Dezafiu Implementasaun Polítika Desentralizasaun no Poder Lokal Iha Timor-Leste: Husi Prespetiva Siguransa

Dezafiu Implementasaun Polítika Desentralizasaun no Poder Lokal Iha Timor-Leste: Husi Prespetiva Siguransa post thumbnail image

Fundasaun Mahein, 25 Novembru 2013

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Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 63 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun tetum,pdf) (English Version) halo analiza kona-bá planu V Governu Konstitusional hodi implementa polítika Desentralizasaun no Podér Lokal ho objetivu fundamentu maka atu fo moris diak no prosperu ba povu Timor-Leste. Maibe Fundasaun Mahein kestiona kona-bá prosesu rekonsialisaun politika ne’ebé durante sedauk bele integra ba lideransa jerasaun tuan sira no kontinua halo movimentasaun iha komunidade nia le’et. Kestaun hirak ne’e mak hanesan grupo CPD-RDTL, grupu elite politik sira, mosu Nasionalista vs otonomista, inklui grupo partidu politika ne’ebé seidauk maduro iha politika sai nu’udar tentativa ba estabilidade nasional.

Relatoriu ne’e mensiona asuntu importante sira ne’ebé konsidera hanesan dezafiu no ameasa wainhira implementa polítika Desentralizasaun Administrativu no Podér Lokal. Kestaun Unidade Nasional sai fatór ida ne’ebé konsidera nu’udar dezafiu ba implementasaun polítika Desentralizasaun. Relasiona ho istoria konflitu pasadu entre elitu polítika iha 1975 tanba idolojia ne’ebé diferente. No, konflitu 1999 ne’ebé hamosu konseitu “Oportunista vs Nasionalista” ou (Autonomista vs Pro Independensia).

Inklui dezafiu seluk maka seidauk maduru iha polítika hodi hametin prosesu demokratizasaun iha Timor-Leste. Esperensia pasadu iha Eleisaun Jeral Prezidensial no Parlamentar iha 2007 no 2012 hatudu mai ita katak sempre hamosu konflitu entre Timor-Oan wainhira tempu kampañia eleitoral no hafoin rezultadu eleisaun ne’ebé halo ema mate no kanek. No, iha Timor-Leste, públiku konsidera eleisaun nu’udar eventu ne’ebé lori malisan ba estabilidade nasional.

Nune’e mos relatoriu ne’e mensiona kestaun sosial balun ne’ebé bele kontribui ba konflitu iha futuru wainhira implementa ona polítika Desentralizasaun maka hanesan problema baliza rai. Realidade konflitu kona-bá rai entre komunidade aumenta buras no laiha solusaun tanba seidauk iha sistema administrasaun rai ne’ebé diak hodi regula na’in ba rai iha Timor-Leste. Fo biban boot ba komunidade hadau malu husi area rural to area urbanu ne’ebé fo ameasa ba paz no estabilidade.

Inklui kestaun lejizlasaun no estrutura komandu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste – PNTL sai asuntu ne’ebé kestiaona husi relatoriu ne’e rasik. Fundasaun Mahein nia pergunta maka oinsa ho kolokasaun estrutura komandu PNTL ba Munisípu no Camara Munisípiu? Karik kontinua mantein ho Munisípiu tuir distritu ka sei hamosu rejiaun ba Munisípiu sira? Fundasaun Mahein husu ba Sekretariu Estadu Desentralizasaun Administrativu no Podér Lokal atu establese liña koordenasaun entre Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa – SES hodi halo diskusaun klean hodi nune’e labele fo implikasaun ba lejizasaun husi instituisaun seluk.

FM Nia Rekomendasaun :

1. Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Sekretariu Estadu Desentralizasaun Administrativu no Podér Lokal inklui Ministru Administrasaun Ordenamentu Teritorial atu aslera lalais draft lei kona-bá desentralizasaun no haruka ba Parlamentu Nasional hodi halo diskusaun klean antes halo aprovasaun.

2. Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Governu atu implementa rekomendasaun CAVR kona-bá reparasaun ba vitima funu durante okupasaun Indonezia no presiza hadi’a sistema rekuinesementu ba Veteranu sira antes implementa dezentralizasaun Administrativa no Poder Lokal.

3. Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Sekretariu Estadu Desentralizasaun Administrativu no Podér Lokal atu serbisu hamutuk ho CNE no STAE kontinua fasilita edukasaun sivika husi nivel lideransa partidu polítiku atu nune’e labele hamosu linguazen sadik malu iha tempu kampañia eleitoral no eleisaun Munisipiu no Camara Munisipiu nian.

4. Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Ministeriu Justisa tau aslera lalais esbosu lei ba rai hodi lori ba Parlamentu Nasional hodi diskute no halo aprovasaun antes implementa polítika Desentralizasaun, nune’e bele minimiza konflitu hadau malu rai iha futuru.

Nélson Belo
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp: +670 7737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 25 November 2013

Press Release

Challenges for Implementation of Decentralization and Local Empowerment in Timor-Leste from a Security Perspective

Mahein’s Voice No. 63 analyzes the Fifth Government’s constitutional plan to implement governmental decentralization and empowerment of local government. The objective of this initiative is to increase the autonomy and quality of life of Timorese citizens. However, Fundasaun Mahein has concerns regarding the politics of the reconciliation process. Specifically, the old generation of leadership has not been involved in the contiual development of community activities. This concern involves groups including the CPD-RDTL, high-level politicians, Nationalists vs Pro-Indonesians, and small political parties that do not yet support national stability.

One important issue discussed in this report is analysis of the most important challenges to implementation of decentralization and local empowerment. National unity is one factor that has become a challenge to the implemention the decentralization policy. This problem is linked to the history of conflict beginning in 1975 between politicians who clashed because of different ideologie, as well as the conflict in 1999 which gave rise to the concept of “Nationalists vs. Pro-Indonesians”.

The report also details the challenges presented by the lack of a fully developed democratic system of government in Timor-Leste. Experience from past presidential and parliamentary elections in 2007 and 2012 has demonstrated that elections create conflict between Timorese. In particular, the announcement of election results have often spurred violence leading to injuries and fatalities. In Timor-Leste, the public considers the experiences of past elections as lessons to learn from to improve national stability.

This report also discusses social issues that may contribute to conflict in the future, following the implementation of decentralization; one of these issues is land boundaries. Land disputes among Timorese are increasing, and there is currently no solution due to the lack of an administrative system to regulate land ownership in Timor-Leste. Lack of land legislation has opened the door for Timorese to grab land in rural and rurual areas. Fixing htis issue is critical to attaining peace and stability in Timor.

In addition, this report includes analysis of legislation as well as the structure of Timor-Leste’s National Police (PNTL). Fundasaun Mahein questions how the structure for the PNTL district command will be implemented? Fundasaun Mahein recommends to the Secretary of State for Decentralization Administration and Local Power to coordinate activities with the Secretary of State for Security (SES) to increase discussion and avoid the possible implications of legislation to delegate tasks to another institution.

Fundasaun Mahein’s Recommendations:

1. Fundasaun Mahein recommends to the Secretary of State for Decentralization Administration to accelerate the drafting of legislation for decentralization and to send it to the National parliament for review and discussion before approval.

2. Fundasaun Mahein recommends to the government to implement CAVR’s recommendation about reparation to war victims of the Indonesian occupation, and to review the current veteran recognition system before implementing decentralization and local empowerment initiatives.

3. Fundasaun Mahein recommends to the Secretary of State for Decentralization Administration and Local Power to cooperate with CNE and STAE to continue facilitating civic education from the level of political party leadership. This should be done in order to avoid the use of insulting language during the campaigning and election period in municipalities.

4. Fundasaun Mahein Recommends to the Minister of Justice to accelerate the drafting and submition of the land law to National parliament for discussion and approval before the implementation of decentralization, in order to minimize conflicts revolving around land disputes in the future.

Nélson Belo
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp: +670 7737 4222

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