Governu Foun Tenke Prioritiza Seguransa ba Sidadaun Nian

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Depois Eleisaun Parlamentu hala’o iha loron 22 Julu, kompozisaun ba governu foun mai ne’e seidauk klaru liga ho partidu sira ne’ebe mak sei halo koligasaun. Fundasaun Mahein hakarak salienta katak governu foun ne’e tenke foka atensaun diak ba povu nia preokupasaun kona-bá seguransa.

Dadauk ne’e, atividade polítiku barak mak foka liu ba projetu sira hanesan Zona Espesial Ekonomia-ZEEMS iha Oecusse no Atauro ka Baze Suplai iha Suai. Fundasaun Mahein hakarak fó hanoin ba polítiku sira katak projetu-sira ne’e sai nafatin atensaun husi ema boot (polítiku elitu). Ema bain-bain sira gasta tempu oituan hodi hanoin ba projetu ekonomia ne’ebé boot, no dala barak liu hanoin ba sira-nia aan no sira-nia familia. Tan ne’e, FM rekomenda katak polítiku elitu tenke foka mos kona-bá preparasaun seguransa ba ema bain-bain sira, tantu iha Dili ka iha munisípiu sira.

Menus atividade kalan iha Timor-Leste hatudu falta seguransa ne’ebé adekuadu. Depois tuku 9 kalan dalan-dalan sira iha Dili laran fuik-tia. Ida ne’e kontrariu liu ho sidade sira iha rai-seluk iha ne’ebé iha dalan-dalan sira iha tempu kalan ema-lubuk boot mak halo atividade hodi la’o ba restaurante no diskoteka sira. Iha Dili, ema ladun barak mak sai kalan tamba sira sente laseguru.

Sidadaun sira ne’ebé halo atividade iha kalan hasoru risku; ezemplu loron hirak liu ba imigrante ilegal ida husi Indonesia komesa ameasa ema balun iha Kampun Alor, area Dili. Insidente ne’e hatudu katak falta seguransa fronteira nomos violensia krimi ne’ebé todan iha sidade Dili. Hanesan mos, informasaun ne’ebé sirkula ona kona-bá kriminozu motor sira ne’ebé tenta atu hada’u sasán husi ema la’o ain sira.

Aktus hirak ne’e partikularmente alvu ba feto sira.
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Tan ne’e feto barak mak sente laseguru hodi servisu depois tuku 7 kalan tamba sira lakohi fila uma iha tempu kalan boot. Falta seguransa kauza ba limitasaun ne’ebé signifikante hasoru vida moris feto sira Timor-Leste nian.

Jeralmente, fatores hirak ne’e kria iklima ida ne’ebé tauk, tamba ema sente tauk haruka sira nia oan ba eskola ka la’o iha tempu kalan. Kriminozu ne’e mos bele halo aat ekonomia Timor-Leste nian, tamba bele obriga ema hela iha uma duke ba restaurante, diskoteka ka negosiu seluk. Tan ne’e situasaun seguransa ne’ebé ladiak sai nafatin preokupasaun ba sidadaun Timor oan bain-bain sira. Depois eleisaun parlamentu nian, partidu hotu-hotu tenke foka hodi hadia situasaun seguransa. Tan ne’e FM rekomenda ba iha governu foun atu:
• Hasa’e oportunidade servisu ba joven sira hodi fó ba sira alternativu ba krimi.
• Investe diak ba iha sinais públiku sira iha dalan sira ne’ebe nakukun.
• Kontinua dezenvolve modelu Polísia Komunitaria ne’ebé efetivu hodi prepara base ba komunidade sira nia seguransa.

New Government Should Prioritize Citizens’ Safety

In the aftermath of the July 22nd parliamentary election, the composition of the incoming government remains unclear. Regardless of which parties end up forming a coalition, Fundasaun Mahein wanted to emphasize that the new government should focus on ordinary people’s concerns about security.

Recently, much political activity has focused on projects such as the ZEESM special economic zone in Oe-cusse and Atauro, or the Suai Supply Base. Fundasaun Mahein would like to remind politicians that these projects remain concerns of the ema boot (political elite). Ordinary people spend less time thinking about grand economic projects and more time thinking about the safety of themselves and their families.
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Consequently, FM recommends that the political elite focus on providing security for ordinary people, both in Dili and in the districts.

The lack of nighttime activity in Timor-Leste testifies to the lack of adequate security. After around 9pm, the streets of Dili become deserted. This contrasts unfavorably with other capital cities around the world, in which the nighttime streets are crowded with people visiting restaurants and nightclubs. In Dili, most people do not want to venture out at night because they do not feel safe.

Citizens who stay out at night put themselves at risk. For example, a few days ago an illegal immigrant from Indonesia began threatening people in the Kampun Alor area of Dili. This incident highlights a lack of border security as well as the prevalence of violent crime in Dili city. Similarly, reports have circulated of criminals on motorcycles attempting to snatch valuables from pedestrians.

These acts tend to target women in particular. Consequently, many women do not feel safe working after 7pm because they do not want to return home after dark. The lack of security therefore imposes significant restrictions on the lives of Timor-Leste’s female citizens.

Overall, these factors creates a climate of fear. People feel afraid sending their kids to school, or walking down the street at night. Criminality also harms Timor-Leste’s economy, as it encourages people to stay home rather than patronizing restaurants, nightclubs, and other businesses. Consequently, the poor security situation remains one of the foremost concerns of ordinary Timorese citizens. In the aftermath of the election, all parties should focus on improving the security situation. In particular FM recommends that the new government:
• Increase employment opportunities for young men to give them alternatives to criminality.
• Invest in better public lighting in dark streets.
• Continue to develop an effective model of community policing that can provide a basis for safer communities.
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