MAHEIN NIA LIAN No. 6: Komunikadu da Imprenza, Grupu ho Kilat Ilegal iha Timor Leste (Tetun)

Fundasaun Mahein 7 Junhu 2010

Komunikadu da Imprenza

Grupu ho Kilat Ilegal iha Timor Leste

Fundasaun Mahein hanesan ONG nasional nebe halo monitorizasaun, peskiza ho advokasia ba seitor siguransa iha Timor Leste.

Iha fulan ne’e Fundasaun Mahein (FM), hasai relatoriu ida ba publiku ho nia titlu: “Kilat Ilegal ho Grupu Ilegal iha Timor Leste” relatoriu ne’e foka ba akontesementu Ninja, Grupu Ilegal ho Kilat Ilegal husi fulan Fevereiru 2010 to mai operasasaun PNTL iha distritu Bobonaro ho Suai. Iha relatoriu ida ne’e ami inklui mos rumores nebe despalha iha komunidade katak grupu illegal tiru malun ho COE (Comando Operasaun Especial) iha loron 16 Maiu 2010, iha distriu Ermera.

Hanesan ita hotu hatene katak Grupu illegal ho kilat laos buat ida ke foun iha historia Timor-Leste nian. Komesa iha 1975 wainhira Portugez husik hela Timor-Lesta, depois mai fali iha tempu okupasaun militar Indonezia to’o eventu konsulta popular iha 1999. Ikus liu maka krize politika-militar iha 2006. Eventu nebe maka akontese iha Ermera foin dadaun, hanesan kontinuasaun deit husi krize nebe maka akontese tiha ona iha pasadu.

Iha relatoriu ne’e mos FM fo sai katak isu grupu ho kilat ilegal ne’e laos issue bain-bain. Bazea ba dadus nebe maka FM kolekta, FM konklui katak iha duni problema instabilidade ida ke seriu iha rai laran. Maibe to’o oras ne’e dadaun seidauk iha instituisaun governu ida maka fo deklarasaun klaru kona ba grupu ne’e kompostu husi se se no kilat hira maka sira sei iha. Depois de Timor-Leste ukun rasik a’an instituisaun sira ne’e mos seidauk halo esforsu hodi halo rekolha kilat nebe sei namkari iha rai laran.

FM mos fo rekomendasaun balun, mak hanesan, husu  Ministru Defeza e Siguransa atu halo audit kilat iha armajem PNTL ho F-FDTL nian kada tinan tinan liu husi Parlementu Nasional Komisaun B konaba kilat hira mak sei lakon e hira mak iha armajem.

FM rekomenda katak preciza kria sistema informasaun ida ke integradu atu halo ko’ordinasaun ida ke  diak entre membrus PNTL iha distritu tomak, Quartel Geral PNTL iha Dili no Servisu Nasional da Inteligensia (SNI). Koordenasaun mos importante para PNTL atu hasai apelu ruma ba publiku tenke bazea ba dadus konkreta iha tereinu no realidade nebe akontese para atu la bele kria paniku iha povu nia le’et.

FM mos rekomenda katak iha futuru governu tenke fo atensaun makas ba PNTL ba Unidade Polisia Komunitaria atu bele halo sira nia dever no hakbesik liu tan ba komunidade atu bele atende sira nia kazu hodi prevene violensia.

FM mos rekomenda katak iha operasaun saida deit PNTL tenki respeita propriedade komunidade nian, komesa husi ai horis to’o animal[1] nebe maka komunidade sira hakiak.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu Nélson Belo, Direktor Fundasaun Mahein, Atu hetan relatoriu Fundasaun Mahein Nia Lian ne bele asesu husi Web: ou tlp ba : +670 737 4222

Bele hetan relatorio iha ne’e.

Fundasaun Mahein 7 June 2010

Press Release

Illegal group and illegal weapons in Timor Leste

Fundasaun Mahein is a national NGO whose purpose is to monitor, conduct research, and advocate policy options for the Timorese security sector. This month Fundasaun Mahein (FM), is going to release a report to the public with the title: “Illegal weapons and illegal groups in Timor Leste.” This report will focus on Ninja activities, and the Illegal groups and illegal weapons incident which occurred during February 2010, up to the recent PNTL operations in the districts of Bobonaro and Suai.  This report will also talk about the escalation of rumors that were spread in the community about a confrontation and shootout between an illegal group and the COE (Especial Command Operation) of PNTL on May 16, 2010 in the district of Ermera.

We all know that illegal groups and illegal weapons are not new in the history of Timor Leste.  Many such groups and weapons are left over from when the Portuguese departed in 1975, with the proliferation continuing all throughout the Indonesian military occupation which lasted up to the time of the referendum in 1999.  During the political-military crisis of 2006 we saw again the deployment of illegal weapons to civilians.  We consider the recent Ermera situation, as a sad continuation of the past.

Based on the facts that Fundasaun Mahein has collected, we can conclude that there are serious problems of instability in the nation.  But, at the current time there are no relevant government institutions that have formally declared who belongs to these groups and how many weapons they possess.  After Timor Leste achieved independence, these institutions of government did not make much effort to collect all the illegal weapons still scattered around the country.

FM recommends to both Ministers of Defense and Security for them to order an annual audit of the weapons in the armories of both PNTL and F-FDTL.  This audit should be carried out through the National Parliament Commission B and should include a list of the missing weapons and the existing inventory of weapons in both armories.

Fundasaun Mahein also acknowledges that there is a need for more adequate communication among the security institutions, and recomends the establishment of an intergrated system of sharing information which enables better coordination between PNTL members in the districts, PNTL Headquaters in Dili, and the National Intelligence Service (SNI). This type of coordination is important so that when an annoucement is made by PNTL to the public, it has already been shared with and vetted by other relevant  security institutions, and is based on concrete data, so there is no confusion, and we avoid the possibility of a public panic.

Fundasun Mahein recommends that in the future the Government must give their full attention to PNTL, especialy PNTL’s Community Police Unit and make sure they comply with their duties and establish close links with the community in order to attend to their issues and prevent future conflicts.

FM also highly recommends that in their every day operations, PNTL show full respect to the private property of individuals in the community, including plantations and gardens to pet animals and livestock for which people are the owners and caretakers.

For further information regarding this report, please contact

Nelson Belo, Director, Fundasaun Mahein ,

tlp +670 737 4222

Download the English version here.

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