Forma Foun Operasaun Krime Organizadu iha Timor-Leste

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Fundasaun Mahein, 03 Outobru 2013

Komunikadu Imprensa

Liu Husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú. 60 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun tetum,pdf) (English Version,pdf) fo sai katak tipu foun kona-bá atividade krime organizadu ne’ebé halo operasaun iha Timor-Leste. Relatoriu ida ne’e hanesan tutan husi artigu Fundasaun Mahein kona-bá númeru Krime organizadu halo rekrutamentu ba ema sivil ne’ebé públika iha fulan Setembru. Relatoriu ne’e mos deskobre mai ita katak rede Krime Organizadu ho tan nia tipu operasaun iha Timor-Leste.

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) deskobre katak Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ne’ebé kada anual aumenta bebeik no laiha rekursu umanus naton atu ezekuta diak kona-bá atividade ne’ebé preve ona iha liña ezekusaun nian. Membru Krime Organizadu hare katak ne’e nu’udar oportunidade diak atu halo eksploita no organiza perturbasaun organizadu atu hetan benefisia. Faktus hatudu dadaun husi operasaun violensia organizadu iha fulan kotuk nian. Krime Organizadu ne’e nia atividade ne’e tarjetu ba tipu tolu: 1) Asaltu ka nauk ema nia sasan. 2) asaltu ema ka oho ema direita. 3) violasaun seksual hasoru feto sira.

Kazu dadaun ne’ebé iha mos akontese iha Tasi-Tolu obriga klosan feto ho mane halo relasaun seksual no membru krime organizadu sira ne’e halo filmajem, nune’e mos halo violasaun seksual. Akontese foun ne’ebé ikus mai ta’a mate joven ida iha motor leten no halo kanek ema lubuk balun iha sidade Dili.

Relatoriu ida ne’e mos halo estudus kle’an ba rede krime organizadu ne’ebé halo operasaun Timor-Leste. Tuir relatoriu ne’e katak Grupu intelektual ne’e maka fo instrusaun liu husi fundus, treinanmentu tekniku ho estratejia ne’ebé halo orientasaun ba liu rede Krime organizadu iha nivel kraik liu. Grupu intelektual ne’e halo identifikasaun ba geng sira ne’ebé fo serbisu hanesan “Lider ezekutivu” ne’ebé halo responsabiliza ba rekrutamentu ba “Delegasaun Operasaun” ne’ebé halo ezekusaun iha terinu ne’ebé halo rekrutamentu ba “Ekipa Ezekutador” no kapasitasaun hanesan treinamentu tekniku ho estratejia, nune’e mos fo lanu ho droga, fo kilat hanesan samurai, katana. Alen de ida ne’e Ekipa Ezekutor mos identifika area no tarjetu grupu sira iha sidade Dili tuir orientasuan tempu ne’ebé termina hotu ona iha planu.

Iha relatoriu ida ne’e Fundasaun Mahein halo identifikasaun katak iha ekipa ezekutor ho naran oin-oin hanesan: KIBATA, MONSTER, DEWA MABUK, ho MANUSIA GEGER (MAGER), no seluk seluk tan. Rede organizasaun kriminal ida ne’e organizadu ho displina aas nune’e mos finansia diak. Koneksaun rede iha estrutura laran hosi grupu ida ne’ebé as liu seluk lahatene malu ho ekipa sira seluk, atu nune’e paradeiru grupu intelektual ho lider ezekutivu mos labele deskobre sai. Por Ezemplu (“Delegasaun Operasaun” ne’e so halo komunikasaun deit ho “Ekipa ezekutor ” no labele halo komunikasaun ka fo orentasaun direita ba ekipa Ezekutor.

Iha mos relatoriu ida ne’e FM konklui ho Rekomendasaun:

1.Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba instituisaun Estadu nian hanesan Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa, SEFOPFE, Ministériu Edukasaun no Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu halo asaun integradu atu bele hetan rezolusaun diak ba kombate krime organizadu nian.

2. Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Komandu PNTL regularmente hala’o patrullamentu iha fatin identifikadu sira ne’ebé sempre mosu konflitu no deskonfia iha rede krime organizadu.

3. Rekomenda ba Komandu PNTL fortifika serbisu polisiamentu komunitaria hodi koopera ho komunidade no autoridade lokal nu’udar meius ida ba prevensaun konflitu nian atu bele detekta rede krime organizadu. Tanba komunidade maka krime nia viziñu, krime nia familia, komunidade maka krime nia maluk no krime nia knuk.

4. Rekomenda ba Komandu PNTL kontrola no komunika informasaun siguransa ba komunidade ne’ebé kredivel no atual ho nune’e krime organizadu sira lebele kontrola fali informasaun hodi halo komunidade pániku.

5. Governu presiza kapasita intelejensia Estadu iha ambitu kolekta dadus ka informasaun no análiza dadus nian, nune’e bele fornese informasaun ida ne’ebé kridivel no atual ba autoridade siguransa no Estadu nian tomak.

Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp: +670 7737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 03 October 2013

Press Realise

New Types of Organized Criminal Operations in Timor-Leste

Mahein’s Voice (Mahein Nia Lian) Report No. 60 examines the new types of organized criminal activities occurring in Timor-Leste. The report is a follow-up to Fundasaun Mahein’s blogpost on organized crime’s increase of civilian recruitment published in September. This latest report provides an in-depth overview of the current structural network of organized crime in Timor-Leste and the activities they are carrying out.

