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Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 13 Dezembru 2016
Komunikadu Imprensa
Joven Seguru no Komunidade Seguru iha Timor-Leste
Liu husi Mahein Nia Hanoin Nú 13 (Versaun Tetun. pdf) (Versaun Ingles.pdf) kona-bá Bai-bain ema konsidera joven maka ema ida ne’ebé hakat ona “faze moris husi idade labarik tama ba faze adultu lolos nian”. Tamba susar atu hatu’ur definisaun ba joven espesifiku ho idade, no Governu no ajensia internasional sira dalaruma adopta ne’ebé la hanesan. Bazeia ba Sensus Populasaun 2010, piramida populasaun indika aas liu maka idade sira kiik. Ne’e hatudu katak populasaun joven sei aumenta maka’as iha futuru. Nune’e bele espekta populasaun joven aas liu ba tinan ne’e no rezultadu inisiu husi Sensus 2015 indika katak joven ho otas tinan 15-24 iha ema na’in 245,121 ka 21% husi populasaun tomak.
Iha kontestu seguransa Timor-Leste nian, “juventude” dalaruma julga katak juventude maka konflitu tamba juventude nia problema kompleksu no lori sira ba konflitu ka violênsia. Relatóriu ida ne’e identifika risku ka potensia sira ne’ebé lori juventude sira ba violênsia. Levantamentu barak ona maka rekuiñese ona relasaun entre moris ekonomia ne’ebé nato’on, aumenta nivel dezempregu husi juventude sira no koletiva ka violênsia esterna iha dalan-dalan. Sidadaun Timor-Leste nian mesak iha fiar ne’ebé diak katak dezempregu hanesan kauza prinsipal ba violênsia iha dalan-dalan nian entre juventude.
Hadi’ak sistema edukasaun hanesan dalan ne’ebé simu boot liu ba susesu, liu husi fornesementu meius ba sira hodi hetan servisu. Maibe buat ne’ebé labele hapara entre númeru juventude ne’ebé gradua ona kompara ho númeru servisu ne’ebé disponivel ona, no entre rezultadu eskola no rekizitu servisu nian. Mosu espetativa katak juventude ba servisu ne’ebé diak liu no hetan oportunidade balun, no wainhira oportunidade sira ne’e la mosu, sei iha nivel frustradu, sentementu injustisa nomos laiha satisfasaun ba sistema polítika no ekonomia bele sai kauza ida.
Servisu no edukasaun mos kauza ba sentru servisu no eskolla edukasaun iha kapital Dili, afeta migrasaun lais ba kapital no problema signifikante ne’ebé kauza husi urbanizasaun ne’ebé laiha planu. Migrasaun lais ida ne’e fo ona kontribuisaun ba frustrasaun ne’ebé boot, tamba ema barak ne’ebé hela iha Dili katak iha kompetisaun barak kona-bá servisu no edukasaun, servisu importante sira ne’ebé iha oituan los, no mobilidade fíziku husi populasaun ne’e limitadu los, fatores hotu-hotu liga ho aumentu violênsia.
Fatores sira hanesan servisu ne’ebé kiik, edukasaun natoon ka ema ki’ak sempre liga ho alkol, no mezmu konsumi alkol bain-bain iha Timor-Leste kuaze mane balun husi populasaun maka uza alkol iha sira nia moris no maioria ema seluk limita hemu alkol iha seremonia sira. Alkol rekuiñese ona hanesan problema ne’ebé signifikante liu-liu ba juventude Timor-Leste (15-24), dalaruma tamba relasaun entre alkol no dezempregu.
Iha kontestu violênsia no juventude, kultura ne’e importante los tamba hahalok juventude sira maka forma husi komunidade no valores parentes nian no bele liu entre jerasaun sira. Hahalok komunidade nian hasoru violênsia no poder hanesan kastigu iha uma ka eskola, no atu solusiona problema ka konflitu iha komunidade ka perentes no relasaun diak ho kolega bele kauza ba kbi’it liu hotu violênsia iha kontestu iha tempu agora no futuru. Ezemplu, sosiedade ida ne’ebé aseita uza violênsia hanesan dalan ida atu rezolve konflitu, bele haree atu kria ambiente ne’ebé iha posibilidade “halo normaliza” violênsia ba labarik sira no depois estuda no repete hahalok sira ne’e iha loron ikus.
Aspetu ida ne’ebé relevante ba aspetu seguransa no violênsia maka “impunidade.” Impunidade akontese wainhira individu ka grupu ne’ebé lasimu kastigu ka hasoru konsekuensia saida deit husi hahalok ilegal, korupsaun ka hahalok violênsia. Impunidade buras ba bei-beik hanesan iha nasaun Timor-Leste tamba dominasaun patronisiu pesoal, lealdade, nomos relasaun poder ne’ebé informal ne’ebé bele influensia sistema ofisial husi estadu nian. Ho impunidade ne’ebé luan liu iha Timor-Leste bele klasifika hanesan senariu regra ida ba sira ho poder (ema boot) inklui polítiku sira ka membru setor seguransa sira, no senariu seluk ne’ebé diferente husi regra ba ema seluk maka (ema kiik).
Maske nune’e, iha ona esforsu lubuk ida husi governu hodi prepara kuadru ida hodi rezolve violênsia juventude nian iha Timor-Leste, liu-husi fornesementu mekanismu sira iha nivel komunidade hodi identifika fontes husi konflitu sira no emprega iha kreatividade rezolve problema hamutuk ho lideransa lokal sira. Implementasaun polísia komunitaria iha Timor-Leste ne’e “bazeia ba definisaun modelu nasional no planu estratejia” ho elementu importante sira husi polísia nian hanesan Ofisial Polísia Suku (OPS) iha nivel suku iha nasaun laran, no involve komunidade iha servisu sira seguransa hasanesan Seguransa Voluntariu Suku, (SVS) no Konsellu Polisiamentu Komunitaria (KPK).
