Fronteira Timor-Leste nian tarde liu ona hetan atensaun justu ida husi mídia no Organizasaun Naun governamental-sira (ONG). FM la’o tuir ONU ho konsistenti hodi tau etika ba grupu krime organizadu sira ne’ebé mosu, hodi uza Timor-Leste hanesan fatin transaksaun ba droga no kilat-sira, hanesan ameasa boot ida ba Timor-Leste nia estabilidade. Tuir lolos tenki iha lia-los balu kona-bá reklamasaun ne’e ho fontes mídia reportajen kona-bá kazu balu foin dadaun ne’e, iha ne’ebé grupu hirak ne’e produs droga (sabu-sabu) ne’ebé kaptura ona wainhira koko kontrabandu hodi lori tama sasan hirak ne’e mai, ka produs iha lokal ho objetivu atu halo esportasaun. Iha tempu hanesan, ida ne’e hanesan kazu imperativu ida hodi sai hanesan kustume ba pesóal kontrola iha fronteira ne’ebé halo servisu ho efetivu, eficiente no importante liu mos.
Ho ida ne’e ami iha Fundasaun Mahein laran-susar ho relatoriu ne’ebé ami simu ona husi fronteira. Korupsaun no menus disiplina hanesan atu mosu dadaun entre postu seguransa iha fronteira, buat ida ne’ebé to’o agora la sai hanesan problema ida.
Pratika ida katak Fundasaun Mahein hatene ona kona-bá kazu ne’e katak seguransa iha liña fronteira ho regular sei la prosesu viza balun kona-bá formulariu ema to’o mai nian, no ikus mai fahe osan husi buat hirak ne’e entre sira. Karik ida ne’e mak atitude husi guarda kontolu fronteira hodi halo todan buat hirak ne’e, oinsa ita bele fiar sira wainhira hasoru subornu ida husi organizasaun krimonzu ida ho osan ne’ebe gasta liu?
Relatoriu hirak ne’e hanesan atu indika kona-bá prosesu atu redus korupsaun mesmu la’os iha fatin ka ho monitorisaun ne’ebe ki’ik no tamba ne’e fasil atu aproveita.
FM fiar katak dalan simples no fasil atu monitór korupsaun saida deit iha fronteira mak atu kompara númeru husi ema foun sira nia to’o mai ho numeru husi osan ne’ebe simu kona-bá visa ida ema to’o nian, kualker buat ruma ne’ebe la han malu sei indika katak korupsaun mosu ona.
FM mos deskonfia rikusoin kona-bá rikeza husi departmentu kustume nian, ida ne’e sai ona evidensia katak divizaun kustume no imigrasaun nian hanesan divizaun ida ne’ebé diak no prontu ba PNTL. Entertantu divizaun seluk hasoru presaun hodi hetan nesesidade baziku hanesan kualidade uniforma ne’ebé diak, departamentu kustume mak evidensia ba ida ne’e katak ida ne’e mak sempre iha marka ba kareta foun sira, nomós kilat ho fasilidade ne’ebé diak.
Atu koko no investiga reklamasaun hirak ne’e ami iha FM koko ona iha okaziaun barak no koko atu hetan estatistika no informasaun kona-bá seguransa iha fronteira. Ida ne’e hanesan prosesu kontinuasaun ida kona-bá tinan hirak liu-ba no iha ligasaun ho relatoriu sira balu ne’ebe FM hakerek ona relasaun ho fronteira. Labele sees husi prosesu formal tuir mai ne’e ho divizaun kustume PNTL nian atu hetan informasaun ida ne’e hanesan atu fo resultadu balu ho informasaun ne’ebé FM simu hanesan laserve no lalos.
Ida ne’e importante tebes katak relatoriu sira PNTL nian, informasaun hotu-hotu importante no disponivel ba se deit mak fo pedidu ba ida ne’e atu aumenta supervisaun kona-bá fronteira sira.
