Fundasaun Mahein (FM) iha meta tolu ne’ebe dahuluk nian, 1) atu kria lidun debate politiku, 2) atu kria arkivu informasaun nian, ho 3) atu haberan sosiedade sivil ho media sira. Iha FM nia blog ida ne’e, FM hakarak fo foka detaillu ba objetivu daruak nian konaba arkivu informasaun. Uluk liu ida ne’e FM nia Sesaun Arkivu nian maka toma konta ba atu fornese informasaun ba publiku no atu sai fontes ba analizador sira konaba Seitor Siguransa nian. Nia output husi FM nia esperansa katak FM fornese arkivu ba publiku no bele fo biban ba peskizador sira iha Timor-Leste ne’ebe halo peskiza ba area seitor siguransa nian, iha peskiza nia prosesa, sidaudaun sira bele asesu ba fontes internasional ho universidades sira. Ho ida ne’e sei fortifika opinian iha prosesu demokrasia no ikus mai bele haberan lezitimasaun ho efetivu ba seitor siguransa.
Sesaun Arkivu nian iha FM ne’ebe halo kna’ar ba kliping ne’ebe iha relasaun konaba arkivu nian iha librariu FM nian ne’e nakloke ba publiku ne’ebe hakarak asesu atu halo peskiza. Arkivador halo kliping husi media nasional ho governu, no mos komunikadu imprenza husi governu no blog lokal sira ne’ebe iha relasaun ba siguransa ho defesa.
Atu fasilita peskiza, FM dadaun ne’e halo dezemvolve database elektroniku nian ne’ebe iha laran ne’e konaba materia Arkivu nian, dokumentus importante seluk. Data base ida ne’e no materia seluk mos bele asesu husu publiku ne’ebe hakarak mai asesu iha FM nia knua.
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Maibe, meta FM nia iha asuntu ida ne’e maka atu hari’i arkivu elektroniku ida konaba kliping sira ne’e para upload iha website FM nian.
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Ho ida ne’e sei fo biban ba aseus publiku ne’ebe barak iha tempu pratika liberalizasaun telekomunikasaun no penetrasaun internet sei boot tanba asesu hirak ne’e.
FM’s Objective of Creating an Information Archive
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) has three main objectives: 1) to create political space, 2) to create an Information Archive and 3) to empower civil society and the media. In this blog, FM would like to focus and give details on its second objective – to Create an Information Archive. This is mainly undertaken by our archiving unit with the aim of providing a public repository for information and analysis on the security sector. The expected output is that by providing such an archive, FM will enable research on the security sector of Timor-Leste, in particular research by Timorese citizens who may not have access to the resources of international bodies and universities. Thus, we enable voices within the Timorese democratic process and ultimately, strengthen the legitimacy and effectiveness of the security sector.
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The archiving unit at FM undertakes press monitoring activities and clippings, which are bound and archived in our personal library, open to anybody seeking to undertake research. The archiving staff scrutinizes all local printed press, Internet blogs and collects reports and government press releases and decrees relating to matters of security and defense.
To facilitate research, FM is currently in the process of developing an electronic database that will contain all material collected by the archiving team and detail its exact location. This database will allow research by date, newspaper and topic. This database, as well all as all the material will be open to the public but will remain on our premises.
However, we do aim in the future to set up an electronic archive whereby clippings are scanned and uploaded onto our website. This will allow for greater public access and with the imminent liberalization of the telecommunications sector, we hope for even greater Internet penetration and therefore access.