Observation Report for the 2018 Parliamentary Elections – May 12th 2018

Observation Report for the 2018 Parliamentary Elections –  May 12th 2018 post thumbnail image

Photo-Fundasaun Mahei_Arcanjo Moniz

May 30th 2018

During the Early Election (EA) period May 12th 2018, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) observed that the election period was relatively peaceful, and that electoral officials conducted the process more effectively.

Voters were able to participate freely and safely, due to the highly visible presence of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL). However, FM also noted some issues during the electoral process.

This report will also include an analysis of the context that led to the requirement for an early election to be held in 2018. Furthermore, some fundamental issues regarding security involving the PNTL and F-FDTL will also be critiqued.

The issue of electoral propaganda was of considerable concern during the campaigning period, during which the political parties should have been strongly promoted their programs, yet this devolved into personal attacks and criticisms of political opponents based around conflict between the old leaders, with such dialogue being transmitted live on television.

The issue of Martial Arts Groups (MAG’s) potentially being mobilized in support of the political parties was also of concern, despite their activities being banned under Law No.5 2017, in particular under Article 5 which prohibits their involvement with political parties.

For more details on this issue, please contact:



Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone: +670 78316075 or 7756 1184
Email: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Website: www.fundasaunmahein.org

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