Inisiativa Husi Baze Kona-bá Pratika Polisiamentu Komunitaria: Inisiativa Komandu Distrital Bobonaro, Aileu, Liquisa no Unidade Polisia Marítima

Inisiativa Husi Baze Kona-bá Pratika Polisiamentu Komunitaria: Inisiativa Komandu Distrital Bobonaro, Aileu, Liquisa no Unidade Polisia Marítima post thumbnail image

Foto: Fundasaun Mahein

Fundasaun Mahein, 15 Novembru 2013

Komunikadu Imprenza

Liu husi Mahein Nia Hanoin Nú 05 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun tetum,pdf) (English version) kona-bá Fundasaun Mahein nia estudu kazu iha Komandu Distrital Bobonaro, Aileu, Liquisa no Unidade Polisia Maritima. Estudu ne’e kona-bá inisiativa Komandu Distrital sira implementa polisiamentu komunitaria tuir esperiensia ne’ebé sira hetan no pratika ida ne’e la’o tuir natureza siguransa iha distritu ida-idak.

Iha distritu Bobonaro no Aileu Komandu distrital rua ne’e serbisu hamutuk ho parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira, ONG, lider komunitaria no komunidade sira hari’i Konsellu Polisiamentu Komunitaria – KPK. Kompozisaun husi KPK involve polisia, lider komunitaria, joven feto no mane, veteranus, lia na’in sira no komunidade. Nune’e mos pratika ida ne’e hala’o mos iha Distritu Liquisa ho naran Siguransa Voluntaria – SV nia kompozisaun involve polisia, lider komunitaria, joven feto no mane, veteranus, lia na’in sira no komunidade. Inklui inisiativa husi Unidade Polisia Maritima hala’o atividade polisiamentu komunitaria serbisu hamutuk ho peskador sira, fa’an na’in no sosa na’in ikan iha tasi ibun ho aprosimasaun polisiamentu nian.

KPK hanesan modelu siguransa konjunta entre PNTL no komunidade atu bele identifika problema sira ne’ebé akontese iha komunidade nia leet. KPK halo identifikasaun ba situasaun iha suku no aldeia laran hanesan situasaun siguransa, ekonomia, polítika no dezenvolvimentu jeral sira seluk ne’ebé akontese iha suku refere. Ikus dezeña atividade regular hanesan dezenvolve sistema siguransa ne’ebé orientasaun ba povu maka sai na’in no kria siguransa rasik, prevene krime, hari’i paz no mantein paz no dezeña sistema.

KPK sai alternativu justisa iha komunidade wainhira justisa formal labele asesu to’o ba teritoriu tomak no instituisaun seluk ne’ebé suporta halo mediasaun ba komunidade wainhira hasoru problema. KPK adopta sistema justisa tradisonal ne’ebé eziste ona iha komunidade, ikus komunidade fasil tebes kopera ho PNTL hodi ezekuta hamutuk. Modelu julgamentu tuir pratika justisa tradisional nian ba kazu ruma, lalaok mediasaun ne’ebé involve familia disputante sira, entau komunidade nia vizaun hare ida ne’e hanesan alternativu husi justisa formal ne’ebé seidauk to’o baze.

Pratika seluk hanaran Siguransa Voluntariu – SV nu’udar modelu pratika polisiamentu komunitaria iha Distritu Liquisa. SV nia funsaun maka fo protesaun, fo informasaun no buka maneira hodi hari’i situasaun seguru, paz no hakmatek ne’ebé hala’o husi individu ka pesoal voluntariu hodi kontribui ba siguransa. Membru SV iha suku ema na’in rua husi joven feto ida ho mos joven mane ida ho lider komunitariu seluk ne’ebé involve rasik.

Estabelesementu SV mos sai asaun alternativa hodi loke lidun ba partisipasaun komunidade ho ativu ba dezenvolvementu atu hetan informasaun kona-bá saida deit akontese iha distritu Liquisa. Tanba iha momentu ne’ebé institusaun Estadu nian ne’ebé fornese informasaun kona-bá dezenvolvementu la funsiona ho diak. Entaun inisiativa husi PNTL ho lider komunitariu estabelese SV atu loke partisipasaun komunidade nian iha dezenvolvementu iha seitor hotu-hotu inklui prevensaun konflitu, hari’i paz, mantein paz no promove paz.

Iha nivel prevensaun nian realiza asaun preventiva ida ne’ebé efetivu no akumula partisipasaun komunidade nian iha distritu to’o suku no aldeia, hamosu planu serbisu ida halo estatistika ba problema sira ne’ebé akontese, sorumutu entre membru SV hodi identifika problema, identifika grupu ka individu ne’ebé sai terjetu atu suporta no hamosu solusaun. Rona no rekolla informasaun husi komunidade no hamosu estratejia prevensaun ida ne’ebé efetivu no orienta ba solusaun.

Inisiativa sira ne’e hanesan forsa komunitaria ida ne’ebé inisia husi Komandu Distrital ho komunidade maibe seidauk hetan atensaun masimu husi Governu sentral ka ministériu relevante. Durante ne’e parseiru dezenvolvimentu ka doador no ONG sira maka suporta no serbisu voluntariu husi komunidade.

FM hare katak inisiativa sira ne’e pesiza suporta husi Governu, hanesan patrimoniu komunidade nian ne’ebé hahu husi baze, komunidade sai na’in ba serbisu ne’ebé sira inisia no la gastu osan ne’ebé boot ba prevensaun konflitu nian hodi hari’i paz no hakmatek iha komunidade nia leet.


