Númeru no Kolokasaun PNTL ho Populasaun iha Timor-Leste

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(Foto: Logo PNTL)

(Foto: Logo PNTL)

Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 31 Agostu 2015

Komunikadu Imprensa

Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú.102 (Versaun Tetum.pdf) (English Version.pdf) kona-bá Planu Estratejiku PNTL nian ho klaru dezeña objetivu hodi hala’o rekrutamentu ida ba pesoal polisia foun. Xave ba argumentu sira hodi suporta estratejia ne’e maka maioria husi polisia ne’e rasik indika ona katak falta pesoal ida ne’e impaktu ba sira nia abilidade atu ezekuta sira nia papel. Aumentu populasaun Timor-Leste nian ne’ebé barak garante katak sei iha preokupasaun ne’ebé maka’as kona-bá serbisu polisia iha futuru no agora no istoria insidente siguransa sira ne’ebé sujere sei presiza-tan polisia iha futuru.

Enkuantu, iha razaun balun ba perguntas hanesan politika ida inklui maioria husi polisia indika ona katak sira menus ekipamentu, rekruta-tan polisia sei halo aat tan deit iha tempu badak ida ne’e. Katak (mezmu hasa’e) PNTL seidauk iha treina ne’ebé boot ida no forsa disiplina nomos rekruta tan polisia foun iha sistema ida ne’e, iha ona potensia atu halo aat kualidade polisia nian. Katak liu husi prioridade primeru investimentu iha treinu no ekipamentu kona-bá ofisiais polisia dadauk ne’e, forsa sei sai efisiente liu la persiza-tan pesoal efetivu.

Relasaun ho kolokasaun polisia ba iha munisipiu no area remota sira, planu estratejiku PNTL ne’e ladun klaru. Pontu importante ne’ebé ko’alia iha relatoriu ne’e kona-bá kolokasaun pesoal polisia nian maka kolokasaun polisia iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé diferente entre munisipiu hotu-hotu. Ida ne’e rasik la problema, enkuantu sidadaun sira iha diretu atu hatene tanbasa polisia sira koloka nafatin no planu kolokasaun ba futuru ne’e oinsa. Mais-menus PNTL tenki ho komprimisu no garante nivel baziku ida kona-bá rekursu umanu no serbisu sira iha munisipiu ida-idak.

Relasaun entre insidente siguransa sira no nivel polisia nian ne’e komplikadu no difisil tebe-tebes, liu-liu iha Timor-Leste, atu halo konkluzaun ruma dadauk ne’e dadus fraku. Mezmu nune’e iha evidensia balun katak númeru polisia aumenta bele halo insidente siguransa tu’un. Pontu importante iha ne’e atu enkoraza PNTL hodi foka enerjia no rekursu sira iha dezenvolvimentu rigorozu dadus estatistika polisia hodi admite ba halo avaliasaun kuantitativu. Avaliasaun hirak ne’e sei informa ho los kona-bá area hotu-hotu husi polítika no estratejia polisia nian, inklui asuntu sira hanesan area sira kona-bá rekrutamentu no alokasaun ba rekursu umanus.


1. PNTL justifika rekrutamentu kona-bá kandidatu foun sira ne’ebé hatur ona iha Planu Estratejiku PNTL to’o 2018 sei atinji 4800 efetivu.

2. PNTL haktuir espesifiku oinsa pesoal sira koloka ba munisipiu sira no tarjetu ba reprezentasaun iha area hotu-hotu Timor-Leste nian no garante katak serbisu polisia hotu-hotu bele hetan asesu husi populasaun sira.

3. PNTL enkoraza atu hasai relatoriu regular no estatistika detalla relasaun ho insidente siguransa (inklui distinge entre tipu kona-bá insidente sira, rezolusaun no seluk-tan) no dadus polisia hodi nune’e avaliasaun bele halo ba efetividade husi implementasaun kona-bá sira nia planu estratejiku.

Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Diretor Ezekutivu
Email: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Telemovel: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184
Website: www.fundasaunmahein.org

Numbers and Placement of PNTL within the Population in Timor-Leste

Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 31 August 2015

Press Release

The PNTL strategic plan entails a clearly designed objective to recruit new police members. Recent surveys have indicated that a majority of police believe that a lack of proper numbers of officers is having a negative effect on the PNTL’s capacity to fulfill its responsibilities. Increasing populations in Timor-Leste necessitate strong concerns over the responsibilities and capacities of the police at present and in the coming years.

However, some political questions have arisen as to the manner in which to target improvements in the PNTL. A majority of police have also indicated that they lack proper equipment to perform their duties—a situation that would only be intensified by an immediate recruitment of more officers to the force. Poor training of the PNTL force will be also exacerbated by further recruitment, resulting in a decline in overall discipline. Thus, priority must first be given to investing in equipment and training to improve the standards of the current force. Only then should recruitment and expansion of the force be pursued.

Regarding the placement of police in municipality and remote areas, but this PNTL strategic plan does not clear yet. The important point to discuss in this report is about the placement of police members of Timor-Leste which is different to all municipalities. However, this may be a question for all citizens to know about how is the placement of the police members in the future. At least the PNTL should have commitment to ensure the human resource and work-division in each municipality.

The PNTL does not map out a clear plan of action for distribution and placement of police in municipal and local areas. An important point in this report is that the placement of officer in Timor-Leste is a complex process, with varying specifications and needs amongst municipalities. It is within the interests of all citizens to ask and learn about planning for officer placements in the future. The PNTL must be firmly committed to ensuring the proper distribution of human resources and work divisions in each municipality.

The relationship between internal security and police presence is still murky in Timor-Leste. Dat on the relationship has not shown a definitive trend in the relationship, though some evidence has shown increases in local police distribution correlates to a lower frequency of security incidents. FM encourages PNTL to focus immediate energy and resources on development of data analysis and statistics on police performance for quantitative assessments in the future. Assessments of policing performance and progress will inform various areas of policy and strategy for the PNTL, including discussions of recruitment and placement and distribution of human resources.


1. PNTL justifies recruitment over new candidates which have been set up on the PNTL strategic plan of 2018 that can reach effective to 4800. PNTL justifies recruitment of new officers under the PNTL strategic plan for 2018, in order to reach its target goal of 4,800 enlisted officers.

2. PNTL assigns specific divisions of officer placements to municipalities and target areas across Timor-Leste, so that officers and the police force can be properly represented in and assessed by the entire population.

3. PNTL regularly issues reports and detailed statistical analysis of security incidents (including dispute/incident, resolution, etc.) and police data, so that assessments can be used for ongoing evaluations of implementation success under the strategic plan.

For more details on this issue please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Web: www.fundasaunmahein.org
E-mail: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Phone: (+670) 78316075 or 77561184

4 thoughts on “Númeru no Kolokasaun PNTL ho Populasaun iha Timor-Leste”

  1. Dader dk ba membrus pntl tomak nbe mk hu respeita no hkuak bot ba imi htu, hu atu hsu deit kona informasaun nbe mk mensiona iha leten ne
    “1 persiaratan atu tuir tes ne presisa saida deit.
    ” 2 Ema ne hkrk tuir tes ne mbe sei ha rai liu ne bele prense formulir mk kirim liu hsi email ne,e bele ga le.

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