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) highlights the inconsistency between the increasingly large Timore-Leste State Budget and Timor’s lack of capacity to implement the activities outlined in the budget. Members of organized crime see this lack of capacity as an opportunity that is ripe for their exploitation. The evidence for this can be seen in the continually increasing instances of violent organized crime. As detailed in FM’s previous blog post, the increased presence of organized crime within Timor-Leste has been marked by an increase in theft, murder, and sexual assault. While it initially seemed as if women were the primary targets, it is now clear that criminal cells are targeting victims indiscriminately.

Recent high profile cases include the kidnapping of a young couple at Tasi-Tolu who were forced to perform sexual acts on camera, as well as the abduction and gang-rape of a woman taking a taxi near the US embassy. The most recent case occurred in the past couple of weeks, when two men went around Dili on a motorbike attacking people randomly on the road with a machete. Two people were injured and one was killed as a result.

This report also provides a detailed description of the organizational structure of criminal networks operating in Timor-Leste. At the top of the organized crime network are actors FM has named the “Intellectuals”. These are the criminal masterminds that provide instruction, funds, training, and other resources to the organized criminal network working under them. Directly under the “Intellectuals” are the “Executive Leaders”, who are regional commanders of organized criminal networks. “Executive Leaders” are responsible for recruiting their immediate subordinates called “Operators”, who are directly responsible for seeing that operations designated by the “Executive Leaders” are carried out successfully. In turn, “Operators” recruit “Execution Teams”, each of which is led by a designated “Executor”. These teams are comprised of Timorese youth who are provided with drugs, transportation, weapons, or any other resources needed to complete their assignments. The “Execution Teams” currently operate mainly in the Dili area.

Fundasaun Mahein has identified the names of several “Execution Teams” in this report: Kibata, Monster, Dewa Mabuk, and Mager, among others. The organizational structure of these criminal networks is well disciplined and funded. The chain of command is structured so that each level is only in contact with and aware of the commander immediately above them (for example, “Operators” are in contact with the “Executive Leader” above them but have no knowledge of the existence of the “Intellectuals”). Additionally, different “Execution Teams” are not in contact with each other.


1.) Recommend that the state needs to strengthen the capacity of national intelligence gathering, so that they can monitor and better understand organized crime. As a result, the state will be able to more effectively prevent the short and long-term consequences of organized crime, and will be able to advise state-actors on effective responses to crime.

2.) Recommend to all government ministers to act in solidarity to prevent young people from being recruited into organized crime networks. Given the vast underlying problems responsible for pushing young Timorese towards involvement with organized crime, this is not a task that should be delegated to only the Ministry of Defense. Many other ministries should collaborate in response to the this issue, including but not limited to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Education, Labor, Social Solidarity, and the State Secretary for Women and Equality.

3.) Recommend that the government authorize Chefi Suku (village chiefs) to monitor citizens in their villages. They should report any suspicious activity or persons to the PNTL in their district.

4.) Recommend that police increase their presence and visibility in areas know for organized criminal activity with regular patrols and monitoring. If people encounter trouble they should be urged to notify the police immediately.

For further information, please contact:

Nelson Belo
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Email :
Tlp +670 7737 4222

13 thoughts on “Forma Foun Operasaun Krime Organizadu iha Timor-Leste”

  1. Relatorio ne’e diak tebes hodi fahe informasaun ba ita hotu i hau fiar katak servisu intelijensia hatene ona konaba grupu hirak nee. keta halo be oknum PNTL/FDTL mos sikat subar iha laran karik. Tamba saida mak PM Xanana tenki tun direita ba fatin akontesementu no fo orientasaun kedas ba PNTL/PM wainhira vitima mate iha Fatuhada? ida nee hatudu katak iha konsiparasaun bot entre bandidu sira no oknum balun iha instituisaun estadu nian, nebe Xanana mak tenki tun kedas nudar Ministru seguransa no defesa. primeira vez kazu homicidio Xanana mak tun direita no fo orientasaun? Se mak iha kotuk i intensaun saida? iha rumores oioin;balun dehan tamba problema Mina rai mak pihak ketiga koko estraga estabilidade nasional, balun fali dehan husi ex milisi sira, balun liga ba partidu+reliziaun, seluk-seluk tan. Ita hein deit!

  2. kapas ona fo sai informasaun para ema bele atensaum maibe, informasaun sira ne tenki haforsa ho evidensia tanba hau hare info balun hatudu iha kejangalan no hatauk fali komunidade. thanks

  3. Aprecia tebes relatorio nee, tamba nudar cidadaun ida nebe hela iha liur bele hetan informasaun husi FM. Hau nia concern mak nee: profesionalismu polisia Timor mak sai dubida bot. Tan saida mak Dili ida kiik los no informsaun nebe espalha parese ema hotu hatene mais atendementu husi polisia menus (ita hanesan polisia India los iha Bolliwood fims). Ita hetan treinamentu kona ba polisia kumunitariu no intelengia nebe treinadu, sira nia servisu iha nebe?..aprecia dala ita tan tamba FM halo rekomendasaun nebe furak, mais rekomendasaun sira too ba polisia no nai ulun sira ka ou sira tau deit ba lisu? Hau hanoin ida mak nee, Director FM halo mos intervista ba RTTL para bele publika. Karik reporta sira husi FM nebe kapas nee ema barak mak sidauk asesu…two thumbs up for this report !!!

  4. Obrigadu ba fahe informasaun, maibe hau senti no tuir hau nia hanoin infirmasaun hirak nee persija suporta ho evidensia…liu ran infirmsaun nebe fo sai mos hamosu konfuzaun tamba liga kriminizu ba orsamentu estadu nebe la relevante…

  5. obrigado ba info ba hau, krime, naukten, no violensi domestika mosu tmba ema lahalo servisu atu halo sibuk an laiha.

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