Regra Kondusaun Iha Timor-Leste Tenki Reforma

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(Foto: Internet)

(Foto: Internet)

Timor-Leste iha ona transformasaun ida kompara ho tinan hirak liu-ba, partikularmente iha Dili, tanba ho reseita mina ne’ebé sensabiliza liu husi fundu governu no ba projeitu infraestrutura. Dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste sai diak liu, la iha ida ne’ebe aparente liu duke estrada iha Timor-Leste.
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Saida deit maka estragu iha tinan balu liu-ba, henesan dalan kuak komesa transforma sai kabeer, lalais no diak ona. Iha ne’ebé sai hanesan movimentu dramatiku ba Timor-Leste no imperativu karik Timor-Leste sai hanesan nasaun ne’ebe asesivel no efisiente liu. Ida mos embora lori senariu foun ida kona-ba dezafiu no problema foun sira.

Kondusaun Timor-Leste sai prigu liu ba ema balu ne’ebé lori kareta iha estrada parte Comoro tuku 05:30 otl.
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Nune’e sai risku ba kondutór sira ne’ebé lori kareta ka motor la tuir regra, maske dalabarak kondutór sira hakfodak tanba hetan asidente hanesan iha norma duke exesaun.

Akontesimentu ohin loron laos sai perigu ba kondutór sira maibe kauza husi asidente sei afeita ba ema ne’ebé uza estrada públiku. Fundasaun Mahein dadaun ne’e simu ona relatoriu, kona-ba numeru asidente sira ne’ebe aumeta bei-beik, laos deit iha Dili maibe mos distritu-sira iha Timor laran tomak. Relasiona ho númeru ema sosa karte aumenta no kondisaun estrada ne’ebé sei hadia, hamosu asidente no ema mate kada tinan aumenta ba beibeik.

Hanesan mensiona iha ami nia blog kona-bá viaturas polisia no militar nian, iha ne’ebé involve barak ho konduasaun aat loroloron. Iha sá tempu ikus mak ita-boot haree polisia dada ema ruma lori-kareta ho lais liu ka arbiru deit? Karik PNTL kontenti atu la obriga kulaker regra estrada nian, pontu saida ba exame ida kona-ba karta kondusaun nian?

Dalaruma falta kumprimentu hahu ho faktus katak PNTL la familiar ho regra estrada nian.
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Ida ne’e sai ona atensaun husi FM nian katak wainhira hala’o investigasaun ida kona-ba xoke malu no buka hetan se los mak halo sala, Polisia Trânzitu iha politika ida hodi fo sala ba kareta ida kotuk durante asidenti. Ida bele los iha situasaun balu maibe dalaruma Polisia Trânzitu halo asunsaun ida ne’e iha asidenti hotu-hotu. Bele dehan asuntu kiik-oan karik ita-boot tesi ka kareta ida derepenti para iha ita-boot nia oin bele halo ita-boot xoke, ida ne’e bele dehan ita-boot nia sala.

(Foto: Arkivu FM)

(Foto: Arkivu FM)

Politika ida ne’e no falta kuiñesimentu kona-bá regra kondusaun nian dalaruma difisil tebes wainhira atu haree los ba iha regra estrada nian nee. Problema primeru mak regra kondusaun hotu iha lingua Portugues, lingua ne’ebe ema minoria mak koalia iha nasaun ida nee. Problema segundu mak regra estrada ne’ebe naruk: pajina 70 ho artigu 172 hakerek iha lingua ne’ebe laiha fatin no sai husi lei tribunal nian. Problema terseiru mak laiha imajen ne’ebe klaru hatudu kana-ba manobra sira ne’ebe legal no ilegal.

Ida nee ladun aas ho maioria ka minoria husi kondutór sira iha Timor-Leste le’e ona regra hirak ne’e no bele hatudu klaru kona-ba sá tekniku lori kareta ne’ebe los. Ba PNTL hanesan mensiona ona iha leten, mos (bele kompriende oituan) falta kompriendesaun fundamentu kona-ba regra estrada hirak ne’e. Tamba ne’e mesmu dokumentus ida ne’e eziste nia realidade haree hanesan la iha regra kona-ba lori kareta iha Timor-Leste.

Situasaun ida nee todan tebes ajuda husi numeru estrada ne’ebe lamarka lahó regra ne’ebe klaru ka sinal hodi governa sira. Ida nee bele konfuzu iha tempu ba estrada balu ne’ebe bele para ba, se mak iha direitu kona-ba dalan no luron saida atu liu-ba sekarik ita-boot hakarak atu fila iha kruzamentu. Ida ne’e auzensia husi regulamentu ne’ebe klaru ne’ebe bele autoriza motorista sira atu halo kosmetiku ba sira nia aan karik halo sira kontenti, husik polisia lahó opsaun maibe atu simu improvisa regra hirak nee.