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Ida ne’e sei garante transparensia ne’ebé boot no akuntabilidade ba pesóal kustume kontrola fronteira nian no redus se deit mak deskonfia halo korupsaun.
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Ida ne’e imperativu liu ba estabilidade Timor-Leste nian no sei ajuda ita hodi garante fronteira hetan protesaun nomós korupsaun menus ona hodi defende ita hasoru ameasa infiltrasaun krime organizasaun ba transnasional mai ita nia rai. Agora tempu ona atu proteze ba buat ne’ebé ita luta makaas hodi hetan.
FM nia rekomendasaun mak tuir mai ne’e
• Ba divizaun kustume PNTL nian atu públika estatisku hotu-hotu no monitór informasaun inklui halo sira hodi disponivel ka prontu ba públiku.
• Ba divizaun kostume PNTL nian atu aumenta supervizaun ba postu hotu-hotu iha liña fronteira hodi garante risku balun ne’ebé hamosu korupsaun.
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Customs Border Control, Potential for Corruption?
Timor-Leste’s borders have of late been getting a fair bit of attention from the media and Non Governmental Organizations. FM along with the UN have consistently labelled the emergence of transnational crime groups, using Timor-Leste as transit point for drugs and weapons, as one of the great threats to Timor-Leste’s Stability. Indeed there does seem some truth to this claim with media sources reporting on several recent cases where groups producing Sabu-Sabu (Methamphetamine) have been arrested either trying to smuggle it in, or producing it locally for the purpose of exporting it. At a time such as this, it is imperative that customs and border control staff are doing their job as effectively, efficiently and most importantly as cleanly as possible.
This why we here at Fundasaun Mahein have become distressed from reports we have been receiving from the border. Corruption and a lack of discipline seems to be rising among the border post guards, something that until quite recently has not been a problem.
A practice that Fundasaun Mahein has become aware of is that the border security guards will regularly not process some Visa On Arrival forms and, at the end of the day, divide the money that comes from this amongst themselves. If this is the attitude of the border control guards looking to make a quick buck how are we able to trust them when faced with a bribe from a criminal organization with much more money to spend?
These reports seems to indicate that the processes to reduce corruption are either not in place or very poorly monitored and therefore easy to exploit.
FM believes that a simple and easy way to monitor any corruption in the border is to compare the amount of new arrival forms with the amount of money received for a visa on arrival, any discrepancies would indicate that corruption has occurred.
FM is also suspicious from the displays of wealth from the customs department. It has become noticeable that the customs and immigration division is one of the best equipped divisions of the PNTL. While other divisions face pressures in getting the basic necessities such as decent quality uniforms, the customs department is noticeable in that it always has brand new cars and the best weapons and facilities.
In order to try and investigate these claims we here at FM have tried on numerous occasions to try and find statistics and information on the border security. This has been an ongoing process over the past few years and coincided with several other reports that FM has written regarding the border. Inevitably following the formal process with The PNTL Customs Division in order to gain this information seems to yield few results with the information that FM does receive being unreliable and inaccurate.
It is crucially important that the PNTL reports all of important information and makes it readily available to anyone that requests it in order to increase the oversight of the borders. This will ensure that greater transparency and accountability for customs and border control staff and any suspicions of corruption are reduced. This is imperative to the very stability of Timor-Leste and will help us ensure that the borders are protected and corruption reduced to defend us against the threat of transnational criminal organizations infiltrating our land. It is now time to protect that which we have fought so hard to gain.
FM Recommends the following
• For the customs division of The PNTL to publish all statistics and monitoring information and make them readily available to the public.
• For the customs division of The PNTL to increase oversight at all border posts to ensure there is less risk of corruption to occur
Aktus sira ne’e sei kontinua akontese sekuandu ita nia nai ulun sira(ministerio relevantes) la tau atensaun no valoriza pesoal sira nebe sakrifika a’an hodi halao servisu nebe nakonu ho risku sira ne’e.
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