Polemika kona-bá Fardamentu ba PNTL no nia Kualidade

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Fardamentu PNTL

Fardamentu PNTL

Fundasaun Mahein, 31 Janeiru 2014

Komunikadu Imprensa

Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú. 68 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun tetun,pdf), (English Version.pdf) halo análiza kona-bá Polemika sosa Fardamentu ba PNTL ne’ebé publiku kestiona kona-bá nia kualidade. Bainhira ita hare’e ita nia PNTL uza farda ka botas la hanesan ho fornesementu farda ida ne’ebé estadu Timor-Leste sosa hamosu perguntas saida? Tanba sa maka PNTL tenki uza botas la hanesan ho institusaun seluk hanesan F-FDTL? Perguntas sira ne’e so ita hetan nian respotas iha FM nia relatoriu ida ne’e! PNTL ho militar ne’ebé uza farda ida ne’ebé reprezenta instituisaun estadu no mos dignidade nasaun, sempre identifika ho fardamentu ne’ebé sira hatais. Fardamentu ba instituisaun estadu hanesan PNTL nia husi kada Unidade Governu sosa kuaze laiha kualidade.

FM nia relatoriu ida ne’e tenta esplika ba publiku katak ekipa fornesementu ba farda PNTL sempre hamosu perguntas oin-oin, hanesan fardamentu nia kualidade hena no sukat naton ba pesoal PNTL nia isin dala ruma boot liu, ki’ik liu, koor la hanesan, nune’e mos kuandu fase nia koor sai lalais no halo hena iha PNTL nia isin la furak hanesan reprezenta institusaun estadu. Relatoriu ida ne’e mos lekar sai kona-bá pesoal PNTL ne’ebé sente la kontenti uza fardamentu ida ne’e ho sira nia deskontenti ba estadu, sira protesta hodi sosa farda hanesan botas husi TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia), POLRI (Polisi Republik Indonesia) nune’e mos kalsa balun ne’ebé pesoal PNTL sosa iha bazar obralan sira.

Relatoriu ida ne’e mos kestiona rekomendasaun politika nian ba Ministeriu kompetente atu halo revizaun ba politika fornesementu farda. Hatutan husi relatoriu ne’e mos husu ba institusaun estadu hanesan Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) ho Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa (SES) ho komandu Jeral PNTL atu halo investigasaun ba lakuna sira ne’ebé akontense, ne’e sorin ida.

Iha sorin seluk, relatoriu ida ne’e mos esplika kona-bá kompania privadu sira nia involvementu ba sosa farda nian. Fardamentu nia kualidade kestiona husi SES ho Komandu PNTL nia kontrolu ho tan publiku nia perokupasaun sai mos kestaun boot ida ne’ebé relatoriu ida ne’e foka sai. Ikus liu husi relatoriu ida ne’e, FM mos aneksa iha rekomendasuan politiku nian atu sai diagnostika ba solusaun fornesementu farda ba institusaun PNTL nian.

Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Web: www.fundasaunmahein.org
E-mail: nelson@fundasaunmahein.org
Telefone: (+670 7737-4222)

Fundasaun Mahein, 31 January 2014

Press Release

Problems with PNTL Uniform Quality

Mahein’s Voice report No. 68 analyzes the problematic purchase of low quality uniforms for the PNTL. What is the public supposed to think when they observe PNTL officers wearing boots or uniforms that are different from the ones supplied and bought by the state? Why should the PNTL use different boots from other security forces such as the F-FDTL? FM hopes to answer these questions in this report! This issue is so important because the PNTL and the military using these uniforms are representing the state’s institutions and by extension the dignity of the nation; if the uniforms worn by our security forces are an embarrassment it will reflect poorly on our nation.

This report provides an explanation of how the PNTL provision team must take many factors into consideration for the procurement of uniforms, such as the quality of cloth, measurements for individual officers, colors, and durability (as some uniforms become easily worn out and tarnished after a certain number of washings). This report also provides a voice for multitude of PNTL officers who are displeased with the quality of the uniforms provided to them by the state; many officers have protested for the government to purchase the same boots as the National Military of Indonesia and the Republic Police of Indonesia, as well as the purchase of jeans which some PNTL members purchase with their own money from the market.

This report questions and makes recommendations for revisions to the Ministry’s policy of uniform procurement. In addition, the report urges State Institutions, such as the Commission for ANTI Corruption (CAC), the Secretary of State for Security (SES) and the PNTL General Command to investigate shortcomings in policy.

This report also discusses the involvement of private companies in purchasing these uniforms. Their quality has become a major concern for the commanders of the SES and PNTL as well as the public. Finally, Fundasaun Mahein provides policy recommendations in this report to make the procurement of PNTL uniforms more effective and successful.

For further information please contact:

Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Web: www.fundasaunmahein.org
E-mail: nelson@fundasaunmahein.org
Telefone: (+670 7737-4222)

6 thoughts on “Polemika kona-bá Fardamentu ba PNTL no nia Kualidade”

  1. hau nia hanoin, kualidade farda nee lahalo servisu pntl maibe ema mak servisu, agora problema mak orsamentu nebe iha, gado

  2. Farda ne’ebe atu hare furak iha ema ninia isin lolon kuandu, nia pratika ka hahalok mos diak no kaber tuir farda nebe kaber ne’e, se ita nia atitude ladiak ne maske ita hatais farda bele diak too dala 10 mos, hare hanesan laiha kualidade.

  3. Konaba polemika ne’e responsabilidade Departamentu Aprovizionamentu nian atu hare konaba ida ne’e, tmb sa kualidade ladiak, oin a ninia prosesu no requikizitus saida-saida mak bele ikus mai ninia rezultadu sai fali polemika ne….

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