Sasidik Sira Iha Ezekusaun Lei no Orden Iha Ambitu Atuasaun PNTL

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Dokumentu FM

Dokumentu FM

Fundasaun Mahein, 20 Fevereiru 2014

Komunikadu Imprensa

Liu husi Mahein Nian Lian Nú. 70,(Relatoriu kompletu Versaun tetun.pdf), (English Version.pdf) ne’ebe ko’alia kona-bá sasidik ne’ebé PNTL komete durante hala’o atuasaun iha terenu. No sasidik hirak ne’e sai ona preukupasaun komunidade kona-bá profesionalismu PNTL nudar ezekutor lei no orden.

Sasidik sira ne’ebé ami relata iha relatoriu ne’e nu’udar pontu análiza ida ne’ebé atu hare’e husi lidun lei no regulamentu sira. Portantu difine iha lejislasaun sira seitor siguransa nian katak medida saida maka polisia tenki hola, iha ne’ebé atu hare’e elementu polisia ida halo atuasaun bainhira maka bele uza forsa, uza forsa tenki ho proporsional, iha ninia legalidade ho akontabilidade no nesesidade uza forsa nian.

Tuir FM nia monitorizasaun, durante ne’e atuasaun membru PNTL ba problema ses ona husi prosedimentu legal hanesan standard operational procedure no politika uza forsa. Tanba atuasaun balun maka iha indikasaun forte katak PNTL nia asaun viola ona lei. Iha kazu tolu ne’ebé sai faktus konkreta hanesan iha tinan 2014 membru PNTL tiru mate joven mane ida iha Balibo, 2013 membru PNTL Task Force halo agresaun fiziku hasoru deputadu ida iha Audian – Dili, no iha 2012 membru PNTL husi Esquadra Bekora tiru mate joven ida iha Hera.

Husi kazu tolu ne’ebe mensiona iha leten hamosu preukupasaun publiku kona-bá profesionalismu PNTL liu-liu iha ambitu atuasaun lei no orden. Tanba kazu hirak ne’e bele halo komunidade tauk no bele hamihis konfiansa komunidade ba PNTL. Konsekuensia seluk elementu PNTL sira dalabalu sai fali hanesan arguidu ba kazu ne’ebé nian atua portantu buat hirak ne’e akontese tanba atuasaun ne’ebé halo la tuir lei no regulamentu haruka.

Ho ida ne’e, Rekomenda ba Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa (SES) no Komandu Jeral PNTL atu avalia formasaun sira ne’ebé durante ne’e halo, iha ne’ebé presiza intensifika liu tan formasaun kona-bá lei no direitus umanus, importante liu kona-bá lei uzu forsa nian ba Unidade Espesial Polisia no Task Force sira.

Atu hatene kle’an li’u kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefon (+670) 7737 4222 ka bele kontaktu (+670) 7756 1184

Fundasaun Mahein, 20 February 2014

Press Release

Scope and Severity of PNTL’s Regulation Violations

Fundasaun Mahein’s Voice report No.70 discusses regulations violations committed by the PNTL during field operations. These infractions have become a cause for concern for community members who question the PNTL’s professionalism and capacity to fulfill its role of upholding the law and maintaining order.

The objective of this report is to analyze PNTL violations in relation to the laws and regulations of the PNTL. Such analysis is necessary to understanding the ways in which PNTL officers can better conduct their activities, when it is appropriate for them to use force, the amount of force they should use, and the level of accountability officers should be held to for their actions.

According to FM’s monitoring, many PNTL activities are not conducted in accordance with the PNTL’s “Standard Operational Procedure”, especially in regards to policies highlighting the use of force. There are strong indications that PNTL members have broken laws in numerous instances. To highlight a few examples, a young man was shot to death in Balibo by a PNTL officer in 2014, a PNTL Task Force member physically assaulted a deputy of the National Parliament in Audian-Dili in 2013, and in 2012 a PNTL member from Becora shot and killed a young man to death in Hera.

These three cases in particular have raised legitimate concerns from the public regarding the professionalism and competence of the PNTL. These cases are major blows to the public’s perception and trust in the PNTL as a law enforcement organization. Another consequence is that some PNTL members have become criminal suspects as a result of their actions, which violated PNTL laws and regulations.

In response to this issue, FM recommends that the Secretary of State for Security (SES) and the General Command of the PNTL re-assess the training regimen for PNTL officers. Training should be intensified and should include an increased focus on upholding the law and human rights, as well as a clear understanding of when and how the use of force is permitted, especially by the Special Police Unit (SPU) and Task Force.

For more information please contact:

Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Contact Number: (+670) 7737 4222 or (+670) 7756 1184

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