Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia Observasaun ba Konferensia Partido Congresso Nacional Reconstrução de Timor-Leste (CNRT)

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia Observasaun ba Konferensia  Partido Congresso Nacional Reconstrução de Timor-Leste (CNRT) post thumbnail image

Prezidenti Partidu CNRT Xanana Gusmao lidera hela konfrensia konaba koligasaun iha CCD-Dili, Domingu, (15/07). dok. FM.

Konferensia Nasional Kuadru Superior Partidu CNRT
CCD, 15 Jullu 2012

Iha diskursu prezidenti partidu CNRT, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão koalia pontu save sira hodi salvaguarda interese nasional iha konjuntura ne’ebé Timor-Leste liu daudauk maka:

1. Estabilidade nasional, hodi misaun Nasoens Unidas nian maka UNMIT no ISF bele fila no komunidade internasional fiar katak Timor-Leste sai tiha ona duni husi perigu atu sai estadu failladu.

Estabilidade nasional ho kontribuisaun mai husi partidu polítiku sira, instituisaun estadu nian, sosiedade sivil hodi garante estabilidade nasional. Fator seluk bá estabilidade nasional maka reforma bá instituisaun FALINTIL-Força Defesa Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) no Policia Nacional Timor-Leste (PNTL) nia laran, hodi kria kultura profesionalismu, la afila bá partidu no disiplina, hodi tau matan bá promosaun, tuir deit méritu husi membru sira.

2. Viabiliza estadu de direitu demokrátiku, hodi hametin nafatin instituisaun estadu nian no hametin sistema “checks and balances” bele sai efetivu duni. Sosiedade sivil sira nia papel mos importante, husi Igreija to’o ONGs, tenki hare mos bá asuntu ida ne’e, ne’ebé importante tebes bá estadu ne’ebé sei nurak.

3. Dezenvolvimentu nasional, aspetu ida husi interese nasional, hodi fo hakat ne’ebé presiza atu hadia Timor-Leste no hadia povu nia moris, tuir planu estratejiku ne’ebé iha ona.

Husi konjuntura ne’ebé konsidera ona iha leten, partidu CNRT aprezenta senariu diskusaun iha Konferensia Nasional Kuadru Superior kona-bá vantajen no desvantajen hodi forma V Governu Konstituisional maka hanesan tuir mai ne’e:

1. Partidu CNRT sai hanesan opozisaun
2. Partidu CNRT forma governu:
• Governu Unidade Nasional
• Governu Inkluzaun
3. Partidu CNRT halo Koligasaun:
• Koligasaun partidu CNRT – Frente Revolucionario Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN)
• Koligasaun partidu CNRT – Partidu Demokrátiku (PD) no Frente-Mudansa.

Husi senariu ne’ebé aprezenta iha diskusaun grupu, konferensista ne’ebé mai husi distritu 13 sira aprezenta razaun sira bá formasaun governu nian. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nian observasaun durante konferensia hala’o, iha diskusaun grupu no plenaria konferensia nian konferensista sira ho linguajem ne’ebé kroat hasoru senariu sira ne’ebé konsidera ona tama iha iha diskusaun grupu no plenaria.

Konferensista sira maioria kestiona makáas kona-bá desvantajem sira ne’ebé konsidera hanesan dezafiu bá CNRT, wainhira forma guvernu. Maibé la iha ánaliza substansia husi konferensista ba interese nasional nian ne’ebé sublina ona iha pontu premeiru kona-bá estabilidade nasional. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nian observasaun durante diskusaun grupu konferensista diskute senariu vantajen no desvantajem kona-bá formasaun governu ho emeosaun deit, la iha ánaliza rasional ruma ba substansia senariu nian. Reazen makáas husi konferensista sira ba senariu terseiru pontu premeiru CNRT koligasaun ho partidu FRETILIN ne’ebé kritika makáas ho liafuan kroat hasoru senariu ne’e.

Situasaun ne’ebé povu tomak Timor-Leste akompañia, husi rezultadu konferensia partidu CNRT disidi atu halo koligasaun ho PD no Frente-Mudansa hodi forma V governu konstituisional. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nian observasaun desizaun husi Konferensia Nasional Kuadru Superior, disidi partidu CNRT halo koligasaun ho PD no Frente-Mudansa, liu deit minutu balu nia laran resposta kedas ho violensia husi elementu balu ne’ebé la simu desizaun ida ne’e. Situasaun kontinua manas iha kapital Dili, akontese atakes balu iha parte Komoro, Becora, Kintal Boot no Santa Cruz rezulta ema balu kanek no transporte públiku, privadu, UN no polisia nian hetan estragus.

Husi insidenti sira ne’ebé akontese, atuasaun PNTL lansa kedas ho tiruteus balu iha kapital Dili. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nian hare katak tiruteus ne’ebé lansa husi PNTL la’os solusaun atu halo atuasaun ba insidenti ne’ebé akontese. Iha Dekretu-Lei Nú. 43/2011, 21 Setembru, Rejime Jurídiku Kona-Ba Uzu Forsa Nian hatete: Iha artigu 7, sei permite de’it uzu forsa ho kualkér espésie ka natureza kilat bainhira uzu kualkér meius menus grave sira-seluk imposivel ka hatudu insufisiente. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nian hare katak PNTL failla iha planu operasaun nian ne’ebé antisipa ba situasaun ne’ebé perturbe ordem públika. Maske antes ne’e PNTL iha ona mapa operasaun no identifika fatin sira risku ba violensia.

