Sistema kolokasaun Siguransa Pesoal –SP ne’ebé konsentradu ba lider no estrutura ezekutivu nian durante ne’e sai nu’udar pratika monopóliu ida iha Timor-Leste. Realidade membru governu, lider lejizlativu no eis titularis hetan pesoal siguransa minimu liu ema na’in rua to’o hat. Laiha razaun klaru no kolokasaun ne’e bazia grau ameasa sira iha rai-laran. Publiku rasik kestiona ho kolokasaun hirak ne’e.
Pratika monopóliu ne’e loke lidun ida ba pesoal serbisu justisa no investigasaun la hetan konsiderasaun husi estadu atu garante sira nia siguransa. Iha ne’ebé durante ne’e mosu preoukupasaun barak husi autor justisa no investigasaun sira. Kazu hanesan ema deskoñesidu ameasa Prekuradoria Distritu Suai iha tinan 2014, kazu ameasa juis iha Baucau no Dili ne’ebé publiku preokupa no husu atu estadu garante sira nia siguransa, (TP. 24 Janeiru 2014).
Nune’e mos kazu barak ne’ebé akontese durante ne’e katak la’os deit autor judisiariu ka investigasaun maka hetan ameasa maibe membru militar no polisia mos barak maka mate tanba hetan atake husi ema sivil sira. Kazu atuál ne’ebé akontese foin lalais hanesan Komandante Serbisu Investigasaun Kriminal Nasional– SIKN ne’ebé hetan atake husi grupu deskoñesidu iha Comoro – Dili.
Akontesementu ne’e justifika katak autor judisiariu no investigador sira husi instituisaun Estadu sira iha ambitu ida ne’ebé la seguru. Ida ne’e bele afeita ba sira nia serbisu atu garante justisa no transparansia iha Timor-Leste. Relasiona ho situasaun hirak ne’e, merese ka lae estadu garante siguransa ba pesoal sira ne’ebé serbisu iha area judisiariu no investigasaun?
Tanba tuir monitorizasaun Fundasaun Mahein (FM) katak pesoal sira ne’e hetan ameasa relasiona ho sira nia desizaun no rezulatdu investigasaun ne’ebé tutela ba sira nia serbisu. Signifka katak desizaun pesoal ne’e nu’udar desizaun Estadu tuir kompetensia ne’ebé Estadu emenda ba sira. Katak, atu hala’o lei, hari’i justisa, hametin transparansia no akuntabilidade iha Timor-Leste. Iha ne’ebé Estadu mos presiza kria kondisaun ida minimu atu bele garantia sira nia siguransa.
Ho ida ne’e, FM hakarak rekomenda katak:
1. Governu presiza koloka mos siguransa pesoal ba autor judisiariu no investigasaun sira iha Instituisaun Estadu hodi bele garante sira nia siguransa. Tanba kestaun in-siguransa ba sira an bele prejudika sira nia serbisu no desizaun ba kazu ruma.
2. Governu presiza kria kondisaun (bairu) ba autor judisiariu, autor investigasaun, PNTL no F-FDTL atu bele hetan ambitu seguru durante hala’o sira nia knár nu’udar servidor nasaun ne’ebé atu garante lei, justisa, transparansia no boa-governasaun iha Timor-Leste.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 20 March 2015
Press Release
Monopoly the Personal Security by Leaders: Justice and Investigation are threatened
The placement system of the personal security (PS) that concentrated to leaders and the executive structures become a practical monopoly so far in Timor-Leste. The reality is member of the government, leaders of legislative and the ex-titular are guarded by the personal securities at least two (2) to four (4). There is no clear reason and such placement is just based on the internal threats level, therefore, public are really concern of the placement.
This practical monopoly will give a chance to staff of justice and investigations do not get consideration from the state to guarantee for the security safety, because so far there were lots of concerns raised by the justice authors and investigations. As example case is the unknown people threatened the prosecutor of Suai district in 2014, as well as threatened judge in Baucau and Dili which is preoccupied by public, and urged the state to ensure for their security safety. (TP. 24 January 2014).
Lots of cases have happened thus far are not faced by the authors of judiciary or investigations but also many of the military and police members died because of attacking from civilians. As a recent case that is faced by the commander of the national criminal investigation service (NCIS) who is attacked by the unknown group in Comoro-Dili.
This incident is justified that authors of judiciary and investigators of the state institutions are not in secure situation, this can cause to their responsibility to guarantee justice and transparency in Timor-Leste. Regarding such situations, is it eligible or not the state guarantees security for staffs who work at the judiciary and investigation area?
Because, according to the monitoring of Fundasaun Mahein that those staffs were threatened regarding with their decision making and the investigation outcomes that they are working for. Signify that such decision-making by the staff is consider as the state’s decision according to the competence that the state emends for them, which means to obey the law, establishing justice, strengthening the transparency and accountability in Timor-Leste. Yet the state needs to create minimum condition to ensure those staffs security safety.
FM recommends that:
1. The government needs to place the personal security for the authors of judiciaries and investigations at the state institutions in order to ensure their security safety, because the insecure case for their life will prejudice for their responsibility and decision of any case.
2. The government needs to create condition (suburbs) for authors of judiciaries, investigations, PNTL and F-FDTL to get secure, while assuming responsibilities as the state servers which is to ensure law, justice, transparency and good-governance in Timor-Leste.
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