Dadaun ne’e Governu liu hosi Sekretariu Estadu Defeza (SED) halo hela nomeasaun ba Koronel F-FDTL atu sai observador militar ba ONU nian iha Guinea Bissau.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) kongratula ba F-FDTL nu’udar kontibusaun dame nian ba mundu hanesan observador militar. Iha sorin seluk, ida ne’e núdar sinal fiar nian hosi povu internasional ba institusaun F-FDTL. Ita tenki valoriza fiar ida ne’e no tenki responde fiar ne’e ho fornese profezionalismu no desiplina an.
Nomeasaun no involvimentu militar Timor-Leste ba ONU nudar observador militar durante ne’e sidauk akontese; tanba ne’e ita hanoin hikas misaun FALINTIL iha Ailaran diferente ho misaun F-FDTL nudar militar nasaun, ne’ebe mos parte hosi komunidade internasional. Ho nune’e husu obrigatoriu ba F-FDTL atu servisu ho profesional no disiplina iha escritorio no iha ne’ebe deit.
FM hanoin katak involvimentu F-FDTL nudar observador militar ONU hanesan promosaun no treinamentu diak atu dezenvolve an iha forsa dame internasional nian iha rai sira ne’ebé konflitu. Biban ida ne’e oportunidade boot ba F-FDTL atu aprende barak kona-ba disiplina, sistema ONU, estrutura, no hatene klean liu kon-aba sistema operasaun dame nian. Nune mos atu hatene pratika oinsa konaba aspeitu diretu ema nian, konsiensia ho siguransa an, kordenasaun militar-sivil nian ho kontekstu ne’ebe luan liu.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) fiar katak nomeasaun ba observador militar hosi Timor-Leste sei adapta no bele hetan esperensia sira durante konflitu iha Guinea Bissau. FM konvida publiku Timor-Leste atu kongratula ba pozisaun nudar reprezenta nasaun sai observador militar ONU nian.
Ikus liu, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) kongratula ba institusaun F-FDTL,tanba involvimentu pesoal koronel sei fo motivasaun diak ba soldadu sira atu disiplina an no sai profesional liu tan.
FM Welcome F-FDTL in UN Military Observation
The government, through SED (State Secretary for Defense), will nominate a colonel of the F-FDTL as a UN military observer to Guinea Bissau.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) welcomes this effort to promote the F-FDTL as a contributor to peace throughout the world through this military observation. On the other hand, this is a signal of the international community’s trust in the F-FDTL institution. We must validate that trust. We must respond to that trust in a professional way.
This appointment is the first involvement for the Timorese military in the UN as a military observer. This type of F-FDTL involvement has never happened before. We must remember that the mission of the FALINTIL in the jungle is very different from the mission of the F-FDTL as part of an international community. The F-FDTL as part of an international community must work with professionalism and discipline in the office and throughout the world.
The involvement of the F-FDTL in UN military observation is an important way to promote and train our military for involvement in the international peace process in conflict regions. This is a great opportunity for the F-FDTL to learn, absorb, and understand about UN systems, structures, and operations for peacekeeping. It is also a great opportunity to learn about human rights, personal security awareness, and military-civil society coordination in a more general sense.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) trusts that the person appointed to this position will be able to learn all of these things. We also trust that this person will be able to adapt himself and contribute positively to the conflict process in Guinea Bissau. FM calls for the public to celebrate this historical event in the Timorese defense sector. FM calls for the public to congratulate the ambassador representing us as a UN military observer.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) also congratulates the F-FDTL. This involvement must motivate many Timorese soldiers to discipline and professionalism, because they are always representing Timor-Leste as a country.
Congratulations F-FDTL! Proud to have you.
Dear Fundasaun Mahein Team
Hau fo apresiasaun ba Team mahaein tamba ho spiritu antoziasmu hodi fahe infiormasaun ba publiku liu husi Mahein nia postal, hau rasik pesoal mente Interese ba notisia konaba F-FDTL sai observador ba militar ONU nian. No hau iha sujestaun ida ba FM team karik ita bot sira bele halo kampainha informasaun FM nian ba militar F-FDTL sira atu nune’e sira bele akompainha nafatin notisia nebe ita bot sira halo kobertura hodi nune’e sai hanesan referensia ka fo hanoin ba sira katak F-FDTL mos hetan fiar husi Mundu spesialmente nasaun stadus unidos. No mos sira bele respeita ba sira an rasik hodi sai profesional liu tan iha sira nia kanaar loron – loron.
Bom susesu e aluta kontinua.