Fundasaun Mahein, 26 Juñu 2014
Komunikadu Imprensa
Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 80 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun tetun,pdf) (English Version.pdf) halo analiza kona-bá Operasaun Habelun: Reintegra ka Ameasa? Estadu Timor-Leste iha inisiu tinan 2014 hasai rezolusaun Parlamentu Nasional Nú. 05/03/2014 hamosu ‘’Operasaun 66’’ no fo autorizasaun ba Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) hodi halo atuasaun ba grupu Konsellu Revolusaun Maubere (KRM) no Conselho Popular Defeza Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste (CPD-RDTL) nomos rezolusaun konsellu Ministru Nú. 08/2014 hodi fo autorizasaun ba FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) atu apoiu ba PNTL iha ‘’operasaun habelun’’
Liu husi rezolusaun konsellu Ministru nian, Governu estabelese Komando Operasaun Konjunta (KOK) hanesan tutan ida husi ‘’operasaun 66’. Iha operasaun refere konsege kria tensaun konflitu entre membru grupu KRM no CPD-RDTL ho PNTL iha ne’ebé komunidade barak sai trauma no membru grupu KRM no CPD-RDTL balu halai ba foho matebian. Tanba ne’e Governu kria tan “ Operasaun Habelun “ ho objetivu atu re-integra fila fali situasaun siguransa komunidade hafoin “Operasaun 66”.
Tuir monitorizasaun FM identifika katak durante “Operasaun Habelun” KOK establese postu 1 iha Sub-Distriu Laga Suku Lalulai, postu 2 iha Sub-Distritu Baguia, Suku Osso-Huna no Suku Samalari, no postu 1 iha Sub-Distritu Quilecai, Suku Lacoliu. Iha ne’ebé postu Operasaun Tatika sentral koloka iha Kuartel Jeral Komponente Trestre F-FDTL Baucau hodi halo planu estratejia, kordena apoiu lojistika no administrasaun ba informasaun hotu-hotu durante operasaun.
Husi relatoriu ne’e konklui katak rezolusaun rua ne’ebé Parlalmentu Nasional no Konsellu Ministru hasai iha ne’ebé sai tutun no implementa maka “Operasaun 66” no Operasaun Habelun” la susesu no hamosu situasaun siguransa iha baze sai la seguru liu tan, komunidade sente presaun maka’as ho prezensa KOK nian iha baze. Inklui kilat hirak ne’ebé deskonfia membru KRM no CPD-RDTL subar la konsege rekolla portantu informasaun hirak ne’e bazeia ba rumoris no la iha dadus intelejensia ida ne’ebé kredivel. Ironiku liu tan komunidade inosente sai vitima iha operasaun ne’e no operasaun sai husi buat ne’ebé rezolusaun haruka.
Reintegrasaun membru KRM no CPD-RDTL la konsege reintegra komunidade ne’ebé deskonfia involve iha grupu KRM no CPD-RDTL ba sosiedade. Portantu reintegrasaun komunitaria la’os ho dalan operasaun forsa armada no forsa polisia maibe reintegra ho dalan pasifiku no dialogu. Presiza iha tratamentu ida integradu husi Governu husi aspetu oin-oin ba problema ne’ebé kompleksu, tantu problema sosial, ekonómiku no veteranus nian.
Ikus liu, iha kontiudu rezolusaun ne’ebé hasai konsidera nu’udar ameasa ba estabilidade nasional no soberania Estadu nian maibe operasaun ne’e rasik hanesan jogu politiku ne’ebé iha ligasaun ho problema pasadu tempu funu nian no entre figura lideransa nasional sira. Iha ne’ebé FM konsidera katak polítika rezolusaun no establesementu KOK liu husi “Operasaun Habelun” ne’e konsidera nu’udar amaesa politíka la’os ameasa siguransa.
1. Rekomenda ba Prezidenti Repúblika nu’udar simbolu unidade nasional presiza kria dialogu komunitaria ida ho komunidade vitima sira no komunidade ne’ebé deskonfia involve iha grupu KRM no CPD-RDTL ho koordenasaun Governu atu reintegra komunidade ho pasifiku no integradu. Portantu operasaun la’os solusaun ne’ebé pasifiku no habelun ho komunidade.
2. Rekomenda ba Parlamentu Nasional atu bolu Ministru Defeza no Siguransa hodi esklarese ba públiku kona-bá rezultadu husi operasaun KOK hasoru grupu KRM no CPD-RDTLto’o iha ne’ebe no oinsa ninia solusaun.
