Kondutor Idade Minoria: Hamosu Perigozu iha Dalan sira iha Dili

Kondutor Idade Minoria: Hamosu Perigozu iha Dalan sira iha Dili post thumbnail image
Asidente Trafiku

Asidente Trafiku

Domingu kotuk liu iha loron 23 Fevereiru 2014 , mane idade Minoria (tuir lei tranzitu) lori veikulu soke mate inan feton ida iha Dili. Asidente ida ne’e fo hanoin hikas mai ita katak perigozu liu ba ema la’o ain sira iha Dili. Akontesementu joven idade Minoria ne’ebé lori motor ho kareta ikus-ikus ne’e hetok barak liu tan ne’ebé dala ruma halo reli iha estrada protokolu nian ne’ebé mosu bebeik. Joven hirak ne’e laiha lisensa atu lori kareta ka motor, sira mos laiha esperiensia atu lori kareta ho motor iha estrada boot, no wainhira sira lori motor ho kareta iha estrada boot, sira la respeitu ba ema seluk no hetok aat liu tan dala ruma sira uza fali estrada ne’ebé proviudu atu tama ka fila, tan ne’e sai risku boot ba ema la’o ain sira. Nune’e mos joven sira ne’ebé migrante husi foho mai Dili estatistikamente sa’e maka’as ne’ebé sai indikasaun boot atu kria problema nu’udar idade minoria ne’ebé lori kareta ho motor iha aban bain rua.

Haktuir estatistik PNTL, kapital nasaun Dili nia total 994 asidente trafiku dalan nian iha 1 Janeiru -31 Dezembru 2013, konta hamutuk total 64% husi total 1.534 asidente hanesan trafiku veikulu iha estrada iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé lista tiha ona. PNTL nia estatistika kona-bá trafiku nian mos fo sai asidente ne’e halo kanek kma’an total 557 husi (total 1. 228 asidente nasional), total 95 asidente ne’ebé rejistu ne’ebé kategori ba kanek todan (husi total 328 asidente iha lista nasional nian), nune’e mos total 32 maka rejistu sai mate (husi total 73 asidente nasional nian). Númeru sira ne’ebé demonstra iha leten ne’e estabelese kontazem ida katak kondisaun estrada iha Dili sai hanesan sidade ne’ebé risku boot liu iha Timor-Leste .

Dalawain, laiha estatistika ne’ebé ejiste suporta atu reklama katak kondutor idade Minoria sai hanesan kauza númeru 1 (ida) hodi hamosu kondisaun dalan perigozu iha Dili dadaun ne’e, maibe juventude barak nia konsentrasaun iha Dili sai indikator ida ba relasaun entre kondutor idade minoria ne’ebé halo reli veikulu ikus mai hamosu asidente iha sidade sa’e ass liu. Karik problema kona-bá kondutor idade minoria ne’e ita husik deit, maka siguransa ba ema la’o ain sira iha estrada sira iha Dili sei sai risku boot. Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Governu atu hasai lejislasaun ida kona-bá idade minoria ne’ebé lori kareta ka motor. Nune’e mos husu ba Governu atu implementa efektivu ho komprensivu karik lei refere ejiste ona!

Underage Drivers and Perilous Road Conditions in Dili

This past Sunday, the 23rd of February, an underage driver hit and killed a Timorese woman on the streets of Dili. This incident is just the latest reminder of the hazards that underage drivers present to road safety in Dili. The presence of underage youth operating motor vehicles in the capital city seems to be increasingly common occurrence. Many of these drivers lack training and experience, drive recklessly, and display a blatant disregard for other vehicles and the rules of the road (such as the proper use of directional blinkers). Furthermore, the convergence of youth migration to Dili coupled with an increase in the rate of underage drivers in the city is a troubling indication of things to come.

According to PNTL statistics, Dili recorded a total of 994 traffic accidents in 2013, accounting for 64% of the 1,534 total recorded traffic accidents in Timor-Leste. PNTL records also show that accidents in Dili resulted in 557 minor injuries (out of 1,228 nationwide), 95 serious injuries (out 328 nationwide), and 32 fatalities (out 73 nationwide). These figures establish Dili’s standing as the city with the most dangerous road conditions in Timor-Leste.

Although there are currently no statistics available to support the claim that underage drivers are the main cause of hazardous roads in Dili, the high rate of youths in Dili indicates that there may be a correlation between young drivers and increased accident rates in the city. If the problem of underage drivers is left unchecked, Dili’s alarming road conditions will only continue to get worse. FM implores the government and the PNTL to formulate policy in response to this problem, to ensure that driving age legislation is enforced effectively and comprehensively.

3 thoughts on “Kondutor Idade Minoria: Hamosu Perigozu iha Dalan sira iha Dili”

  1. Useful to inform/remind the reader of the law in this regard:-
    At what age can a person take a driving test in TL?
    Can one legally drive on public roads before passing the test, perhaps when a qualified driver is in the driving seat?
    What are the penalties for driving without the proper licence?

    On the statistics side, perhaps some figures to scare readers (or perhaps to embarrass PNTL, depending on whether the figures are high or low!):
    How many people have been convicted for driving without the proper licence in the last period for which statistics are available?
    How many of those were too young to drive at the time they were charged?
    How old was the youngest?
    Is that conviction rate increasing?
    What about children too young even to be tried? Do their parents face penalties?

    And more generally (to accustom readers to thinking about statistics):
    What percentage of the population of TL is between, say, 13 and the age at which one is allowed to drive?
    What percentage of the population of the capital city is in that same band (is it really higher than the national rate? – the birth rate is lower in Dili)

    And whilst you’re asking questions at the Dept of Transport, let’s have some interesting stuff like the oldest person to have passed their test last year, the percentage of women amongst new licence-holders (increasing? decreasing?) etc etc.

    Keep up the good work 🙂

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