Postu Movel Responsivu Vital ba Reduz Krime iha Dili

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Veikulu Movel Komandu PNTL

Veikulu Movel Komandu PNTL

Semana ida ne’e Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) fo sai estatistika nasional kona-bá krime ne’ebé durante akontense iha fulan 1 Janeiru – 31 Dezembru 2013. Tuir relatoriu estatistika ne’e fo sai katak total 3,032 insedentes krime durante tinan kotuk, hahu husi kazu korupsaun to’o krime graves oho malu nian. Krime sira ne’e akontese konsentradu iha kapital nasaun Dili ho estatistika 30% husi insedente krime iha nivel nasional (1.068 insidentes) Husi kazu sira ne’e kategoria krime ne’ebé sa’e maka’as no akontense iha kapital Dili maka total 17 kazu oho malu nian (husi nivel nasional 52), agresiva fisika total 420, (husi nivel nasional 1.275), violensia domestika total 155 no (nivel nasional total 744) no brutalidade ho (nivel grave total 194 ) total númeru sira ne’ebé demonstra nu’udar figura ne’ebé habit sidade Dili sai “fatin konflitus“ iha Timor-Leste.

Estatistika krime ne’ebé dadaun ne’e as iha kapital Dili ho momentu hanesan PNTL halo lansamentu Postu Movel responsivu. Polítika responde sedu PNTL nian ne’e fuinsiona iha loron 21 Febreiru 2014 ho objetivu atu kria responde sedu ho integradu ba ameasa siguransa ba siguransa públiku inklui akontesementu krime ruma ho insedente trafiku kareta iha estrada, no ameasa seluk ne’ebé halo perturbasaun ba komunidade nia hakmatek. Parte husi polítika responsivu PNTL nian maka iha ona kareta nen (6) ne’ebé para iha estrada durante oras 24 nia laran ne’ebé lokaliza iha Dili (Leste, Sentral, Oeste etc), kareta sira ne’e sei mobiliza durante 24 oras nia laran ba atendementu situasaun emerjensia ruma. Polítika responde sedu ne’e hatudu ho fokus ba PNTL nia dezenvolvimentu “Polítika Responsivu”, ideia ida ne’e sei ezekuta katak Call Center PNTL nian sei hetan xamadas telefone iha sa tempu deit hetan asistensia imidiatamente.

PNTL nia kna’ar fokus ba polítika responsivu ka Polisiamentu Responsivu mos sai dezafiu boot ida, ne’ebé responde ho insidente oho mane klosan ida iha semana kotuk iha loron 23 Fevereiru 2014. Mane oan ne’e oho iha edefisiu Ministériu Negosiu Estranjeiru nia oin dalan tasi ibun nian iha Dili. Faktu hatudu momos katak akontesimentu oho malu ida ne’e iha area ne’ebé movimentu ema maka’as nune’e mos distansia ladook husi estasaun Polisia, hetok aat liu, liu tiha oras ida maka polisia sira mosu mai iha fatin akontesementu krime. Tantu ladun iha razaun atu hetan simu, liu oras ida nia laran laposivel ba polisia atu kaer suspeitu nu’udar evidensia kredibel ida.

Dadaun ne’e mos polítika foun PNTL ne’ebé foin lansa nu’udar hakat ida ne’ebé los, maibe seidauk bele halo buat barak, tanba seidauk iha sosializasaun barak kona-bá kna’ar foun ne’ebé aplika iha polítika foun PNTL nian hodi halo responde sedu iha ne’ebé PNTL sira hala’o dadaun. Lansamentu polítika ba programa atendementu Postu Movel PNTL nian, ladun hetan kampañia diak husi media sira iha Timor-Leste. Oinsa maka Postu Movel PNTL nian bele utiliza diak bainhira maioria públiku lahatene Postu Movel ne’e no oinsa maka sira bele uza Postu Movel ne’e.

Fundasaun Mahein fiar katak Postu Movel PNTL bele fo resposta sedu hanesan meius ida atu halo redusaun ba krime iha Dili. Bainhira Postu Movel PNTL ne’e implementa ho diak, maka PNTL sei oferese responsivu vital nu’udar mekanismu ida ne’ebé sei haforsa sidadaun Timor-Leste atu luta hasoru autor kriminal. PNTL tenki halo sosializasaun kona-bá Postu Movel ne’e barak liu husi media no ho nia utilizasaun. Ne’e importante katak PNTL tenki badinas atu hatene lolos kualidade programa no tempu ba responde husi Postu Movel sira ne’ebé disigna ba.

Success of Mobile Response Stations Vital to Crime Reduction in Dili

This week the PNTL released its national crime statistics for the year 2013. The chart reports a total of 3,032 incidents of crime during the past year, encompassing categories ranging from corruption to murder. Crime was clearly concentrated in the nation’s capital, with Dili accounting for 35% of national crime incidents (1,068 recorded events). Among the more prominent crime categories occurring in Dili were 17 murders (out of 52 nationwide), 420 cases of physical assault (out of 1,275 nationwide), 155 cases of spousal abuse (out of 744 nationwide), and 96 cases of brutal demage (out of 194 nationwide). These inflated figures solidify Dili’s place as the “conflict” of Timor-Leste.

The high Dili crime rates were reported amidst the recent launch of the PNTL’s “mobile response station” initiative. This new policy became functional on the 21st of February, and aims to create an integrated action response to all forms of security or public safety threats including crime, traffic accidents, and community disturbances. As part of the policy, six PNTL cars have been designated to cover various sections of Dili (East, Central, West, etc.). The cars will be manned and on-call 24 hours to provide immediate response to emergency situations. This policy reflects the PNTL’s growing focus on “responsive policing”, the idea being that community members can call their local PNTL center at any time to request immediate assistance.

The need for a PNTL focus on responsive policing is painfully apparent, as was demonstrated in the tragic death of a young man just last week. The young man in question was killed in front of the Foreign affairs building at Beach Road Dili on 23 Feb 2014. Despite the fact that the murder took place in a busy area not far from where numerous PNTL officers are stationed, it took police officers over an hour to arrive at the scene of the crime. This is simply unacceptable, as an hour-long response window makes it almost impossible for police to gather suspects or credible witness.

While the PNTL’s new policy is certainly a step in the right direction, the PNTL has done very little, if anything, to inform the public of this new service being offered to them. The launch of the program was not publicized in any national media sources, including television or radio. How can mobile response stations be utilized successfully if the majority of the public remains unaware of their existence?

FM is confident that mobile response stations can serve as an integral component of crime reduction efforts in Dili. If implemented correctly, they will offer a vital responsive policing mechanism that will empower Timorese citizens and deter criminal offenders. The PNTL must now do more to publicize its new service so that the public is aware of the mobile response stations and how to use them. It is also essential that the PNTL work diligently to ensure that the quality of the program and the response times of stations will improve consistently.

3 thoughts on “Postu Movel Responsivu Vital ba Reduz Krime iha Dili”

  1. Tuir hau nia hare’e posto movel deit sei la eficaz, Precisa mos reactiva postos permanentes iha esquinas, por enquanto bele iha cidade capital uluk e hau garante katak publico mos sei ajuda e participa iha programa. Halo postos nb diak ( laos postos modelo atu kesi likrauk hnsan agora existe )ho CCTV mk bele monitoriza a distancias e aumenta no. de policias de seguranca publica. obrigado

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