Governu Timor-Leste hasai ona rezolusaun dala-barak ona hodi fo autorizasaun ba instituisaun Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste – PNTL no FALINTIL – Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste – F-FDTL hodi buka tuir no rekolla armamentu militar hanesan farda, kilat, granada no sasan seluk ne’ebé sei espalla iha komunidade. Liu-liu rekolla kilat Instituisaun PNTL ne’ebé lakon durante krize 2006. Hanesan tinan 2014 nia rohan, liu husi Konsellu Ministru deside hasai rezolusaun ida kona-bá rekollamentu armas militar nian.
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Iha ne’ebé refere liu ba veteranu no klandestina sira atu entrega kilat, (Lee iha
Hare’e ba kazu iha Postu Baguia Munisipiu Baucau ne’ebé grupu deskoñesidu halo atake ba skuarda PNTL no soe garnada hodi hakanek membru polisia na’in 4 sai nu’udar evidensia ida forte katak politika rekolla armamentu iha Timor-Leste sei iha problematiku nia laran, ( Maske durante tinan barak nia laran autor siguransa sira buka tuir no rekolla armamentu illegal ne’ebé deskonfia sei espalla iha komunidade nia liman.
Esteitmentu barak husi lideransa instituisaun defeza no siguransa katak halo ona prosesu rekolla ba kilat maibe to’o ohin loron seidauk iha dadus konkretu ida. Parlamentu Nasional rasik kontinua husu evedensia husi rezultadu rekolla kilat hirak ne’e, ( No, públiku mos kontinua sai konfuzaun no duvida ba prosesu rekoilla kilat no armamentu militar iha Timor-Leste.
Karik ida ne’e laiha seriadade husi autor siguransa durante buka tuir no rekoilla armamentu militar? Perguntas hirak ne’e nafatin belit iha sosiadade Timor-Leste nia hanoin no seidauk hetan resposta klaru husi lideransa instituisaun ne’ebé kompetente. No, tanba saida maka autor siguransa sira susar hodi buka tuir no rekoilla armamentu ilegal sira ne’ebé deskonfia sei espalla iha komunidade? Tanba fraku iha serbisu intelejensia sira?
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Buat hirak ne’e, tuir Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia hanoin katak presiza hetan atensaun husi VI Governu durante kaer mandatu. Liu-liu atu halo revizaun fila fali ba politika rekoilla armamentu militar atu bele buka responde públiku nia preoukupasaun inklui mos minimiza asaun-asaun brutal husi ema sivil ne’ebé uza sasan militar hodi estraga estabilidade nasional.
Ho ida ne’e, FM husu Ministeriu Defeza no Ministeriu Interior atu serbisu hamutuk hodi dezeña politika foun kona-bá rekoilla armamentu militar, liu-liu kilat sira ne’ebé lakon durante krize 2006. No, halo inventarizasaun ba armamentu militar no polisia hodi relata ba públiku kona-bá hira maka lakon ho modelu ka tipu saida atu nune’e públiku mos bele halo kontrolasaun. FM husu atu kontinua kapasita no fornese fasilidade sufsiente ba serbisu intelejensia nasional atu apoiu informasaun kona-bá armas illegal ne’ebé sei kontinua espalla iha komunidade nia le’et.
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Assault PNTL in Baguia: Provoke Response for the Policy of Re-collecting Arms
Over the past seven years the government of Timor-Leste has issued many resolutions to authorize The National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), and the FALINTIL Defense Force of Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) to search and re-collect those military armaments that have gone missing. These has included items as; uniforms, weapons, grenades and many other things that are still circulating around villages and communities, in particular PNTL weapons that have been missing since the 2006 crisis. For example, at the end of 2014 the Council of Ministers issued a resolution for the collecting the military arms, asked veterans and members of clandestine groups to hand over these weapons, (Read here
The recent incident in Baguia, where an unknown group threw grenades at a PNTL station, injuring four police officers, shows strong evidence that the implementation of re-collecting armaments in Timor-Leste is still a problem, ( This is in spite of the many years that the security authorities have been attempting to re-collect these illegal arms that many still seem to have been able to keep.
Many statements have been made by leaders of the defense and security institutions on the progress that they have made re-collecting these weapons but so far there is no concrete proof to back up these claims. The National Parliament itself continues to ask for evidence of the outcomes that have resulted from the re-collection of these weapons ( confusing the public about the process itself.
Are the security forces serious in their attempts to search and re-collecting these military arms? This question continues resounds in the thoughts of many circles in Timor-Leste’s but is yet to receive a clear response. Also why are the security forces finding it so hard to search and re-collect these illegal arms? Is it because they are distrusted because of the intelligence service’s failures?
FM believes that this needs attention by the sixth (VI) government and for it to use its mandate to pursue this matter. By reviewing the policies of re-collecting the military armaments, in order to respond for the public’s concerns, could lead to the reduction of any incidences of violence by civilians using military equipment to destroy the national stability.
