Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 29 Juñu 2015
Komunikadu Imprensa
Liu husi Mahein Nia Hanoin Nú 07 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun Tetun.pdf) (English Version.pdf) kona-bá Timor-Leste nia metas polítika ba seitór siguransa define klaru tiha ona iha Planu Estratejiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional – PEDN 2011 – 2030 nian.
Planu politika sub-seitor sira iha PEDN maka hanesan Politika lezislasaun, Politika rekursu humanus, Politika Infra-estrutura, nomos Politika Kooprasaun Bilateral entre Timor-Leste ho nasaun estranjeiru sira hodi dezenvolve Instituisaun PNTL no F-FDTL.
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Iha ne’ebé foka ba diploma no lei organiku iha seitór siguransa. Inklui lejislasaun ba Instituisaun Protesaun Sivil, Serbisu Migrasaun no kontinua dezenvolve normas no regulamentu interna ba PNTL iha ne’ebé ligasaun ho prosedementu polisial, disiplina, transparansia no akutabilidade.
Maibe presiza iha revizaun ba lei hirak ne’ebé iha ona nomos produz lejizasaun importante sira hanesan lei ba Autoridade Martima Nasional – AMN inklui lei sira seluk hodi bele responde ba dinamika no progresu dezenvolvimentu Instituisaun Siguransa iha rai-laran.
Politika rekursu humanus ne’ebé governu estabelese ona hanesan profisionalizasaun ba Instituisaun Siguransa. Liu husi fasilita treinamentu ba membru PNTL iha area tematiku oi-oin ne’ebé koresponde ho misaun polisial nian, rekrutamentu no promosaun atu fó resposta ba nesesidade instituisaun nian.
Politika Infra-estrutura nu’udar fatór determinante ba funsionamentu serbisu instituisaun ida nian. Iha ne’ebé foka liu ba ekipamentu no fasilidade iha Instituisaun Siguransa no Defeza.
Maibe instituisaun PNTL no F-FDTL kontinua mukit ho infra-estrutura to’o ohin loron. Kondisaun hirak ne’e sai pontu dezafiu ba funsionamentu serbisu polisial nian.
Politika Kooprasaun Bilateral entre Timor-Leste ho nasaun estranjeiru sira hodi dezenvolve instituisaun polisial no militar. Hanesan kooperasaun Timor-Leste ho Idonezia bele fasilita formasaun no estudu komparativu iha area polisiamentu komunitaria, formasaun kona-bá kombate droga no trafiku umanu ba membru polisial.
Hare’e ba pratika no rezultadu kooperasaun bilateral Timor-Leste no nasaun estranjeiru hirak ne’e fo benefisiu boot ba dezenvolvimentu instituisaun siguransa no defeza.
Maibe Governu tenki legaliza formalmente akordu ka MoU kona-bá kooperasaun militar no polisia atu nune’e bele garante sustentabilidade iha futuru.
Tanba kuaze kooperasaun iha area militar no polisia seidauk formalmente asina Memorandum of Understanding – MoU, iha deit akordu militar no polisia entre instituisaun. Kazu konkretu nasaun Filipina ne’ebé durante fo kontribuisaun maka’as ba dezenvolvimentu instituisaun PNTL – F-FDTL, seidauk asina formalmente MoU.
Polítika dezenvolvimentu seitor sigurasan Timor-Leste define tiha ona iha dokumentu estratejiku nasional PEDN 2011 – 2030. Iha ne’ebé define ona metas ba dezenvolimentu tuir ninia sub-seitoral sira iha planu estratejiku refere. Durante ne’e, Governu hahu ona implementa polítika PEDN hodi dezenvolve seitór siguransa, partikularmente PNTL, F-FDTL no instituisaun relevente seluk ne’ebé tutela ba seitór siguransa. Maibe, periodu faze konsolidasaun instituisaun nu’udar vizaun husi polítika PEDN to’o agora seidauk atinji. Intermus infra-estrutura, rekursu umanu, lejislasaun no asuntu sira seluk ne’ebé kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu seitór siguransa barak sei falta.