Povu Timor-Leste foin sai husi konflitu ne’ebé naruk, trauma ho situasaun iha okupasaun nian ukun no krize polítika no militar tinan 2006, kilat tarutu dalabarak povu asosia ho funu. Ho meius uza kilat nian bele restaura fila fali ordem públika maibé trauma kontinua povu sente. Komunidade iha kapital Dili paniku, komunidade balu aruma hela nia sasan atu ba distritu sira. Implikasaun seluk bá komunidade sira iha Dili, liu-liu estudante sira iha eskola balu la hala’o ezame tanba paniku ho situasaun ne’ebé akontese. Informasaun husi povu sira iha distritu, wainhira rona kilat tarutu iha kapital Dili asosia kedas katak Dili nakfera fila fali ona no violensia makáas iha bairo sira.

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) fo hanoin ba públiku tomak katak hodi hanoin lisuk atuasaun PNTL ho tiru mak solusaun ka? Iha sorin seluk, linguajem kro’at husi polítiku sira kontinua soe bá públiku maka kontribui ba estabilidade? Ikus liu, destroisaun ba ordem públiku maka solusaun bá desizaun polítika ruma ka? (FM)

Fundasaun Mahein (FM)’s Observations on the Party Conference of Congresso Nacional Reconstrução de Timor-Leste (CNRT)

National Conference of CNRT Senior Cadres
CCD, 15 July 2012

In a speech given by the CNRT party president Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, he spoke of three key elements necessary to safeguard the national interest as Timor-Leste faces a post-election turning point. These were:

1. National stability, so that the UN mission (UNMIT) and the International Stabilisation Force (ISF) can withdraw while leaving the international community confident that Timor-Leste has escaped the danger of becoming a failed state.

National stability grows out of the efforts of political parties, state institutions and civil society to guarantee national stability. Other factors of national stability include reform of the police and army institutions (FALINTIL-Força Defesa Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) and Policia Nacional Timor-Leste (PNTL)), in order to create a culture of professionalism and discipline, independent of party affiliations, and to create a promotions system based on merit.

2. To facilitate the creation of a democratic state under the rule of law, by strengthening state institutions as well as ensuring an effective system of “checks and balances”. A range of civil society actors—including the church and NGO’s—have an important role to play here, too, particularly in a state that is still young.

3. National development, a key aspect of the national interest, in order to take the steps necessary to improve Timor-Leste and to improve people’s livelihoods, by following the strategic plan already developed.
In considering its options, CNRT outlined the following three different scenarios to help frame discussion among the senior cadres assembled on the advantages and disadvantages of forming the Fifth Constitutional Government:

1. CNRT goes into opposition;
2. CNRT forms a government, either:
• a National Unity Government
• an Inclusive Government
3. CNRT goes into coalition, either:
• A coalition between CNRT and Frente Revolucionario Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN); or
• A coalition between CNRT, Partidu Demokrátiku (PD) and Frente-Mudansa.

Those in attendance (drawn from all thirteen districts) then held discussion groups to talk about the reasons for forming a government. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) observed that in both the discussion groups and the plenary discussion, conference participants used provocative language.

Many of those in attendance raised questions about the disadvantages that would confront CNRT in forming a government. But there was no assessment from those at the conference about how CNRT’s choice in the framework of promoting national stability, the first point identified above. From Fundasaun Mahein (FM)’s observations, the group discussion between those at the conference regarding the advantages and disadvantages of forming a government was done along purely emotional lines, there was no rational assessment of the different options presented. There was a forceful reaction from many in attendance with respect to the third option of forming a coalition with Fretilin, with many criticising the idea with violent language.

As was televised for all the Timorese to see based on the results of the conference CNRT decided to form a coalition with PD and Frente-Mudansa to form the Fifth Constitutional Government. According to Fundasaun Mahein (FM)’s observations, it was only a few minutes after the National Conference of Senior Cadres made its decision to go into coalition with PD and Frente-Mudansa that there was a swift and violent reaction from those groups that refused to accept the decision. The situation became very tense in the capital, with attacks in Komoro, Becora, Kintal Boot and Santa Cruz neighbourhoods injuring some and damage to public, private, police and UN vehicles.

In response to these incidents, PNTL quickly fired shots into the air in the capital, Dili. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) believes the shots fired by the PNTL are not the appropriate response to the violence. In Decree-Law No. 43/2011 of 21 September, the Legal Regime Governing the Use of Force, Article 7 says that the use of force from any firearm is only permitted as matter of last resort, when all other less serious responses have either proven insufficient or impossible. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) believes the PNTL has failed to develop sufficient operational plans for how to respond to disturbances of the public order. Even though the PNTL had developed an operations map and identifying hotspots with potential for violence.

