Fundasaun Mahein, 18 Dezembru 2013
Komunikadu Imprensa
Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 65 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun tetun,pdf), (English Version.pdf) halo diskusaun kona-bá FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste – F-FDTL nia kontribuisaun hodi hametin siguransa interna, liu husi atividade Sivil-Milítar, siguransa iha Eleisaun Jeral Prezidensial no Parlamentar no seluk-seluk tan. Ne’ebé garante iha Lei inan nomos enkuandramentu legal sira seluk hanesan Lei Organiku F-FDTL, Lei Siguransa Nasional, Lei Defeza Nasional no Lei Siguransa Interna nian.
Relatoriu ne’e relata kona-bá knar instituisaun F-FDTL iha ambitu siguransa interna iha tempu paz nian, liu husi monta postu iha Distritu no Fronteira ho objetivu atu bele ezekuta serbisu Sivil-Milítar hanesan halo rekonstrusaun edifisiu eskola, hari’i uma, apoiu komunidade hadi’a irigasaun, estrada no seluk tan. Nu’udar parte ida hodi hatan ba forma integradu husi risku no ameasa sira ba estabilidade nasional no siguransa umanu komunidade nian.
Maibe presiza iha tarefa serbisu ne’ebé klaru atu nune’e labele mosu dezentendementu entre membru F-FDTL no PNTL. Dala-balun membru F-FDTL ne’ebé koloka ba postu sira halo atuasaun direta ba kazu krime ne’ebé halo komunidade balun sai vitima. Hodi hamosu opiniaun públiku katak F-FDTL hadau serbisu PNTL nian. Maske lideransa F-F-FDTL sempre rezeita ba diskusaun públiku no deklara katak F-FDTL nia prezensa bazeia ba prosedementu legal hodi asegura estabilidade nasional.
Asuntu seluk ne’ebé mensiona iha relatoriu ne’e maka kona-bá apoiu F-FDTL ba siguransa Eleisaun Jeral 2007 -2012. Esperensia Eleisaun Jeral 2012, Governu premite F-FDTL fo apoiu ba siguransa interna hodi asegura Eleisaun Jeral Prezidensial no Parlamentar ne’ebé pedidu mai husi Administrador Distritu no Komunidade. Maibe laiha definisaun klaru kona-bá F-FDTL nia espasu ba atuasaun wainhira mosu perturbasaun públiku ruma.
Ikus liu relatoriu ne’e mos hamosu diagnostika solusaun ruma husi rekomendasaun balu tuir mai ne’e:
1. Rekomenda ba Governu atu kontinua fortifika Komponente Enjeneria liu husi forma rekursu umanu no ekipamentu serbisu hodi nune’e bele hatan ba risku no ameasa sira emerjensia ne’ebé afeita ba komunidade nia moris seguru.
2. Rekomenda ba lideransa Governu atu define lolos tarefa serbisu F-FDTL atu nune’e labele hamosu dezentendementu entre membru F-FDTL no PNTL iha terenu. No, esplika klaru ba públiku kona-bá prezensa F-FDTL iha postu sira, nune’e komunidade la bele konfundi entre serbisu F-FDTL no PNTL.
3. Rekomenda ba Governu atu hare’e kestaun legal no define lolos espasu kona-bá prezensa F-FDTL iha apoiu siguransa ba Eleisaun Jeral iha futuru atu nune’e labele hamosu hanoin negativu ne’ebé konsidera F-FDTL hadau podér PNTL nu’udar autor ba siguransa interna.
Nélson Belo
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp: +670 7737 4222
Fundasaun Mahein, 18 December 2013
Press Release
The F-FDTL’s Internal Security Activities
Mahein’s Voice report No. 65 discusses the FALINTIL Timor-Leste Defense Force (F-FDTL), which is responsible for maintaining internal security through civil-military cooperation and maintaining order during presidential and parliamentary elections. The existence of the F-FDTL as an institution is guaranteed according to the national constitution and other legal frameworks including the F-FDTL “organic law”, national security legislation, national defense legislation, and internal security legislation.
This report describes the F-FDTL’s role in maintaining internal security in a post-conflict environment by operating in the districts as well as at the border. One of the F-FDTL’s main objectives is to provide civil-military services such as school-building reconstruction, constructing houses, assisting communities in fixing irrigation systems, road construction, and the upkeep or construction of other important infrastructure.
While the F-FDTL’s general mission is clear, further clarification of the F-FDTL’s activities is needed to avoid misunderstandings between the respective roles of the F-FDTL and the PNTL. There have been cases when members of the F-FDTL deployed in the districts have responded directly to criminal cases, resulting in the victimization of some community members. Many people interpreted these incidents as the F-FDTL doing a task that should be reserved for the PNTL. To date, the F-FDTL commander has been adamant in rejecting this criticism and declaring that the F-FDTL’s actions are lawful and carried out in the interests of national security and stability.
This report also discusses the F-FDTL’s oversight during the2007 general election. Additionally, specific requests were made for the F-FDTL’s presence during the 2012 general election. While the government authorized the F-FDTL’s security presence on both occasions, there is a need to clarify whether such a responsibility should be designated specifically to the PNTL, as they are better trained for such situations and have a track record of controlling crowds with more tact and restraint than the F-FDTL.
Fundasaun Mahein’s Recommendations:
1. Recommend to the government to continue strengtheningthe civil-military engineering effortsthrough human resourcessupport andby providing the proper equipment in order to respond immediately to risks and threats as they arise.
2. Recommend to the governmentto provide a clear definition of the role and jurisdiction of the F-FDTL in order to avoid misunderstanding or conflict between the F-FDTL and the PNTL. Additionally, an explanation should be publicized regarding the role of the F-FDTL in the districts, so community members are aware of the distinct missions and jurisdictions of both the F-FDTL and the PNTL.
3. Recommend to the government to clarify, through legislation,the role of F-FDTL in conducting security during elections. This will work to avoid future misconceptions that the F-FDTL is overstepping its boundaries and assuming responsibility for the thePNTL’s internal security activities.
Nélson Belo
Director FundasaunMahein
Tlp: +670 7737 4222
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