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1. Rekomenda ba VI Governu Konstituisional kontinua dezenvolve infra-estrutura ba instituisaun PNTL no F-FDTL. Ho mekanismu kontrolu ne’ebé diak atu nune’e bele garante transparansia no boa-Governasaun.
2. Rekomenda ba VI Governu Konstituisional kontinua fortifika rekursu umanu liu husi formasaun no treinamentu polisial no militar tuir nesesidade instituisaun agora no futuru atu nune’e bele sai polisia no militar ne’ebé profesional no modernu.
3. Rekomenda ba Governu kontinua hametin kooperasaun bilateral hodi nune’e bele fo apoiu ba dezenvolvimentu seitor siguransa Timor-Leste nian.
4. Rekomenda ba Governu estabelese Autoridade Nasional Maritima no define Polítika Siguransa Nasional hodi nune’e bele implementa polítika siguransa integradu ho diak tuir metas PEDN nian.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 29 June 2015
Press Release
Policy and Realization of the Sixth (V) Constitutional Government in the Security Sector 2012-2015; “Between Success and Challenge”
Timor-Leste’s security sector policy is clearly defined in the National Development Strategic Plan (NDSP) 2011-2030.
The sub-sector policies of the NDSP are; Legislation, Human Resources, Infrastructure and Bilateral Cooperation between Timor-Leste with other foreign countries in order to develop the key institutions, PNTL and F-FDTL.
The NDSP’s Legislation Policy concerns creating a legal framework to ensure regulation for civil protection, the migration service and the continued development of internal norms and rules of the PNTL in regards with the procedure, discipline, transparency and accountability.
Despite the Policy, there is a need to further legislate and review existing laws in regards to areas such as creating a National Maritime Authority (NMA), in addition to other laws that respond to dynamic and developing issues within security institutions.
The Human Resource Policy is focused on increasing the professionalism by facilitating training for members of the PNTL in various thematic areas that correspond to the Police’s mission, recruitment and promotion.
The Infrastructure Policy is focused on equipment and facilities inside the security and defense institutions. However, the institutions of PNTL and F-FDTL still currently have relatively poor infrastructure, causing ongoing challenges in service delivery particularly by the PNTL in district areas.
The Policy of Bilateral Cooperation aims to develop the skills capacity in police and military institutions. A recent example is the partnership between Timor-Leste and Indonesia to facilitate training and information sharing regarding community policing and combating drug and human trafficking.
Bilateral cooperation between Timor-Leste with other countries is vital for the development of security and defense institutions. However, the Government is yet draw-up official memorandum of understanding agreements regarding such cooperation to ensure their ongoing sustainability (A recent example being the ad hoc agreement between the Philippines and the PNTL and F-FDTL, without an official MoU).
The development policy for the security sector in Timor-Leste is defined in the National Development Strategic Plan (NDSP) 2011-2030. The Government has so far implemented the NDSP in order to develop and consolidate the security sector, particularly the PNTL, F-FDTL and other relevant security institutions. However, despite some progress, this consolidation has yet to fully realize the vision outlined in the NDSP in terms of the development of infrastructure, human resources, legislation and other key areas.
1. Recommends that the VI Government continues to develop infrastructure for the PNTL and F-FDTL following suitable needs assessments and procurement processes to ensure transparency and good governance.
2. Recommends that the VI Government continues the process of strengthening regulation and training for the military and police forces’ human resources with the aim of creating a truly professional membership.
3. Recommends that the VI Government to strengthen bilateral cooperation with foreign countries by creating long-term agreements and partnerships to support and develop the security sector of Timor-Leste.
4. Recommends that the VI Government to establish a National Maritime Authority (NMA), and more importantly define a National Security Policy (NSP) in order to better implement security policy in line with the PEDN.
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