PNTL nia Kilat Atu Fo Seguru Ka Hatauk?

PNTL nia Kilat Atu Fo Seguru Ka Hatauk? post thumbnail image

Mahein Nia Lian No.25 (Versaun Tetun .pdf) (English Version .pdf) sei deskute klean konaba PNTL nia fo seguru ka ameasa? Timor-Leste nia historia nakonu ho konflitus nebe’e uza kilat. Konflitus hirak ne’e mak akontese hahu tinan 1975, 1999, krize 2006, atentadu asasinatu ba lider estadu ho governu iha 11 Febreiru 2008.

Mahein nia Lian ida ne’e mos lista konaba uza sala kilat husi institusaun estadu hasoru sidadaun bain-bain. Relatoriu ne’e fo sai katak uza kilat hodi hatauk no oho ema tanba estadu menus kontrolu no la uza sistema iha institusaun Polisia, dala ruma sistema iha maibe la funsiona ho diak. Ho ida ne’e mos, pesoal ofisial polisia dala barak la hatene lei konaba uza kilat iha tempu servisu no tempu la servisu, ne’ebe ikus mai rezulta uza sala kilat, ezemplu maka oho feto foin sae iha ida distritu Bobonaro dia 4 Novembru 2011 no akontesementu hanesan iha fatin seluk nian mos.

Iha parte seluk, FM fo sai iha Mahein nian Lian ida ne’e katak pesoal PNTL ida ne’ebe komete oho mane ida iha fulan Dezembru 2009 iha Delta Nova kontinua halo nafatin nia kna’ar no seidauk haruka ba prizaun. Pior liu tan liu tiha ona tinan 2 mak Tribunal Distrital Dili halo primeiru audensia ba testamuna ne’ebe hala’o iha 24 Novembru foin lalais ne’e. Iha relatoriu ne’e FM fo sai konaba hamate ema ho intimidasaun hasoru sidadaun ne’ebe komete husi pesoal Polisia durante iha Timor-Leste.

Iha relatoriu ida ne’e FM mos hato’o rekomendasaun ba Governu Timor-Leste tuir mai ne’e:

Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Governu atu estabelese paiol/armajem kilat nian ho funsionamentu sistema atu bele kontrola polisia nia kilat durante tempu servisu no tempu la servisu.

Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Governu Timor-Leste atu iha teste piskolojia ba pesoal PNTL ne’ebe iha deskonfia problema mental bainhira halo kna’ar hodi nune’e bandu labele uza kilat iha tempu servisu.

Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Governu kontinua halo auditing ba kilat iha institusaun PNTL.

Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba komadante Polisia sira atu halo kontrolu diak ba sira nia membru sira wainhira uza kilat iha komunidade nia let.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu

Nélson Belo,
Diretor Fundasaun Mahein
Email: ,
Tlp +670 737 4222

PNTL’s Weapons: Items of Security or Threat?

Mahein’s voice no. 25 will discuss whether the PNTL’s arsenal is a source for security or a threat to the Timorese population? Timorese history has been filled with conflicts marred by heavy weaponry. These conflicts have been listed in the history of Timor-Leste and include the 1975, 1999, 2006 crises and the attempted assassinations of the head of State and Government of RDTL on the 11th of February 2008.

This report explains that the use of weapons in conflict continues to be used by State institutions against ordinary citizens. The report cited that, wrong doing caused by the use of weapons that lead to the intimidation and murder of civilians is caused by the lack of systems of control whereby the State has insufficient control over the weapons in use in the Army and the Police institutions. In addition to this, the individual soldier or Police officer is most often unaware of the laws relating to the use of weapons. This often results in the carrying of weapons by off duty officers, which leads to the use of weapons for wrongdoing. A striking example of this was the murder by two off duty PNTL border patrol Unit officers of a young girl on 4th November 2011 in Bobonaro district.

The report later goes on to reveal that the PNTL officer who committed the killing of a young man in December 2009 is still on duty while the case is ongoing and has not been sent to prison yet. Moreover, FM also lists in this report the various incidents of murder and intimidation, which were committed by PNTL and army officers in Timor-Leste.
In this report FM also offered several recommendations to the Government of Timor-Leste.

Fundasaun Mahein recommends the Government to set up a control system to better monitor the use of weapons by on and off duty Police and Army personnel.

Fundasaun Mahein recommends the Government of Timor-Leste to conduct psychological tests of Police and Army officers to probe for cases of mental ill health and to ban the use of weapons while off duty.

Fundasaun Mahein recommends the Government to have regular auditing of weapons within both the PNTL and the F-FDTL.

Fundasaun Mahein recommends that the commanders within the PNTL and the F-FDTL control their officers and soldiers when using weapons in the community.

For more information on this issue, please contact
Nélson Belo,
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp : +670 737 4222

10 thoughts on “PNTL nia Kilat Atu Fo Seguru Ka Hatauk?”

  1. Parabens ba relatoriu FM ne’ebe kapas no furak, relatoriu ida ne’e merese sai refrensia ba instituisaun Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste atu halo politika ba manajementu kilat atu nune’e membru PNTL labele uza arbiru kilat liu oras servisu. Tanba realidade hatudu katak membru PNTL uza kilat laos oras servisu ba tuir festa no hamate ema sivil. Komandu PNTL tenki lee didiak relatoriu husi sosiadade sivil nian ne’e atu bele halo planu ne’ebe diak ba sistema kontrola armas sira. Komandu PNTL mos tenki hare’e no lee didiak rekomendasaun sira husi sosiadade sivil (FM) nian konaba kilat PNTL ne’e sempre hamate ema sivil kada tinan-tinan ne’e. obrigadu.