Maibe esforsu hodi solusiona kauza sira ba konflitu ka violênsia sei minimu tebes tamba fator sira hanesan dezempregu, edukasaun, no frustrasaun husi problema komun seluk fasil tebes lori joven sira ne’ebé afeita husi situasaun ne’e ba konflitu ka violênsia. Nune’e hodi hetan solusaun ba problema sira liga ho joven presiza kompriende problema juventude nian no aproximasaun ba solusaun ho komprensivu.
1. Rekomenda ba Ministériu Edukasaun no Sekretaria Estadu Polítika Formasaun Profesional no Empregu presiza haree katak edukasaun sai hanesan “mega-projetu” no orientadu ba merkadu traballu ho kualidade.
2. Rekomenda ba Sekretaria Estadu Juventude no Desportu no Sekretaria Estadu Polítika Formasaun Profesional no Empregu presiza deskobre no promove foinsa’e sira nia potensia liu husi edukasaun no formasaun professional no orientasaun ba auto-empregu.
3. Rekomenda ba Sekretaria Estadu Juventude no Desportu, Ministériu Edukasaun, Konsellu Nasional Juventude, Seguransa, no sosiedade sivil hodi enkoraja juventude sira, mane ka feto, atu hala’o sira nia direitu no dever hanesan sidadaun responsaveis, no juventude ida ne’ebé hakribi violênsia.
Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Diretor Ezekutivu
Email: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Telemovel: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184
Website: www.fundasaunmahein.org
Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 13 December 2016
Press Release
Youth and Community Security in Timor-Leste
“Youth,” are generally considered to be those who have not yet reached adulthood. A specific age is difficult to pinpoint, as there is not yet a consensus among various government and international agencies. According to the 2010 population census, youth make up the largest portion of the population. This trend can only be expected to grow, and one cannot be surprised by the initial results of the 2015 census indicating youths aged 15-24 to be 245,121, or 21% of the population.
Youth are frequently judged to be the creators of conflict because the problems that they face are complex. This report identifies the specific risks that threaten to bring youths to violent activity. Many surveys and reports clearly demonstrate the relationship between a weak macro-economy, increasing youth unemployment, and collective violence on the streets. Timor-Leste’s citizens are widely convinced of this direct relationship.
Improvements to the education system are the most important pathway to success, because it provides a mechanism for youth to develop skills that lead to employment. However, this does not address the problem for those who have already graduated, who face weak demand for their services, and a shortage of job openings. More and more youth expect to be able to find work, and when these opportunities do not materialize, there is a sense of frustration, injustice, and dissatisfaction towards a political system that does not seem to be bringing change.
The centralization of work and educational opportunities in Dili has brought about rapid migration to the capital, resulting in significant problems related to unplanned urbanization. The rapid migratory patterns amplify frustrations by ramping up competition for an already scarce supply of employment opportunities. Competition for jobs with decent wages and occasional benefits are even stiffer. Combine these factors with highly limited physical mobility, and the links to increasing violent activity are clear.
Unemployment, poverty, and lack of education are also linked with alcohol abuse. Amongst young men, half use alcohol on a regular basis, whereas the majority of people would consume alcohol during ceremonial activities only. Alcohol abuse is coming to be recognized as an established trend for people aged 15-24, as the link between alcohol consumption and unemployment becomes more visible.
The link between youth violence and culture is inextricable. For youths, the attitude that they will take in their approach to violence will be largely formed by their community and their family members’ values, which can be traced back for generations. Communities, schools, and households can all be significantly positive or negative forces in the development of how youth use violence in their lives. For example, a society that accepts the use of violence as a way to resolve conflict can will “normalize,” such behaviors for children, increasing the likelihood that they will repeat such behaviors later, and teach them to the next generation.
Another challenge is the issue of impunity. Impunity occurs in when an individual or group does not receive punishment or some form of consequence for an illegal action. In Timor-Leste, impunity is an increasing problem, because of the existing informal relationships that influence official state behavior, but now also due to the influence of private patrons. As long as impunity continues, the situation will continue in which those with power, such as politicians and members of the security sector, will act with a different set of consequences than those for common people.
There have been some efforts from the government to prepare a board that will address the issue of youth violence in Timor-Leste. They seek to address the problem by providing mechanisms to communities to identify the source of conflicts, and to work creatively with them to resolve conflicts with local leaders. The implementation of community policing in Timor-Leste is based on the definition of the national strategic plan, including important elements such as village police officers (OPS), and through community involvement in local security activities, such as the Village Security Volunteer (SVS) program, and the Council of Community Policing (KPK).
However, measurable improvements from these initiatives will be minimal, because they do not address the deficiencies at the root of the problem. Unemployment, poor educational structures, immobility, and the resulting frustration make it difficult for youth to avoid violent conflicts. In order to truly resolve these challenges, and to bring about real development, the government must pursue a genuine understanding of the challenges facing Timorese youth, and to pursue a comprehensive solution.
1. That the Ministry of Education and State Secretaryfor Vocational Training and Employment Policybe enabled to treat education like other government “mega projects,” with a high-quality curriculum oriented towards market needs.
2. That the State Secretary of Youth and Sport, and the State Secretary for Vocational Training and Employment Policyendeavor to discover and promote youths’ potential through education, professional training, and mentoring for self-employment.
3. That the State Secretary of Youth and Sport, the Ministry of Education, the National Council of Youth, Security, and Civil Society encourage all youths, both male and female, to assume their responsibility as citizens and resist violent activity.
For more details on this issue please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director
Email: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Phone: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184
Website: www.fundasaunmahein.org