Semana kotuk ida ne’e, relatoriu ne’e superfisie katak inan ida ho oan feto hetan violensia seksual antes oho no soe ba tasi ninin iha Area Branca nian. Fundasaun Mahein simu relatoriu katak kuaze mane nain tolu maka involve iha akontesimentu ida ne’e, ema ida mak identifika kondutor Taksista. Iha insidente ketak ida akontese iha loron 21 Janeiru, feto klosan ida ho idade 12 hetan violensia seksual iha Comoro husi katuas ida. Vitima lori nia kazu ne’e ba polisia, maibe boot sira seidauk toma atensaun ba kriminozu hira ne’e.
Insidente hirak ne’e hanesan modelu foun ba preukupasaun boot ida no kontinua ba alvu violensia hasoru feto no labarik sira iha Timor-Leste. Ida ne’e la’os primeira vez Fundasaun Mahein relata no la’os primeira vez violensia seksual liga ho kondutor taksista iha Timor-Leste. Iha fulan Agustu 2013 liu ba FM publika ona blog ida ne’ebé ezamina relasaun entre krime organizadu boot ho violensia sexual iha Timor-Leste. Kazu ida ne’ebé temi iha relatoriu ne’e maka bandidus ne’ebé lori halai no halo violensia seksual hasoru feto ida iha area Embaxada Amerika nia ohin.
Aspetu seluk ba kriminozu iha Timor-Leste maka modelu boot hodi taka imajen iha publiku kona-bá vitima sira iha situs media sosial hanesan Facebook. Iha kazu foin dadauk ne’ebé hamate inan no nia oan feto ne’e komesa desamina no espaila ona vitima nain rua nia imajen no sira nia informasaun pesoal iha internet. Pratika ida ne’e inaseitavel. Ida ne’e viola vitima nia privasidade no mos bele afeta potensial ba investigasaun kriminozu nian.
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Fundasun Mahein husu Ministru Justisa atu tau enderesu ba publiku kona-bá kazu ida ne’e no servisu hodi prevene ema ne’ebé tau imazen kona-bá vitima sira. Pelumenus bele enkouraza publiku atu so bele publika imajen vitima sira ho identidade sensura (haree malahuk, ou hasai tia nia oin). Entertantu Ministru Justisa mos tenki servisu liu tan hodi fornese kuinesementu no informasaun ba publiku kona-bá violensia, liu-liu kona-bá kazu publikasaun ne’ebé sa’e maka’as. Hametin no transparante kona-bá informasaun husi fontes kredibel hanesan Ministru Justisa sei bele ajuda atu hado’ok ba rumoris hirak ne’e, no sei dezanima ema sira husi sentimentu ne’ebé hakarak tau infomasaun pesoal kona-bá vitima sira iha situs media sosial.
Violasaun seksual ne’ebé mosu bele hare’e hanesan sub-produtu ida husi atitudi prinsipal kultura ne’ebé boot hodi marjinaliza feto sira iha Timor-Leste. Ne’e nesesariu teb-tebes katak governu halo buat hotu-hotu iha ninia poder atu reserva modelu ida ne’e no proteze feto no labarik sira iha nasaun ida ne’e.
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Lideransa feto sira iha governu ne’e tenki lidera no dudu hodi halo reforma ba protesaun direitu feto sira nian. Reforma ne’e tenki inklui mos kapasidade obrigasaun lei hodi investiga no susesu hodi prosesa ofendidu ba violasaun seksual.
FM mos rekomenda katak legislasaun spesifiku bele pasa hodi enderesu kona-bá laiha regulasaun ba industria Taksi iha Timor-Leste. Wainhira governu hakarak ninia sidadaun senti seguru hodi uza taksista sira ne’e, ne’e presiza pasu barak hodi bele garante katak kondutor sira sei laiha istoria kriminozu no laiha ligasun ho krime organizadu.
Sexual Violence Continues to Rise Amidst Government Inaction
This past week, reports surfaced that a mother and her daughter were raped before being killed and thrown into the ocean at Area Branca. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) received reports that there were at least three men involved in the targeted attack, at least one of whom was a taxi driver. In a separate incident taking place on the 21st of January, a 12 year-old girl was raped in Comoro by an older man.
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The victim took her case to the police, but authorities have still not apprehended the perpetrator.
These incidents are just the latest in a growing and increasingly worrisome trend of violence targeted against women and children in Timor-Leste. It is not the first time Fundasaun Mahein has reported on this trend, nor is it the first time sexual violence has been linked to taxi drivers in Timor. This past August FM published a blog post examining the relationship between growing organized crime and sexual violence in Timor-Leste. One of the cases cited was the abduction and gang-rape of a woman taking a taxi in the area of the US embassy.
Another troubling aspect of violent crimes in Timor-Leste is the increasingly accepted trend of publicly posting pictures of victims to social media sites like Facebook. In the wake of this recent case involving the deaths of a mother and her daughter, there has been widespread dissemination of pictures and personal information about the two victims on the Internet. This practice is unacceptable. It is a breach of victim privacy and could also potentially affect the investigation of the crime.
Fundasaun Mahein asserts that the Ministry of Justice should publicly address this issue and work to prevent people from posting pictures of victims. At the very least, the public should be encouraged to only publicize pictures with censored identities (blurred or black-out faces). In addition, the Ministry of Justice should do more to provide public acknowledgement and information on violent crimes, especially for highly publicized cases. A steady and transparent stream of information from a respected and credible source like the Ministry of Justice will help to dispel rumors, and will deter people from feeling the need to post personal information of victims on social media sites.
The rise of sexual violence can be viewed as a byproduct of a more prevalent cultural attitude that marginalizes women in Timor-Leste. It is imperative that the government does everything in its power to reverse this pattern and protect the women and children of this nation. Female leaders in the government should lead the charge to push reform for women’s rights and protections. These reforms must include increasing the capacity for law enforcement to investigate and successfully prosecute sexual and violent offenders.
FM also recommends that specific legislation be passed to address the unregulated taxi industry in Timor-Leste. If the government wants its citizens to feel safe using taxis, it should take more steps to ensure that drivers have no criminal history or connections to organized crime.
Polisia distritu Dili favor ida book-aan ba haree krime sira ne´e!! Violénsia ba feto ka mane adultu ida sala ona sa tan ba labarik kiik-oan sira!! Basta!!
Kompanyia ida maka regula taksi nee ida seguru liu.
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Husu bin ou alin sira nb sae ona tasi ne’e teinser sms taxi nia nmr “plat” ba maun ou pai sira atu nune sira bele hatene keta iha dezastre ruma ou tama tarde ba uma karik sira langsun htene..nebe ita atu sae taxi ne’e ita teixer SMS nia plat ba maun no pai sira nia inti mak ne’e d8..abraco..
Hau konkorda ho buat barak iha leten ne’e kecuali: “Lideransa feto sira iha governu ne’e tenki lidera no dudu hodi halo reforma ba protesaun direitu feto sira nian”. Diak liu se “Lideransa hota iha governu lidera no dudu hodi halo remorma ba problema ida ne’e”, la’os lideransa feto deit. Ba Da Mou: Keta fo sala ba feto maluk sira, diak ida buka atu halo taxi sira seguru liu, hanesan Juze maka dehan.