Media nu’udar ajente kontrolu sosial ne’ebé ninia papel importante mos iha prosesu konstrusaun Estadu no hametin paz no estabilidade nasaun ida nian. Liu husi públikasaun no ne’ebé kredivel, balansu no imparsial, la’os provokativu. Iha kontestu Timor-Leste, kontribuisaun media hodi hari’i paz no estabilidade sei mukit tebes, maioria públikasaun sei nakonu ho tendensia provokasaun ne’ebé iha tentativa bele estraga ambiente siguransa nasional.
Tuir Fundasaun Mahein – FM nia monitorizasaun ba públikasaun media nasional sira hanesan Jornal, Radiu, Buletin no Televizaun konsege identifika katak media print no elektronika kontinua públika steitmentu – steimentu provokativu no kontraversial iha públiku. Liu-liu publika steitementu kontra-versial entre eis veteranu Cornelio Gama alias L7 ho lideransa iha instituisaun defeza no siguransa. Relasiona planu atu realiza asaun pasifiku durante semana ida iha kapital Dili.
Rezultadu husi monitorizasaun ne’e FM deskobre kuaze media nasional nia públikasaun iha pursentu ki’ik promove paz no estabilidade. Iha analiza ida ne’e, FM foti públikasaun sira husi media balun ne’ebé konsidera kontra-versial no bele kontribui hamosu tensaun konflitu iha nivel politika no sosial. Iha ne’ebé relasaun espesifiku ho situasaun ka isu demonstrasaun pasifiku ne’ebé to’o ohin loron sei sai diskusaun namanas iha sosiadade nia leet.
Hanesan notisia TVTL iha loron 18 Juñu 2015 ne’ebé fo sai kompletu transkrip deklarasaun Komandante PNTL Distritu Dili Pedro Belo ne’ebé nakonu ho emosaun no provokativu, la’os deklarasaun polisiamentu komunitariu. Nune’e mos media STL no Diariu Nasional loron 19 Juñu 2015 ne’ebé halo públikasaun steitementu kontra-versial husi lideransa FALINTIL-Forsa Timor-Leste – F-FDTL no Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste – PNTL.
Lapara ho ida ne’e, iha loron 22-23 Juñu 2015 TVTL no media Diariu Nasional kontinua fo sai notisia kontra-versial husi steitementu husi eis Veteranu L7 pesoal no lideransa instituisaun siguransa no defeza nian. Impaktu husi públikasaun kontra-versial ne’e halo komunidade senti tauk iha sira nia bairo, iha tempu kalan. Tanba komunidade konsidera públikasaun media sira identiku atu soran veteranu sira ho lider instituisaun militar no polisia.
Buat hirak ne’e tuir FM katak fo impaktu ba siguransa nasional enkuantu husi parte rua ne’ebé diferente idea laiha sastifasaun ba malu intermuz steitementu moruk sira ne’ebé media fasilita públika. Tuir lolos media barak liu halo intervista ho ema sivil hanesan Ministru Defeza no Ministru Interior ne’ebé nu’udar ema politiku hodi nune’e evita ba steitmentu-steitmentu ne’ebé identiku militeristiku no otoritariu.
Ho ida ne’e FM hakarak rekomenda katak:
1. Rekomenda ba lideransa media print no elektroniku atu kria politika redasaun ne’ebé bele provome mos paz no siguransa iha Timor-Leste.
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Ho nune’e labele identiku media hanesan provokator ba konflitu iha rai-laran.
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2. Rekomenda ba Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial – SEKS atu serbisu hamutuk ho asosiasaun no sindikatu jornalista iha Timor-Leste hodi kontinua fo treinamentu ba jonalista sira liu-liu iha area peace journalism nian
Media and Polemics Information of Security in Timor-Leste
The media is a social agent that has an important role in the process of developing the state, strengthening peace and stability for this nation through the publications of high quality, credible, and impartial material. However, in Timor-Leste the contribution of media in developing peace and stability is still poor, as publications still promote a provocative characteristic, that hinders rather promotes the debate surrounding national security issues.
According to Fundasaun Mahein’s (FM) monitoring of national media publications such as newspaper, radio, bulletin and television identified that media printers and electronics continue publishing controversial and or provocative statements to public, particularly a controversial statement between the former veterans Cornelio Gama-L-7 and leaders of defense and security institutions, in regards with plan to conduct a peaceful protest for a week in Dili.
FM discovered that majority of national media publications do not promote peace and stability. In particular, FM has analyzed some publication’s statements from media considered to be controversial and promoting conflict related to the recent L-7 protest issue.
As reported on TVTL news on 18th June 2015 that reported completely a declaration of the PNTL Dili district Commander Pedro Belo that is full of emotion and provocative, not a more peaceful declaration from the community police. Furthermore, in the STL and Diariu National newspapers on 19th June 2015 also published a controversial statement from the leader of FALINTIL-Force of Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) and the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL).
On 22-23 June 2015, TVTL and newspaper (Diariu Nacional) continued reporting the controversial statements of the former veteran L-7 and leaders of defense and security institutions. The impact of those controversial statements in publication have made people alarmed in their homes at night, and annoyed because they consider such media publication’s intention is to incite both the veterans and leaders of the military and police institutions.
In order to avoid such situations, the media could look to conducting more interviews with civilian leaders such as Ministry of Defense and Interior where the rhetoric will hopefully be more measured and considered than militaristic and authoritative.
Therefore, FM recommends to:
1. Leaders of media printer and electronics to create a publishing policy that promotes peace and security in Timor-Leste, so that the media will not provoke conflict in this nation.
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2. Secretary state of social communication (SSSC) to cooperate with the association and journalism syndicate in Timor-Leste to continue providing training for journalists particularly in the area of peace journalism.
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