3. Rekomdenda ba Governu atu tau atensaun ba asuntu veteranus nian hodi rezlove problema sira ne’ebé iha, kona-bá rekuinesementu Estadu nian ba partisipasaun povu nian iha tempu funu ho justu.
Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefone (+670) 7737-4222 ka (+670) 77561184
Fundasaun Mahein, June 26th 2014
Press Release
Friendship Operation: Re-integration or Threat?
At the beginning of 2014 the government of Timor-Leste issued a resolution of the National Parliament No. 05/03/2014 called “Operation 66” that authorized the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) to act against the group Maubere Revolution Council (KRM) and the Popular Council Defense of the Republic Democratic of Timor-Leste (CPD-RDTL). This resolution of the Council Minister No. 08/2014, that authorized the FALINTIL-Defense Force of Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) to support PNTL in the “Friendship Operation”.
Through the resolution of the Council Minister, the government established the Conjoint Operation Command (COC) as a continuation of the “Operation 66”. During the operation there was conflict between the KRM, CPD-RDTL and PNTL, the result of which was the traumatisation of communities and the escape of some members of KRM and CPD-RDTL Mt. Matebian. Therefore, the government established a “Friendship operation” with the purpose of restoring security for the communities after “Operation 66”.
According to FM’s monitoring we have identified that during the “Friendship Operation”, three COC established 1 post in sub-district of Laga, Lalulai village, 2 posts in Baguia sub-district, Osso-Huna village and Samalari, and 1 post in Quelicai sub-district, Lakuliu village where the Central Post Operation Tactics, in charge of making strategy plans and co-ordinating logistic assistance and administration, was located.
This report concludes that these two resolutions issued by the National Parliament and the Council Minister and the resulting “operation 66” and “Friendship Operation” were not successful and has appeared to make the security situation worse than before. The communities have felt more under pressure with the COC’s presence as well as some rifles have not been re-collected yet and are missing. This information however is only rumors and no credible data from the intelligence side. Ironically it is the innocent people that have become victims of the operation and such operation is out of the resolutions order.
Re-integrated members of KRM and CPD-RDTL are unable to re-integrate with the communities who are suspicious of KRM and CPD-RDTL threat to society. Therefore to re-integrate the community should not be using the army or police but through dialogue and peaceful means instead. This needs an integrated approach by the government for the complicated problems whether social, economic or problems from veterans.
Finally, the contents of the resolution is considered a threat to national stability and the state’s sovereignty and the operation itself considered a political trick which in the past has been an issue with the leaders of this nation. Therefore, FM considers that the resolution is political stunt and the establishment COC through the “Friendship Operation” is like a political threat and not the political threat.
1. Recommend to the President of the Republic, as a symbol of the National Unity, to organize a dialogue with communities, particularly victims and people who have been involved in KRM and CPD-RDTL groups. Coordinate with the government to re-integrate the communities in a peaceful and integrated manner.
2. Recommends to the National Parliament calls the Ministry of Defense and Security to clarify to the public what the result of the COC’s operation process against groups of KRM and CPD-RDTL.
3. Recommends to the government to pay attention to veteran’s case and resolve some existing problems regarding the state’s recognizing the participation of people during the struggle period fairly.
To know more details on this issue you can contact:
Nélson Belo
FM Executive Director
Phone (+670) 7737-4222 or (+670) 77561184
Operasaun konjunto nebe halo, hodi taka buat barak nebe Governo halo, no ikus mai fo nia infakto negativo ba populasaun nebe la hatene buat ida, mak sai vitima ba intrese politika nain sira nian, hanoin Presidente da republika persisa toma atensaun ba hahalok hirak nebe la responsabel e viola direito ema sidadaun nian iha tempooperasaun ne halao, ita hotu hatene ona katak, kada tinan ka problema mosu iha nasaun foun ida ne’e estado ho governo sou resolve seit mak liu husi dalan operasaun konjunta, laiha dalan seluk nebe atu uja hodi resolve problema nasional. dezisaun estado ho governo hasai resolusaun hodi hlo operasaun, durante 2007 ate agra 2015 estraga povo kbiit laek mak sai sopremento ba operasaun refere. maibe estado nunka atu hare no tetu ba faktus sira nebe sai ona refrencia ba ita ka estado atu foti medida seluk hodi resolve problema, governo ho estado hakark uja nafatin meus nebe iha hodi estraga populasaun nebe inosente, sira terus tiha ona, emves atu ajuda sira hasai sira husi tersu maibe aumenta tan sira ba terus bebeik. oinsa Estado HoGoverno iha ka lae Interse nasionalismo ba povo no rai ida ne’e? obrigado a braco..!