1. Rekomenda ba Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa presiza apoiu politika no orsamentu ba atividade polisiamentu komunitaria ne’ebé ho inisiativa hari KPK no Siguransa Vountaria iha distritu sira no husu apoiu inisiativa sira ne’e habelar Komandu Distrital seluk.

2. Rekomenda ba Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun B ne’ebé trata ba asuntu defeza, siguransa no negosiu estranjeiru kontinua halo fiskalizasaun ba atividade polisiamentu nian iha nivel distrital nian hodi hare progresu serbisu ne’ebé inisia husi Komandu Distrital sira no husu ministériu relevante fortifika saida maka inisia husi polisia sira.

3. Rekomenda ba Sekretaria Estadu Siguransa (SES) estabelese koordenasaun serbisu entre Komandu PNTL liu husi Departamentu Polisiamentu Komuntaria ho Dirasaun Nasional Prevensaun Konflitu Komunitaria (DNPKK) ho integradu ba prevensaun konflitu nian, maske durante ne’e iha ona Rede Nasional Prevensaun Konflitu (RNPK) maibe ida-ida la’o keta-ketak.

4. Rekomenda ba Komandu PNTL kontinua serbisu hamutuk ho organizasaun soiedade sivil no parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira atu nune’e bele habelar liu tan atividade polisiamentu komunitaria iha Komandu Distrital sira iha teritoriu tomak.

Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp: +670 7737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 15 November 2013

Press Release

Local Initiatives on Community Policing: The Initiatives of the District Commands of Bobonaro, Aileu, Liquisa and the Maritime Police Unit

Mahein’s Voice (Mahein Nia Hanoin) Report No. 05 examines Fundasaun Mahein (FM) has conducted case studies of the district commands of Bobonaro, Aileu, Liquisa and the Maritime Police Unit. This study focused on the initiatives taken by district commanders in implementing community policing based on the experiences they have, and it was implemented according to the security situation in each respective district.

The district commands of both Bobonaro and Aileu are collaborating with development partners, NGOs, community leaders and community members in the establishment of the Community Policing Council – CPC. The composition of the CPC involves the police, community leaders, female and male youth, veterans, community leaders and community members. The same approach is also applied in the district of Liquisa, where they use the term “Voluntary Security” (VS) to refer to their community policing program. The composition of VS involves the police, community leaders, female and male youth, veterans, community leaders and community members. This also includes the involvement of the Maritime Police Unit in implementing the community policing activities by means of cooperation with fishermen, fish traders and fish buyers along the beach in adopting the policing approach.

The CPC is a joint security model between the PNTL and communities in identifying problems that arise in the communities. The CPC helps identify the general situation in the village and hamlets. This includes identifying the security situation, economy, political climate and the general developmental progress occurring in each respective village. Identification is followed by implementation of activities such as the development of the community-oriented security system so the community can practice self-maintenance of security, preventing crime, and creating and maintaining peace.

The CPC serves as an alternative means of justice in communities, since justice is rarely served by the government throughout the districts and other supporting institutes provide mediation services to the community when problems arise. The CPC adopted the traditional justice system that has been long-rooted in the community, whichenables the people to work effectively with the PNTL in implementing the approach. The processing of a case based on the traditional justice practice includes a mediation process involving the family or relatives of the conflicting parties, and is considered by the community as an alternative to the formal justice system, which has not reached people in the rural areas.

The alternative approach is calledVoluntary Security (VS), whichis the Community Policing model being adopted in Liquisa district. The function of VS is to provide for security, information sharing, and exploring the best ways of creating a safe, peaceful and comfortable situation which is, in practice, to be carried out by individuals or volunteers in order to contribute to security. The VS membership in the village consists of two youths (one male and one female) and also other community leaders who areengaged in the activity.

The establishment of VS is seen as an alternative method which encourages active community participation in its development in order to obtain information about all events taken place in Liquisa district. Because the government was not meeting its duties in providing information on development, the PNTL and community leaders took the initiative to establish the V Sin order to open the space for community participation in development of various areas including conflict prevention, peace-building, and the maintainence and promotion of peace.

In terms of prevention, there has been effective preventative measures taken and growing community participation in districts, villages, and hamlets. Some of the activities taking place or being designed are the creation of a work plan in designing statistics for recurring problems, meetings between the members of VS to identify problems, identifying target groups or individuals to formulate solutions, and gather information from community members to devise an effective prevention strategy that is solution-oriented.

These initiatives were spearheaded by district commanders in collaboration with the community, yet they have not received the full attention from the relevant ministries or the central government. To date, it has been development partners (donors) and NGOs who have provided support for these initiatives, in addition to the voluntary work of the community.

FM observes that such initiatives require the support of the government, as it is an asset of the community that has been initiated in the local level; the community becomes the owner of the efforts they have initiated. Additionally, this is a cost-efficient means for preventing conflict and bringing peace and security to the community.


1. Recommend to the Ministry of Defense and Security that it needs to provide policy and budget support for the community policing activities by taking initiative over the establishment of the CPC and Voluntary Security in the districts and to support the expansion of these programs to other districts

2. Recommend to the National Parliament Committee B for defense, security and foreign affairs to maintain its supervision of the policing activities at the district level and to monitor the progress of the work that has been initiated by the district commands, as well as requesting that the relevant ministries build on the efforts initiated by the police.

3. Recommend to the Secretary of State for Security (SES) to establish an integrated working cooperation focused on conflict prevention between the PNTL Command (through the Community Policing Department) with the National Directorate for Community Conflict Prevention (NDCCP). These two organizations will cooperate but continue to operate as separate entities.

4. Recommend to the PNTL command to continue to cooperate with civil society organizations and development partners in expanding community policing activities in district commands across the territory.

For further information, please contact:

Nelson Belo
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Email :
Tlp +670 7737 4222

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