Who Should Take Responsibility for Members of the PNTL Committing Crimes?

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Fundasaun Mahein, 28 August 2014

Press Release

Who Should Take Responsibility for Members of the PNTL Committing Crimes?

Mahein’s Voice No. 84 investigates the process of managing cases involving PNTL misconduct. These cases involve PNTL members who have committed crime and violated the organic law of the PNTL institution.

The National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) is the organization responsible for reducing crime within communities. The service of the PNTL is based upon institutional rules and regulations, in order to maintain discipline and prestige in the organization.

Rules and principality have been set up by the PNTL, and these statutes guide the juridical process of addressing matters of discipline and crime within the PNTL. However, the public is concerned at present, due to cases involving PNTL professionalism, impartiality, and inappropriate use of force and security equipment.
Furthermore, an assaulting case between members of PNTL from the two units serves as an example of the need for law and order. This incident has ultimately damaged the reputation and professionalism of the PNTL in the eyes of the communities.

The cases mentioned above are responsibility of the PNTL justice department, who should respond accordingly and perform a thorough investigation of cases involving of PNTL crime and non-compliance. During the period of 2009 to 2014, the justice department has registered lots of cases involving discipline infraction and the consequences have been determined by the commander of the PNTL, who has already dismissed 28 members.

In addressing this problem, the justice department will face challenges in human resources to process the case as soon as possible, as some cases to this day have not yet been totally processed.

Fundasaun Mahein views such cases merit the attention of the institution of the PNTL, because the current process of processing and investigating cases simply takes too long. Therefore, FM urges the government to continue fortifying human resources at the department of justice with facility assistance, in order to improve and ensure compliance of PNTL members to the organic laws of their institution.

FM’s Recommendations

1. FM recommends that the government fortify human resources within the PNTL institution, particularly in the Justice Department and the Criminal Investigation Service (CIS). This fortification will accelerate criminal cases involving members of PNTL, which will in turn minimize misdeeds by police members and improve the prestige of the PNTL as institution.

2. FM recommends that the PDHJ, National Parliament, Committee B, and Civil Society work together on human rights issues. These institutions should continue monitoring police activity and rigorously advocate the acceleration of criminal cases involving police members to the PNTL commander and Public Ministry.

For more details, please see the following:


Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Web: www.fundasaunmahein.org
E-mail: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Phone (+670) 7737-4222 or contact to (+670) 7756 1184

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