Sekarik Timor kontinua iha nia dalan ba dezemvolvimentu, hadi’a dalan no infraestrutura sira ne’ebe natoon, hadi’a ita nia instituisaun no regulamentu sira tenki mos toma ba dezemvolvimentu fisiku. Estrada hirak nee kuaze bele haree husi kazu ne’e no iha ameasa ne’ebe makaas ba seguransa umanu, maibe dezemvolvimentu hotu-hotu iha rai ne’e tenki ho hanoin no maneira ne’ebe hanesan, sekarik ita la bele hadi’a ita nia regra estrada no instituisaun sira hodi toma ba iha dezemvolvimentu, Timor-Leste sei kontinua hasoru futuru ne’ebe laserteza.

FM Rekomenda

• Ba departementu transporte atu kria dokumentu foun ida ne’ebe esplika kona-ba regra estrada iha formatu ida ne’ebe simples no fasil atu kompriende ne’ebe maioria populasaun bele kompriende.

• Ba PNTL atu servisu hamutuk ho departementu transporte no departementu seluk atu dezenvolve diak no regulamentu sira ba saida deit mak permite ba dalan no estrada ida-idak iha Timor-Leste.
• Ba PNTL no departmentu transporte atu halo kampaña hodi eduka kondutór sira iha tekniku lori kareta ne’ebe diak no hatene regulamentu kona-ba Estrada nian.

Driving Rules in Timor-Leste Must be Reformed

Timor-Leste and in particular Dili have been seeing a transformation over the past few years. As more oil revenue moves from the government budget and into infrastructure projects, Timor-Leste is becoming more and more developed. This is none more apparent than with the roads of Timor-Leste. What were just a few years ago damaged, potholed tracks are slowly being transformed into smoother, faster and better roads. This is an impressive movement for Timor-Leste and imperative if Timor-Leste is to become more efficient accessible country. It also however brings with it a new set of challenges and problems.

As any commuter driving down Comoro road at 5.30PM is bound to tell you, unsolicited most likely, that driving in Timor-Leste has become the most dangerous part of living in this country. The free-wheeling risk-taking nature of most of the driving in Timor is enough to shock even the most seasoned driver while close calls and near misses seem to be the norm rather than the exception.

Needless to say this driving is extremely dangerous and is the cause of many of the accidents happening today. Fundasaun Mahein has been receiving reports recently of the number of accidents and near misses are increasing, not just in Dili but also in many of the Timor’s Districts. With more people being able to afford vehicles and the better and faster roads that are being built throughout Timor, the number of accidents and deaths is only set to increase. It is imperative therefore that the PNTL immediately implement greater supervision over driving to keep ahead of this trend.

This however is yet to happen and as mentioned in our last blog, police and military vehicles seem to be involved in much of the bad driving we see everyday. When was the last time you saw the police pull someone over driving too fast or recklessly? If the PNTL are content to not enforce any of the road rules, what then is the point of sitting an exam for a drivers license?

Perhaps the lack of enforcement stems from the fact that the PNTL are not familiar with the road rules. It has come to FM’s attention that when conducting a crash investigation and finding out who is at fault, the Transit Police have a policy of blaming the car that was behind during the incident. This can be true in some situations but it seems the Transit Police are making this assumption in all crashes. It seems to matter little if you are cut off or a car suddenly pulls in front of you causing you to crash, it will be your fault.

(Foto: Arkivu FM)

(Foto: Arkivu FM)

This policy and the lack of knowledge of the road rules however is hardly surprising when one actually looks at the road rules. The first problem is that the road rules are entirely in Portuguese, a language that only a minority of the country speaks. The second problem is the length of the road rules: 70 pages long with 172 articles written in language that would not be out of place in a court of law. The third problem is that there are no pictures clearly demonstrating what maneuvers are legal and which are illegal.

It is highly unlikely that a majority, or even a small minority, of drivers in Timor-Leste have read all these rules and can clearly show what the correct driving technique is. The PNTL, as mentioned above, also (quite understandably) seem to lack the fundamentals of understanding these road rules. So despite the fact that this document exists it seems in reality there are no rules to driving in Timor-Leste.

This situation is hardly helped by the amount of unmarked roads without clear rules or signs to govern them. It can be confusing at times on some roads where one can park, who has right of way and what lane to go into if you want to turn at an intersection. It is the absence of clear regulations like these that has allowed motorists to make up their own as they please, leaving the police with no option but to accept these improvised rules.

If Timor is to continue in the path of its development, upgraded roads and infrastructure are simply not enough, upgrading our institutions and regulations must also keep on pace with physical development. The roads are the most visible of this issue and poses the greatest threat to human security, however all development in our land must be thought of in the same manner, if we are not able to upgrade our road rules or our institutions to keep pace with development, Timor-Leste will continue to face an uncertain future.

FM Recommends

• For the Department of Transport to create a new document that explains the road rules in a simple and easy to understand format that a majority of the population can understand.
• For the PNTL to work together with the department of transport and any other department to develop better clarity and regulations for what is permitted on each street and road in Timor-Leste.
• For the PNTL and the Department of Transport to embark on a campaign to educate drivers on good driving technique and the rules of the road.

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