Fundasaun Mahein [FM] nudar Organizasaun Naun Govermental ne’ebe durante hala’o servisu hodi halo monitoring, peskiza no advokasia ba seitor Defeza no Seguransa iha Timor-Leste, fo kongratula ba koperasaun Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) ho Polisi Republik Indonezia (POLRI) atu kombate droga iha lina Fronteira.
FM apresia ho asina Memorandum Intendementu konaba kombate droga no trafiku umanu iha lina fronteira ne’ebe hala’o entre governu Timor-Leste no Indonezia liu husi reprezentante nasaun rua hanesan Komadante PNTL, Longuinhos Monteiro no Vise Governador Nusa Tengara Timur (NTT), Esthon Foenay, Segunda, (20/06) iha Kupang-Indonezia.
Tuir FM koperasaun ne’e hanesan kontinuasaun husi komitmentu entre governu TL no Indonezia dahuluk liu husi Direitor Departamentu Narkotika Nasional Republika Indonezia Goris Mere ho Prezidente Republika Jose Ramos Horta iha Palasiu Prezidensia, Aitarak-Laran Dili, Sabdu, (26/03).
Tanba ne’e Fundasaun Mahein liu husi Direitur Exekutivu, Nelson Belo hakarak fo parabens ba governu liu-liu instituisaun polisial ne’ebe hahu ona kria espasu hodi halo kordenasaun ne’ebe efetivu hodi asegura soberania nasaun Timor-Leste, liu-liu konaba trafiku droga no trafiku umanu iha rai-ketan.
FM haksolok tebes governu komesa ona implementa rekomendasaun nebe’e Sosidade Sivil sira rekomenda liu-liu FM nia relatoriu naran Mahein nia Lian numer 14 deskobre katak lina Fronteira sai nudar odamatan boot hodi hatama droga ne’ebe iha indikasaun 75% droga ne’e tama husi fronteira trestre, 20% dorga tama husi fronteira tasi, no 5% droga tama husi fronteira Airportu.
Husi meta ne’ebe iha, FM rekomenda ba governu Timor-Leste no governu Indonezia atu bele hametin no realiza duni koperasaun atu funu hasoru droga no mos trafiku umanu iha rai ketan.
FM mos husu koperasaun ne’e mos bele kapasita PNTL nebe’e responabiliza kona ba krime droga no mos koopera hamutuk ho agente Alfandega, Imgrasaun i mos inklui aprofundamentu dadus nebe’e relativu no fatin halo fabrika, no transporta sai.
Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu
Nélson Belo, Direktor Fundasaun Mahein
Email: direktor.mahein[at]
Telp: +670 737 4222
Press Release
Fundasaun Mahein Congratulates the Cooperation between PNTL-POLRI to Combat Drugs
The mandate of Fundasaun Mahein is to conduct monitoring, research, and advocacy on the security and defense sector in Timor Leste. Fundasaun Mahein congratulates Timor Leste National Police (PNTL) and Indonesia Republic Police (POLRI) on their cooperation in combat drug smuggling along the border between Timor Leste and Indonesia.
FM appreciates the signing of MoU between the two countries, on combating drug smuggling and human trafficking along the border by the representatives of the two countries, PNTL Commander, Longuinhos Monteiro and Deputy Governor of NTT, Esthon Foenay, on 20th June in Kupang, Indonesia.
FM believes that this cooperation is the continuation of previous commitments between the government of Timor Leste and the government of Indonesia, specifically the Director of National Drugs Department of Indonesian Republic, Goris Mere and President of the Republic, Jose Ramos Horta at Presidential Palace, Aitarak Laran Dili, on 26th of March 2011.
Therefore Fundasaun Mahein, through its Executive Director Nelson Belo, would like to congratulate the government, especially Police for creating the space for effective coordination in ensuring Timor Leste national sovereignty, especially in regards to drugs and human trafficking along the border.
FM is happy to see that the government is starting to implement the recommendations of civil society, especially those of the FM report Mahein nia Lian (Voice of Mahein) No. 14 which found that the border area had become a portal for importing drugs, it indicated that 75% of drugs enters through land border, 20% across the sea, and 5% through the airport.
From the existing agreement, FM recommends that the governments of Timor Leste and Indonesia continue to strengthen cooperation in order to fight drug smuggling and human trafficking along the border.
FM also suggests that this cooperation will increase the capacity of those PNTL who are responsible for drugs crime and strengthen cooperation between the police and custom officers and immigration, especially in regards to the detection of false passports and other documentation.
For further information on this issue, feel free to contact Nélson Belo, Director of Fundasaun Mahein through the following addresses:
Email: direktor.mahein[at]
Telp: +670 737 4222
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