Proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2015 ba Polisiamentu Komunitariu Presiza Apoiu Polítika husi Parlamentu Nasional

Proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2015 ba  Polisiamentu Komunitariu Presiza Apoiu Polítika husi Parlamentu Nasional post thumbnail image
(Foto: Arkivu FM)

(Foto: Arkivu FM)

Relatoriu Mahein Nia Lian Nú 89 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun Tetun.pdf) (English Version.pdf)
Iha tinan 2013 nia rohan Fundasaun Mahein públika ona relatoriu kona-bá Inisiativa Baze Kona-bá Pratika Polisiamentu Komunitaria. Iha ne’ebé koalia kona-bá inisiativa serbisu polisia komunitaria no Ofisial Polisia Suku (OPS).

Maibe inisiativa hirak ne’e seidauk hetan atensaun masimu husi governu ba serbisu polisia komunitaria iha Distritu 13, liu-liu alokasaun orsamentu ba Departementu Polisiamentu Komunitaria. Tanba ne’e atividade polisiamentu komunitaria iha distritu no suku sei iha limitasaun oin-oin hanesan fasilidade, ekipamentu no menus formasaun ba pesoal polisia komunitaria sira.

Proposta OJE 2015 nian Governu submete ona ba Parlamentu Nasional iha fulan Outobru tinan 2014. Iha ne’ebé sei diskute iha kada Komisaun Parlamentu Nasional nian tuir area ne’ebé komisaun sira ne’e tutela ba. Tanba ne’e Fundasaun Mahein nia leitura ba proposta OJE 2015 ne’ebé aloka ba Polisiamentu Komunitaria hetan atensaun balu husi governu. FM fiar katak Parlamentu Nasional hatete difikuldade no susesu sira ne’ebé durante ne’e polisia komunitaria infrenta no atinji iha terenu.

Iha tinan 2014 nia klaran Komando Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) no organizasaun doador sira ne’ebé durante ne’e apoiu ba polisia komunitaria konvoka sorumutu ida iha Dili, ne’ebé koalia kona-bá serbisu polisiamentu komunitaria. Iha sorumutu ne’e doador sira aprezenta relatoriu preliminariu ida ne’ebé aprezenta husi ekipa avaliasaun katak polisia komunitaria ne’ebé koloka ona iha suku sira sei infrenta difikuldade ba kondisaun baziku sira hanesan fasilidade, ekipamentu no formasaun ba pesoal polisia komunitaria sira hodi habelar sira nia kuiñesementu iha serbisu ne’ebé sira tutela ba.

FM nia monitorizasaun liu husi atividade vizita rejional kona-bá sorumutu polisia no lider komunitaria indentfika katak iha difikuldade barak mak sira infrenta hanesan fasilidade, ekipamentu no menus kuiñesementu. Maske iha difikuldade barak maibe polisiamentu komunitaria atinji ona susesu balu.

Hanesan FM kestiona iha leten katak, atu atinji objetivu estratejiku tuir planu estratejiku PNTL 2014-2018 presiza apoiu husi Governu no Parlamentu Nasional. Ho ida ne’e iha proposta OJE 2015 hatur ona planu asaun ida ne’ebé sei realiza iha tinan 2015 nu’udar deskreve iha Livru – 2 OJE 2015 nian partikularmente ba Instituisaun PNTL.

Tuir planu annual PNTL nian iha livru OJE 2015 ba polisia komunitariu katak sei dezenvolve kapasidade teknika no profesional ba membru PNTL sira liu husi formasaun interna nian. Iha atividade polisiamentu komunitaria nian sei kontinua formasaun ba OPS sira iha suku ba area polisiamentu komunitaria, formasaun téknika komunikasaun ba OPS iha suku, treinamentu ba juventude siguransa voluntariu suku nian iha distritu 13, atu nune’e membru polisia sira iha ona kuiñesementu profundu ba area interasaun sosial no psikolojika sosial.

FM nia hare ida ne’e nu’udar pasu prinsipal ida hodi konkretiza filozofia PNTL nian. Nune’e mos Planu Estratejiku PNTL nian tinan 2014 – 2018 ne’ebé difine modelu polisiamentu hako’ak filozofia polisiamentu komuntaria nia liu husi adopta doutrina VIP (Vizibilidade, Involvimentu no profesionalismu).

FM fiar katak Parlamentu Nasional hatene diak difikuldade no susesu sira ne’ebé durante ne’e polisiamentu komunitaria infrenta no atinji, no durante ne PN prekupa kona-bá vizisilidade polisia nian iha komunidade nomos difikuldade polisia nian iha terenu.


1. Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun B presiza apoiu ba polítika no alokasaun orsamentu ba serbisu polisiamentu komunitariu nian iha diskusaun orsamentu ne’ebé sei mai.

2. Parlamentu Nasional presiza halo fiskalizasaun ba alokasaun hirak ne’ebé preve ona ba polisiamentu komunitariu wainhira hetan ona aprovasaun no iha implementasaun.

Atu hatene kle’an li’u kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefon (+670) 7831 6075 ka bele kontaktu (+670) 7756 1184

Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 30 October 2014

Press Release

The 2015 State General Budget for the Community Police Needs Political Support from the National Parliament

At the end of 2013, Fundasaun Mahein published a report entitled “The Basis of the Community Police Practice,” which discussed the services of community police and the Official Village Police (POV).

However, these initiatives, which involve community police services in 13 districts, have not yet received maximum attention from the government. The allocation of funding is still lacking, so the activitie of the community police in districts and villages still face various limitations in facilities, equipment, and training resources for member.

The government has submitted its proposed State General Budget to the National Parliament on October 2014, and this proposed budget will be discussed by each relevant commission of the National Parliament. Fundasaun Mahein views this proposal (2015 SGB) as evidence that the government is attentive to the funding needs of the community police. Moving forward, FM trusts that the national parliament will consider the difficulties and successes that community police have faced in the field thus far.

In mid-2014, the General Commander of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) and the supporting organizational donors for the community police held a workshop in Dili. This workshop discussed the various services of the community police. During the workshop, the donors presented a preliminary report, supported by an evaluation team that visited community police in villages, which explained that these posts are still facing shortages in the basic materials, such as facilities, equipment, and training resources, necessary to perform community police duties.
Through regional visits and discussions with community leaders, FM’s monitoring efforts have identified that these police face many problems, such as facilities, equipment, and lack of acknowledgment. Despite these shortages, whoever, the community police have achieved some successes.

As suggest above, FM believes that, in order to reach the strategic aims of the PNTL Strategy Plan for 2014-2018, the community police initiatives need support from the government and the national parliament. In particular, these initiatives need support for the action plan outlined in the proposed 2015 SGB, which would take effect in early 2015.

According to the PNTL Annual Plan, written in the proposed 2015 SGB, the community police will develop technical capacity and professionalism, as members of the PNTL, through internal training. Community policing activities will continue to provide training to POVs in villages, training for technical communication with POVs in villages, and training for volunteer security youth of villages in 13 districts. As such, these police members will play a profound role in social interactions and social psychology within these communities.

FM believes that these activities embody the philosophy of the PNTL, as well as the PNTL strategy Plan for 2014-2018, by adopting the ‘VIP Doctrine,’ which asks PNTL members to be ‘Visible, Involved, and Professional.’

FM believes that the National Parliament is well acquainted with the problems and successes of the community police initiatives thus far. Furthermore, FM believes that the National Parliament shares its concern for the visibility and policy adherence of community police in the field.


1. The national parliament committee B should support policy and the allocation of funding for community police services in the upcoming budget discussion.
2. The national parliament must supervise the implementation of funds by the community police, if these funds are granted.

For more details on this issue, please contact:

Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone (+670) 7831 6075 or (+670) 7756 1184

6 thoughts on “Proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2015 ba Polisiamentu Komunitariu Presiza Apoiu Polítika husi Parlamentu Nasional”

  1. Tuir hau nia Hanoin . Presiza apoio nebe sufisiente hodi bele halo Implementasaun Programa Policia Komunitaria iha Komunidade nia leet . liu husi Implementasaun servico Konselho Directiva Distrital Policia Komunitaria KDD-POL-KOM . Konselho Policia Komunitaria KPK nomos Official Policia Suco OPS. hodi Manan no asegura Fiar no konfiansa Husi Lideransa Komunitaria no komunidade ba Instituisaun Seguranca Interna, hodi bele atinji Plano Estrategiko Estado RDTL nian. kona ba Peace Building [ Dezenvolvimento Paz].. Tamba Successo Instituisaun Policia no Membros Policia . sei la Sukat ho Farda mesak didiak nebe sira hatais, sei sukat ho Equipamento Mesak Moderno nebe sira Utiliza.. Maibe bele deit Sukat ho Komunidade nia Kontribusaun Activo iha Sector Seguranca nian . Obrigado.

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