With this FM urges the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior to strengthen their co-operation and to design a new policy to re-collect missing military armaments during 2006. We also implore these agencies to create a national inventory of Military and Police armaments and to educate the public about the types and amount of weapons still missing so that public are able help the authorities in the collection of these weapons. FM urges the government to continue creating capacity and providing sufficient facilities for the national intelligence service to facilitate the information process.
Husu mos ba Timor oan sira hotu atu fo apoiu ba Estado atu foti qualker medidas hodi ble grantia siguranca ba povo rai Doben ida ne’e husi ema Criminozu sira nia liman. e husu mos ba Membro F.FDTL ho PNTL atu uja fiar nebe povo kuda ona ba ita bot sira nia kbas ho didiak, e lalika uja forca nebe iha hodi estraga fali povo nebe kbiit laek e inosente, persisa atu hare didiak ema nebe halo duni Crimi mak bele kaer e halo detensaun ba nia. tamba dala barak estado hasai resolusaun ba operasaun konjunta fo nia infacto ba povo kbiit laek nebe lolos merese atu hetan salva de Guarda, maibe justru sira mak sai fali vitima iha operasaun nebe durante ne’e halao. ne duni ikus mai povo mos lakon konfiansa ba instituisaun siguransa iha nasaun ida ne’e. e fior liu pesoal nebe hola parte iha operasaun uja tempo ne’e hodi aproveita nia intrese pesoal hodi estraga povo. ita hotu fo apoiu 100% ba Estado atu halao nia funsaun nebe regula iha artigo 6 konstituisaun RDTL. povo persisa duni Estado nia Intervensaun ba siguransa povo nia vida, tamba povo terus bebeik no sai sofremento barak los ona iha Nasaun ida ne’e, uja armas nebe iha hodi atua situasaun maibe persisa mos tau atensaun ba Direitu humanos, tamba ita nia konstituisaun la fo dalan Estado atu fo kastigu ka aplika pena de Morte iha Nasaun RDTL. ne’e duni persisa Membro Siguransa sira atu tetu didiak iha treino molok atu halao Orde. tamba hau noin tempo to’o ona Estado atu hamenus povo nia sofrementu agora no ba futuro. obrigado…!!!
Timor oan hotu nebe iha rai liur ou iha rai laran, peritus, veteranus, clandestina, relijiosa, animisme, ferik katuas, kiik e boot, feto e mane, iha obrigasaun atu hadia rai ida ne,e ho kualker modelu sem violencia, ba maluk sira nebe sente la satisfaz ho problema governasaun parte ida nian, ou karik problema pesoal ruma nebe nia konsekuensia afeta ba diak rai no povo Timor, husu nia konsiensia no kontribuisaun atu hadia ho dalan oin ho oin laos uza forsa. la bele hatudu ita nia fraku ba mundu ho modelu ukun aan neebe ita iha agora, nasaun seluk bele dehan ita gasta osan laos atu halo desenvolvimento, maibe fakar fali hodi buka tuir malu, ida subar ida ba buka tuir,mai ita hotu poupa osan hodi hari desenvolvimento no hakribi violencia, uluk luta tamba hakarak ukun aan, agora mai ita luta ba desenvolvimento no halakon tiha ambisaun no arogansia.
iha parte seluk ita nia PNTL no F-FDTL laos ita nia inimigo, maibe ita hotu nia amigo no parseiru desenvolvimento iha rai ida ne,e, balun ita nia alin, balun fali ita nia maun, tiun aman, no feton sira, saida mak sira halo ba rai ida ne,e mak kontribui fisikamente entrega sira nia aan hodi hari desenvolvimento, ita hotu iha obrigasaun atu fo seguransa ba rai ida ne,e, ita lebele sai fali penonton iha prosesu desenvolvimento seguransa iha ita nia rai rasik.
ikus liu hau convida ita hotu nia kontribuisaun,conciencia, nudar ema Timor oan, hases interese privado dok husi ita no tane interese comum ba iha rai doben ida ne,e.
hau nia komentario ba acsaun ida neebe maka eis komundante gerihero MM halo nee la tuir ona aksaun ba rainee ka dalruma ema balun maka halo no ita presiza hatene se mak halo buat nee? .
ba hau pesoal mente bele deskonfia katak mauk moruk la halo tamba nia la iha kilat boot barak,hanesan ita nia forsa F-FDTL no PNTL,sira no ba hau hakarak husu ba estadu atu kria komisaun independente ida atu ba halo envistigasaun klean ba kazu nee no ita la bele dun sala deit ba Mauk morok,dala ruam forsa FDTL sira rasik mak halo buat nee, no ikos mai ita fo sal ba mauk morok hela deit,…. hsu mos ba povu atu labele hakfodak ba situsaun ida nee….