Iha semana ida ne’e PNTL lansa ninia planu estratéjiku ba atividade ba tinan 2014 to’o 2018. Iha lansamentu ne’e fo direitu ba “Atividade Planu PNTL iha tinan 2014 to’o 2018”, PNTL fornese pontu abrajente ida ba ninia objetivu organizasaun no atividade ba tinan lima mai. Entre topiku hirak ne’ebé trata maka hanesan Visaun PNTL nian, nia Misaun, Prinsipiu, Motu no Diresaun Estratéjiku no objetivu ba tinan 2014 to’o 2018 hanesan defini tia ona husi governu RDTL. Planu strategiku ne’e mos atu haforsa PNTL nian operasaun ho modelu politika ne’ebé rekomenda kona-bá Vizibilidade, Involvimentu no Profesionalismu (VIP) iha atividade PNTL ida-idak nian.
Fundasaun Mahein simu ho transparante ba lansamentu planu ida ne’e no kontenti tamba PNTL konvida ona FM atu partisipa iha lansamentu ba planu estratéjiku 2014-2018.
Planu Atividade PNTL Nian ne’e foka liu ba prioridade espesifiku haat:
1. Fundus, Finanseiru no Administrasaun
2. Politika Komunitaria
3. Tráfiku no Siguransa Estrada.
4. Prevensaun Kriminal, Investigasaun no Intelejensia
Prioridade sira ne’e sei foka liu ba iha implementasaun kona-bá PNTL nia objetivu rua: Reforma no Dezenvolve instituisaun PNTL, no Konsolidasaun ba orden publiku no mos siguransa komunitaria. FM hare’e objetivu PNTL nian kona-bá reforma no dezenvolvimentu ne’ebe liga ba prioridade fundus, finanseiru no administrasaun liu-liu krusial ba susesu organizasaun nian. Epesifikamente planu estratéjiku PNTL mensiona katak “Entrega finanseiru no estratejia administrativu atu maneja humanu no rekursu fisiku PNTL nian.
FM aplausa ba atensaun detaila no hanoin ne’ebe PNTL tau ona iha kriasaun ba planu estratéjiku 2014 to’o 2018. FM mos simu relatoriu lansamentu ne’ebé ho transparante ne’e, no kontenti tamba PNTL konvida ona FM atu partisipa iha lansamentu ba planu ida ne’e.
Iha tempu hanesan, importante liu atu lembra katak planu saida deit mak mesa-mesak husi rekursu no asaun ne’ebé destinu ba sei faila. Kriasaun no lansamentu ba planu estratéjiku 2014 to’o 2018 ne’e hanesan pasu ida iha diresaun ne’ebé los, maibe PNTL agora tenki prepara-an hodi hasoru servisu barak ne’ebé difikulta ba susesu implementasaun atividade ne’ebé promete tia ona atu hala’o. FM espera katak ema-lubun boot ne’e hanesan xave ba atividade ne’ebé espesifika ba iha planu atividade ne’ebé sei realiza iha 2014 to’o 2018, no membru PNTL tomak halo asaun ho son-ida atu kumpri no hare’e hodi simu objetivu no atividade ne’ebé hatur ona iha planu ida ne’e. Ne’e importansia boot liu katak elementus PNTL sira simu objetivu sira ne’ebé dezena ona iha planu estratéjiku ho seriadade. Importante mos tamba PNTL servisu hodi garante ninia avaliasaun ne’ebé ezatu no transparante ba nia susesu no mos failansu hodi implementa planu ba atividade iha tinan lima ohin mai.
Hanesan Organizasaun Sosiadade Civil ida ne’ebe monitoriza ba setor siguransa, FM sei hala’o nia servisu hodi hare’e los katak PNTL kaer ona ba nia regra tamba ne’e hatuur ona ba nia instituisaun rasik duni.
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Ba semana hirak tuir mai, karik bele tau matan hanesan bai-bain ba relatoriu Mahein nia lian oferta halolon didiak ba análiza no komentariu ba planu estratéjiku PNTL nian ba tinan 2014 to’o 2018.
PNTL Releases 2014-2018 Strategic Plan
This week the PNTL released its strategic activity plan for the years 2014-2018. In this release, entitled “PNTL Business (Activity) Plan 2014-2018”, the PNTL provides a comprehensive overview of its organizational goals and activities for the upcoming five years. Among the topics covered are the PNTL’s vision, mission, principles, motto, and the strategic direction and objectives for 2014-2018 as defined by the RDTL government. The strategic plan also reinforces the PNTL’s “VIP” policing model, which advocates for visibility, involvement, and professionalism in every PNTL activity.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) welcomes the transparent release of this plan, and is happy that the PNTL has invited FM to participate in the launch of the 2014-2018 strategic plan.
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The PNTL Business Plan highlights four specific priorities:
1. Budget, Finance, and Administration
2. Community Policing
3. Traffic and Road Safety
4. Crime Prevention, Investigation and Intelligence
These priorities will be highlighted within the implementation of the PNTL’s two core objectives: reforming and developing the PNTL institution, and the consolidation of public order and community security. FM views the PNTL’s objective of reform and development which calls for the prioritization of budget, finance, and administration as particularly crucial to the organization’s success.
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More specifically, the PNTL strategic plan mentions “Delivering financial and administrative strategies to manage the human and physical resources of the PNTL.”
FM applauds the attention to detail and close thought that the PNTL has put into the creation of the 2014-2018 strategic plan. FM also welcomes the report’s transparent release, and is happy that the PNTL has invited FM to participate in the plan’s launch.
At the same time, it is important to remember that any plan unaccompanied by resources or action is destined to fail. The creation and release of the 2014-2018 strategic plan is a step in the right direction, but the PNTL must now prepare to tackle the much more difficult task of successfully implementing the activities it has promised to carry out. FM hopes that the multitude of key activities specified in the 2014-2018 Business Plan will be carried out, and that all PNTL members will act in unison to abide by and seek to achieve the goals and activities set out in the plan. It is of utmost importance that PNTL officers take the goals outlined in the strategic plan seriously. It is also important that the PNTL works to ensure accurate and transparent self-assessment of its successes and failures to implement its planned activities over the next five years.
As a civil society organization monitoring the security sector, FM will do its part to ensure that the PNTL is held to the standard that it has set for itself. Over the next few weeks, please keep an eye out for a full-length Mahein’s Voice report offering in-depth analysis and commentary on the PNTL 2014-2018 strategic plan.
Oinsa ami bele hetan kopia PNTL nia planu estrategiku. FM bele tama iha website ida ne’e? Obrigado.
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