  2. Hau konkorda no apresia tebes relatoriu husi Fundasaun Mahein ne’e. Kilat PNTL durante ne’e sai ameasa ba komunidade nia moris tanba realidade hatudu katak vitima husi kilat musan PNTL barak ona……abracoss

  3. Parabens ba FM tanba bele produz relatoriu konaba kilat PNTL nian ne’ebe durante ne’e sai preoukupasaun publiku tanba membru PNTL balun uza sala hodi tiru kanek ema sivil, ameasa ema no tiru mate ema sivil sira. Maibe membru PNTL sira ne’e laiha sansaun ida ba sira……Rekomendasaun husi relatoriu ne’e merese sai referensia ba Komandante Longuinhos Monteiro atu halo planu….adeus……

  4. Konkorda tebes ho relatoriu Fundasaun Mahein (FM) ne’ebe fakar sai kazu kilat PNTL sira nian, tuir hau kilat PNTL sira ne’ebe durante ne’e laiha sistema kontrolu ne’ebe diak no la uza paiol sira ne’ebe iha hafasil membru PNTL lori sai hodi tiru kanek ema sivil no mos tiru mate komunidade sira. Relatoriu ne’e diak tebes no sai refrensia ba komandu PNTL hodi halo stratejia ba sistema kontrolu ba kilat PNTL sira atu labele uza arbiru deit. Longuinhos tenki konsidera relatoriu ida ne’e. Ikus liu sujere ba FM karik relatoriu kontinuasaun halo mos intervista hodi nune’e haforsa liu tan relatoriu ne’e. adeus no servisu diak ba ekipa FM.

  5. Good Report, we are wait the next one. Kilat PNTL sai duni problema ba komunidade tanba durante ne’e membru PNTL uza tuir deit sira nia hakarak hodi lori ba mai maske la’os tempu servisu ofisial nian. Wainhira governu la tau matan ba asuntu ne’e ba futuru publiku nafatin la fiar profesionalizmu PNTL nian…Obrigada ba FM nia relatoriu ne’e hodi infroma ba publiku atu nune’e bele hatene konaba siguransa kilat PNTL iha Timor-Leste. Bravo ekipa FM.

  6. Armas nebe PNTL uja atu halo seguransa hodi nunee povu bele moris ho seguru hodi halao sira nia moris lor-loron nian laos uja kilat nee atu amiasa no halakon povu kbiit laek nia vida, respeita povu nia moris tanba farda nebe PNTL sira uja lori povu Timor-Leste nia naran, PNTL hanesan Lutu nebe fo mahon no seguransa ba ai horis sira nebe iha lutu laran tansa mak lutu han fali aihoris(pagar makan tanaman)?????????????????? comando PNTL tenke toma konsiderasaun ba relatoriu FM atu nunee povu labele sai vitima bebeik ba oknumsira nebe laiha responsabilidade no profesionalismu atu servi povu no nasaun doben RDTL, Abracos………………..

  7. Obrigada ba FM,nebe hasae ona isu ida nee. Hau atu aumenta deit rekomendasaun balu,liu-liu iha pontu 2,nebe koalia kona ba teste psikolojia. Tuir hau nia hare,idea nee diak,maibe sei diak liu taan quando iha instituisaun nee bele kria Sesaun ruma iha Departemento Saude PNTL nia okos nebe foka ba area Psikologia hodi halo teste psikolojia regularmente ba agentes tomak no mos fornese servico apoio psikolojia hodi bele hahoris agentes PNTL nebe saudavel fisikamente no psikolojikamente hodi fortifika profesionalisme nebe nia rohan bele sai duni guardiaun no protetor ba povu iha Rai Doben ida nee. Obrigada.

  8. sim tenke hlo duni lae it nia polisia uja kilat arbiru d8 no lahtene funsaun nudar seguransa b komunidade maibe sai fali inimigu b komunidade…….parabens b FM nia relatoriu……….

  9. sei hetan ona kaju ne foin mak agr debate.lei Timor Nian laforte tan ne mak avoja policia sira mos halo arbiro.hadia polisia sira nebe foin wainhira iha Akademi nia laran fo hanorin didiak ba sira.tempu 1 agr ne prisija polisia nebe mak matenek laos atu uja d8 nia jagoan ou forma maibe uja nia kakutan.halo selesao ba policia ho FDTL mos tenki hare laos sistema familia. e hili sira nebe mak iskola laos ema halo ijasa falso mos ba tama hotu FDTL ka POLICIA..pois tenki hanorin ETIKA ho moras nebe mak makas ba sira.sei lakoi polisia naran uja kilat ou pistola haruka sira waihira fila ba uma labele lori kilat ou pistola hanesan FDTL sira atu nune sira oho ou amiasa ema arbiro..balu to lori pistola ba hemu tua lori ba tama diskoteka….obrigado wain desculpa krk liafuan nebe la monu ba imi nia laran tamba povo mos iha dereito atu hato nia ispiracao atu nune ita nia nacao lao ho kontrola..

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