Timor-Leste’s people have emerged from a long period of conflict, including the trauma of occupation and the military and political crisis of 2006; they still often associate the firing of guns with war. By using firearms, the police may be succeeding in restoring public order but leaving the people still suffering from trauma. Panic can arise in Dili, with people packing up their things to go back to the districts. Students may be afraid to go take their exams because they’re afraid of the situation they see around them. When people in the rural districts hear that guns are being fired in Dili, they quickly associate it with the idea that Dili is once again falling apart and grave violence in the Dili’s neighbourhoods.

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) suggests the public at large collectively consider whether the PNTL responding with firearms is really a solution. And from another perspective, does the use of violent language that our politicians continue to use in public really contribute to stability? Finally, does the destruction of public order really serve as an appropriate response to a political decision? (FM)

3 thoughts on “Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia Observasaun ba Konferensia Partido Congresso Nacional Reconstrução de Timor-Leste (CNRT)”

  1. Horseik hau hare TVTL no Konferensia Nasional CNRT nian liu husi TVTL no hau hakfodak loos ho liafuan ne’ebe sira soe ba mai. Buat ne’ebe akontese hatudu imajen ne’ebe la diak iha rai ida ne’e ba povu ida ne’ebe hakarak moris hakmatek no iha estabilidade nia laran.
    Ema hotu simu katak CNRT manan 36% no katak sira labele ukun mesak no deside halo koligasaun ho PD no FM. Manan, manan ba, maibe lalika hatuun partidu seluk. Ema karik haluha katak ita foin independensia tinan sanulu de’it no ita nia povu barak terus hodi hetan independenia no defende buat ne’ebe bandeira FRETILIN reprezenta. Saida mak akontese horseik hanesan la fo valor ba ema sira ne’ebe mate no sofre hodi rai ida ne’e hetan independensia. Hahalok ne’ebe konferensista sira hatudu horseik la hatudu maturidade politika. Tanbasa meza CNRT nia la kontrola sira nia “kudrus superior” hodi halo malirin sira nia kakutak no halo diskursaun no analizasaun ne’ebe diak hodi hatudu ezemplu diak ba povu? Maibe diskusaun uza hanesan dalan ida taan atu fahe povu Timor-Leste no kria instabilidade tamba hare partidu FRETILIN hanesan inimigu duke adversariu politiku. Hau espera katak povu maubere tomak la monu ba liafuan ne’ebe CNRT uza hodi fahe povu timor fila fali.

  2. Kestaun trata malun “LINGUAGEN KROAT ne’e hau senti biasa tena…..iha kampanye nia laran, media no mos iha metode seluk…publika fotografias leaders sira nia oin ho animal nia oin-oin deit….mais..ema sira/partido nebe ke affected la halo kazo ida….sira simu ne hanesan proceso democrasia ida…

    F mos la os anjo be nunka tarata/ “fo linguagem kroat” partidu seluk terutama CNRT. Dala barak ita bele hare husi media nebe mak hasai…..hanesan buat hirak nebe hau temi iha leten.

    Hau senti diak liu ne’e leader sira mak agora tenki toma responsabilidade ba asaun sira nebe sira nia militantes halo. Problema Leaders sira terlanjur promete tena katak F sei ukun iha tinan ida ne’e to tinan lima ba oin maibe la anticipa resultado nebe mak mai. Nune’e militantes sira iha tena “high expectation” e quando rona resultado nebe la tuir buat nebe mak leader sira promete ba sira, entaun sira la satisfeito e comesa halo arbiru deit…..

    Kestaun kona PNTL , hau acha diak liu rega ho “gas air mata” duke tembak di tempat…ne masih lebih manusiawi. Obrigada. M

  3. Observasaun interesante husi MAHEIN nebe mak bele sai materia reflexaun ba konferensistas Konferensia Nasional Kuadru Superior 15/7/2012. Los duni katak Presidente CNRT Sr. Xanana rekomenda ba konferensistas sira atu reflete ba pontus importantes iliu2 konaba estabilidade nasional. Durante intervensaun emosional husi konferensistas sira, Prezidente CNRT sei nafatin bolu atensaun katak eventu ne’e akompanha diretamente husi publiku liu husi transmisaun direta no alerta ba sira katak nia presente katak jovens sira iha Kintal Bo’ot hahu hemu lanu no iha Viqueque neba ema hahu tuda malu dadaun. Maibe, konferensistas sira la fo importansia no nafatin halo intervensaun nakonu ho emaosaun nebe provoka kedas reasaun espontanea no violenta husi militante Fretilin sira. Hau hanoin katak Media nia kobertura mos kontribui ba provoka reasaun husi militantes Fretilin sira. Tuir etika kobertura, Media devia halo selesaun ba partes husi eventu nebe importante liu ba publiku atu akompanha no tenki edita tiha partes hirak nebe estraga harmonia no estabilidade. Kona ba atuasaun PNTL ninia atuasaun, hau lakohi komenta tanba sira iha situasaun difisil “maju kena, mundur kena”.

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