Situasaun Sira Depois Eleisaun: “Entre Estado do Homen e Estado da Lei” (Iha Ambitu Funsionamentu IV Lejislatura no Formasaun VII Governu Konstitusional)

Situasaun Sira Depois Eleisaun: “Entre Estado do Homen e Estado da Lei”  (Iha Ambitu Funsionamentu IV Lejislatura no Formasaun VII Governu Konstitusional) post thumbnail image
(Foto: Bandeira RDTL)

(Foto: Bandeira RDTL)

Loron 25 Agustu 2017

Situasaun atual relasiona ho posse ba Deputadu sira IV Lejislatura no formasaun ba VII Governu Konstitusional sai polêmika boot. Portantu rezultadu eleisaun halo ona validasaun liu husi Tribunal Rekursu nia Akordaun no ofisialmente fo sai iha loron 1 Agustu 2017 maibe to’o agora Deputadu sira IV Lejislatura seidauk simu posse.

Nune’e besik fulan ida ona orgaun soberania Estadu nian hanesan Parlamentu Nasional no Governu la iha. Situasaun ida ne’e mosu reazen oin-oin husi polítiku sira no sosiedade tomak kona-bá adiamentu posse ba IV Lejislatura no formasaun VII Governu ne’ebé iha inserteza nia laran.Mandatu III Lejislatura kontinua funsiona ho Deliberasaun Plenaria husi Deputadu sira III Lejislatura nian. Ironiku liu tan Governu funsiona ho Governu de Jestaun ida maske la iha baze Konstitusional ka legal.

Signifika katak funsionamentu III Lejislatura no Governu de Jestaun inkonstitusional no la iha poder Konstitusional hodi aprova respetiva Deliberasaun extensaun sira nia mandatu. Governu de Jestaun funsiona ho despaxu Primeiru-Ministru nian ne’ebé la iha ona efeitu jurídiku bainhira kompleta tinan lima mandatu VI Governu Konstitusional nian. Portantu Governu de Jestaun la iha baze Konstitusional no Lei sira. Signifika Governu de Jestaun la iha poder konstitusional no legal iha ninia desizaun sira.

Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e haree iha kraik ne’e:



Nélson Belo
Diretor Ezekutivu
Telemovel: (+670) 78316075 ka 77561184

The Post-Election Situation:
“Between Constitutionality and Arbitrary Rule”

August 25th, 2017

The delays in the inauguration of the newly elected Parliamentand inthe formation of the new Governmentviolate the Constitution of Timor-Leste. The results of the recent parliamentary election were confirmed by the Appellate Court and officially announced on August 1st. Although the Constitution stipulates newly elected MPs must be inaugurated a maximum of fifteen days after the announcement of election results, the new MPs have still not been inaugurated.

Therefore, for almost one month Timor-Leste has not had a valid National Parliament or Government. The outgoing parliamenthas continued holding sessions despite its expired mandate. Furthermore, Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo has declared an “Interim Government” (Governu de Jestaun) even though this step lacks any constitutional basis.

Therefore, Timor-Leste’s current government is wholly unconstitutional. The 2012-2017 Parliament lacks the constitutional authority to extend its own mandate. The Prime Minister’s declaration of an “Interim Government” is also illegitimate, particularly since the end of the prime minister’s five-year term means that his authority has expired. Consequently, the decisions of Timor-Leste’s current regime have no legal validity.

To learn more about this issue, please consult the follow:



Nélson Belo
Executive Director
Telephone Number: (+670) 78316075 ka 77561184

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