Fundasaun Mahein, 28 Janeiru 2014
Komunikadu Imprenza
Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú. 67 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun tetun,pdf), (English Version.pdf) ánaliza kona-bá Tebes Ka Prizaun Fatin Reinsersaun Sosial? Tuir Dekretu Lei Nú. 05/2013, Dirasaun Nasional Servisu Prizional no Reinsersaun Sosiál (DNSPRS) defini katak tenke la’o tuir, bainhira nu’udar serbisu responsavel ba definisaun, jestaun no seguransa sistema prizionál no servisu reinsersaun sosiál, ne’ebé ninia misaun prinsipal maka hametin mekanizmu adekuadu atu hetan sistema prizionál ida ne’ebé umanu, justu no seguru.
Istoria prizaun iha Timor-Leste nakonu ho pratika at hasoru ema nia vida, iha ne’ebé antes Portugal sira tama Timor, pratika halo at ba ema iha nanis tia ona. Hanesan pratika atan ho liurai ho forma ida atan tenke serbi deit liurai, wainhira atan serbi lalos maka tenke simu konsikuensia torturasaun oin-oin. Maibe depois Portugal tama iha Timor filosofia prizaun maka fatin atu sulan ka kastigu ema sira ne’ebé mak halo sala, modu kolonialismu prizaun identifiku ho kruelidade (kekejaman), tanba prizeiru sempre hetan tratamentu at no torturasaun husi guarda prizaun.
Iha okupasaun Indonezia husi 1975-1999, no periudu funu maun alin entre partidu politiku hodi ataka malu no ikus mai kaer no sulan iha prizaun hodi halo torturasaun ba simpatizante no militante entre partidu politiku sira. Tratamentu at kontinua halo husi militar no autor siguransa Indonezia nian durante okupasaun ba prizeneiru. Timor-oan rihun ba rihun maka autoridade Indonezia kaer hodi halo torturasaun iha prizaun laran durante interogatoriu ba prizeneiru inklui violasaun sexual hasoru feto.
FM nia monitorizasaun violensia ne’ebé hafalun iha prizaun sempre akontese depois iha periudu ukun an kazu asaltu fiziku guarda prizaun ba prizeneiru barak akontese tiha ona wainhira prizeneiru hahu tama no durante iha prizaun, maibe entre kazu sira ne’e haksubar deit iha prizaun laran; husi kazu barak ne’ebé akontese bebeik maibe publiku lahatene hanesan vitima Feliz de Jesus hetan asaltu fiziku husi guarda prizaun nain 3 iha prizaun laran.
1. Rekomenda ba Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasional presiza halo fiskalizasaun ba prizaun sira iha Timor-Leste hodi situasaun saida maka akontese iha prizasaun no kondisaun prizaun nain. Portantu ita hanoin katak prizaun hanesan fatin reinsersaun sosial la’os fatin ba tortura.
2. Rekomenda ba Ministeriu Justiza liu husi Diresaun Nasional dos Servisus Prisionais no Reinsersaun Sosial atu fo formasaun adekuadu ba guarda prizional sira liu-liu kona-bá dever sira hodi nune’e guarda prizional lebele viola diretu prezineru.
3. Rekomenda ba Ministériu Justisa liu husi Diresaun Nasional dos Servisus Prisionais no Reinsersaun Sosial atu orienta no mentaliza mentalidade konstrutivu ba prizeneiru no prizoneira sira durante dadur hodi nune’e bele muda sira nia hanoin no hahalok krime sira ne’ebe komete antes reintegra ba komunidade.
Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefon (+670) 7737-4222
Fundasaun Mahein, 28 January 2014
Press Release
Is Prison a Place of Social Reintegration?
Mahein’s Voice. No. 67 analyses whether or not prison is a place of social reintegration. According to decree law No. 05/2013, Directorate of the National Services of Prison and Social Reinsertion (DNSPSR), prisons are meant to enact rule of law and provide management and a security system along with social reintegration services; with the principal mission being to strengthen the necessary mechanisms in order to apply a prison system that is considered humane, fair and secure.
Historically, prisons in Timor-Leste are full of bad practices against people. Bad practices against people existed even before the Portuguese entered Timor-Leste, such as slaves who were meant only to serve kings. If slaves did not perform well, they would face grave consequences and various forms of torture. Before Portugal entered Timor, the philosophy of the prison is a place to stop or detain people who make mistakes. Prison during the colonial period, however, was practically a criminal institution itself, because the prisoners always received unjust treatment and even torture at the hands of the security guards.
During Indonesia’s occupation from 1975-1999, and the elder brother’s period of struggle between political parties attacking each other, many were arrested and detained in prison for torture. Sympathizers and militants of political parties fell victim to this. Bad treatment continued to be enacted by Indonesia’s military and security forces. The Indonesian authorities arrested thousands of Timorese. They were tortured in prison and many acts of sexual violence were committed against women.
FM’s monitoring shows that prison violence has occurred after the Independence period, and there have been many cases of physical abuse of prisoners by guards while the prisoners were detained in prison. Many unpublicized incidents have taken place behind the secrecy of prison walls, such as the case of Feliz de Jesus, who was physically attacked by 3 prison guards while detained.
Fundasaun Mahein’s recommendations:
1. Recommend to the National Parliament Committee A to conduct supervision for the prisoners in Timor-Leste and monitor what takes place in prisons and the condition of the prisons. This oversight should aim to ensure that prisons serve a social reintegration purpose, and are not centers for torture or abuse.
2. Recommend to the Ministry of Justice through the Directorate of the National Services for Prisoner and Social Reinsertion to provide adequate training for prison guards, particularly regarding responsibility, to ensure that prison guards do not violate prisoner’s rights.
3. Recommend to the Ministry of Justice through the directorate of the National Services for Prisoner and Social Reinsertion to support a constructive mentality for detained prisoners during their sentence in order to transform or influence their criminal tendencies towards civic participation before they are re-integrated to their community.
For more details about this case, please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone: (+670) 7737-4222
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