organic Law of the PNTL Article 5 Line 3, use or wear of the institution’s uniforms or emblem by police personnel should be based on the institution’s rules. Decree law number 09 2009 also clearly explains that it is forbidden for members of the police and military to use or wear the institutions’ emblems for their private interest.

However, the fact that some members of the F-FDTL and the PNTL use the emblems illegally on their private vehicles has garnered much attention and has been frequently discussed in the past few weeks. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) identified that irresponsible behavior of the military and police members in misusing the institutions’ materials is increasing—especially with regards to the use the institutions’ emblems in their private vehicles, and the misuse of weapons.

(Foto: FM)

(Foto: FM)

FM also identified that some members of these institutions (F-FDTL-PNTL) sometimes wear their uniforms while racing motorbikes, driving the vehicles at unsafe speeds, and drive their motorbikes on public roads without wearing helmets. There has also been a number of incidents between members of the Traffic Department and the Directorate of Transportation and Land when conducting check-points.

These irresponsible acts are occurring on a daily basis, and have attracted the attention of the general public, which is urging a action be taken. The supreme commands PNTL and F-FDTL are themselves strongly concerned about their irresponsible members’ behavior. Indeed, those members must obey the law and rules of the institutions, particularly as they must themselves become a good example in respecting the institutions’ emblem as well as the traffic rules. (TP, 25 April 2015).

Regarding the irresponsible behavior of those members, FM believes that a stronger mechanism is required to deal with rule infractions by police and military personnel. This will strengthen the professionalism of the forces and ensure the institutions’ prestige.
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Fundasaun Mahein recommends:

1. The government, particularly the national Directorate of Transport and Land (DNTT), issue a decree law in order to regulate the use of their emblems by members of the F-FDTL and PNTL in their private vehicles.

2. The Supreme Command of the two institutions (F-FDTL and PNTL) enforces a strong penalty against those undisciplined members who use the institutions’ emblems for their private interest.
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3. The Military Police (PM) takes action to control members of the F-FDTL who violate the rules of the institution with regards to traffic law, in order to reduce the number of infractions committed by the military members.

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