Iha inisiu tinan 2014, nu’udar momentu ida ne’ebé koko instituisaun Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste – PNTL nia profesionalizmu relasiona ho ezekusaun ba rezolusaun Parlementu Nasional Nú. 05/2014 hodi halo atuasaun ba grupu Konsellu Revolusionariu Maubere – KRM no Conselho Popular Defeza – Repúblika Demokratika Timor-Leste – CPD-RDTL ne’ebé konsidera nu’udar grupu ilegal iha Timor-Leste.
Nu’udar instituisaun ne’ebé hala’o lei no orden, instituisaun PNTL kontinua hamrik firme hodi hatudu ninia prosefionalizmu liu husi atuasaun loron primeiru 5 Marsu 2014 hodi halo atuasaun ba grupu CPD-RDTL inklui ezekuta karta notifikasaun husi Tribunal atu atua lideransa KRM iha loron 13 Marsu 2014 ho aprosimasaun Polisiamentu Komunitariu, la ho violensia. Inklui atuasaun iha Suku Lalulai, Sub-Distritu Laga ne’ebé konsege hakanek membru PNTL maibe kontinua ho aprosimasaun Polisiamentu Komunitariu.
Hare’e husi atuasaun hirak ne’ebé iha, Fundasaun Mahein hakarak kongratula ba instituisaun PNTL ne’ebé komesa hatudu ona profesionalizmu liu husi aprosimasaun Polisiamentu Komunitariu, maske públiku balun kestiona prezensa PNTL iha terenu ho kilat boot durante atuasaun. Tuir Monitorizasaun Fundasaun Mahein durante atuasaun ba lideransa KRM iha ninia rezidensia Fatuhada hatudu katak PNTL ses an husi atuasaun ho forsa no implementa Polisiamentu Komunitariu liu husi negosiasaun durante oras 4 ka 5 ne’ebé ikus mai fo rezultadu ne’ebé pozitivu.
Ida ne’e hatudu katak, instituisaun PNTL komesa ona implementa lei tuir natureza no filozofia instituisaun PNTL nian ne’ebé rekere iha Lei Organiku PNTL nian. Fundasaun Mahein husu ba instituisaun PNTL atu kontinua mantein lala’ok Polisiamentu Komunitariu iha futuru wainhira halo atuasaun ruma hodi nune’e bele hamosu konfiansa komunidade maka’as liu tan.
Ikus liu, Fundasaun Mahein mos hakarak apresia no kongratula ba eis girileiru L-7 ne’ebé ho ninia lideransa nasional no responsabilidade moral hodi alerta ba ninia membru Organizasaun Sagrada Familia atu kontinua hakmatek hodi kria paz no estabilidade iha rai laran. Fundasaun Mahein mos husu ba públiku atu kontinua mantein paz no estabilidade hodi kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasional.
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FM Congratulates PNTL on Successful Execution of National Parliament’s Resolution
The first few months of 2014 brought moments that challenged the professionalism of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL). One specific incident in question was the execution of the National Parliament’s resolution No.
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14/III/201, which called for action against the Maubere Revolutionary Council (CRM) and the Council of the Popular Defense of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (CPD-RDTL). Both groups are considered paramilitary organizations operating in Timor-Leste.
As an institution whose main mission is to uphold law and order, the PNTL should always be ready to demonstrate the same professionalism that it showed when acting against the CPD-RDTL on Wednesday, March 5th. The PNTL used a community policing approach to execute a notifying letter from the court to arrest the CRM leader without violence. Only one PNTL member sustained a minor injury carrying out operations in Lalulai village and Laga sub-district.
After observing the actions described above, Fundasaun Mahein would like to commend the PNTL for showing professionalism through their community policing approach, despite the criticism made by some that the PNTL should not carry weapons in the public. Based on reports FM received regarding PNTL action against a CRM leader in his residence in Fatuhada, no force was used and the application of the community police approach through negotiating for 4-5 hours finally lead to a successful outcome.
This is a positive sign that the PNTL is starting to implement enforcement of the law in accordance with the mission of the PNTL as outlined in the Organic Law of the PNTL. FM urges the PNTL to continue utilizing a community policing approach when conducting future operations, so that the public will trust in the PNTL strongly.
Finally, FM extends its gratitude and congratulations to L-7 (Commander of FALINTIN) for his leadership, and for alerting his followers with the Sagrada Familia organization to continue working for peace and stability in Timor-Leste. FM agrees with this approach, and urges the people of Timor to continue working towards peace and stability in order to contribute to the national development.
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