Disiplina iha Sistema Siguransa

Disiplina iha Sistema Siguransa post thumbnail image


Timor-Leste nudar nasaun ne’ebé kmanek ba bebeik nune’e mos institusaun estadu nian mos kompleksu los kona-bá nia disiplina. Disiplina hakruk ba lei ho ordem ne’ebé relevante iha institusaun sira iha seitor hotu-hotu iha governu, liu-liu mos iha seitor Siguransa ho Defeza. Fundasaun Mahein publika ona blog ida dahuluk ne’ebé lamentasaun maka’as kona-bá lalaok korupsaun kiik iha institusaun Seitor Siguransa liu-liu iha instiusaun PNTL nian. Nu’udar haktutan hosi ida ne’e FM fiar katak violasaun ba sistema ne’ebé sempre akontense maka kona-bá investigasaun hasoru PNTL ho F-FDTL nia involvementu ba kazu ruma. Kona-bá asuntu ida ne’e tenki hatur ho reigurozu no fo pena ka sansaun ba violasaun protokoler liu-liu iha relasaun kona-bá lei ne’ebé vigora iha Timor-Leste.

Nudar Fundasaun Mahein nia monitorizasaun iha seitor siguransa, FM konsege registra kazu sira ne’ebé iha ralasaun ba displinar ne’ebé komete hosi PNTL ho F – FDTL . Kazu sira ne’e balun husi krize 2006 ne’ebé total 12 membru PNTL hetan suspende ho karateristika kazu hanesan: Halakon kilat, Pekulatu, halo violasaun ka agresaun fisika hasoru ema sivil, nune’e mos abusu puder. Dadaun ne’e Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa sei estudo hela kona-bá nia prosesu final suspensaun nian, ne’e sorin ida. Sorin seluk, husi F–FDTL, Fundasaun Mahein mos konsege registra total 20 soldadu mak hetan suspensaun ho nia karateristika mak hanesan: Abandona servisu, poligamia, korupsaun ho tan laiha disiplina iha tempo servisu.

Ba momento ida ne’e ba dahuluk Fundasaun Mahein suporta dezisaun sira ne’ebé hatur tiha ona husi institusaun rua ne’ebé dadaun ne’e tau regra forte atu hametin disiplina iha sistema no fo suspensaun ba ema sira ne’ebé viola prosedural sira ne’ebé vigora iha nasaun ida ne’e. Maibe mos Fundasaun Mahein hakarak iha aplikasaun regra ida ne’ebé maka’as liu tan mak sansaun penal ba autor sira ne’ebé hakat liu lei ho ordem iha sistema disiplina nian.

Dezisaun suspensaun ba autor indisplina iha seitor seguransa nian sei efektivu liu husi aspektu tolu: ba Dahuluk, kualker membru autor ne’ebé mak sei viola lei tenki ba hatan iha justisa atu fo justisa mos ba ema mak vitima sira. Ba daruak, Sala saida deit tenki la bele tolera nu’udar konsekuensia ba la honestu, la loyal, hodi nune’e mak bele prevene asaun korupsaun ou asaun indisplina seluk iha Seitor Siguransa nian. Ba ikus liu, regra rigurozu sira ne’e hotu, sei halo PNTL ho F-FDTL halo sira nia kna’ar ho kompeten, profesional, honestu ho loaylidade ba instituisaun sai buras ho profesional.

Fundasaun Mahein fiar katak ho meus sira ne’e, sei iha disiplina ida ne’ebé rigorozu iha Timor-Leste tomak, sei iha benefisiu diak atu ita hetan balansu ba justisa ho disiplina an hodi hasae profesionalismu iha institusaun Polisia ho Militar nian.

Discipline in the security System

As the nation of Timor-Leste becomes mature and its institutions more complex it is imperative that discipline and adherence to all relevant laws and regulations is maintained throughout all sectors of the government. This is especially so in the case of the security forces. As Fundasaun Mahein has noted in the previous blog, we are concerned that petty corruption is becoming more and more entrenched in the security forces. As a follow up to this we believe that a more robust system of investigating abuses committed by the PNTL and F-FDTL should be put in place as well as increasing the penalties imposed for any breaches in protocol, especially if it is a breach in the laws governing the country.

As part of the Fundasaun Mahein’s ongoing obligation in monitoring Timor-Leste’s security sector we have compiled a list of disciplinary actions by the PNTL and F-FDTL. From the 2006 crisis there were 12 members of the PNTL that were suspended from duty for the following allegations: Missing weapons, Abandonment of duties, mistreatment of civilians and the abuse of power. These claims are still being investigated by the Secretary of State of Security’s office. From the F-FDTL Fundasaun Mahein has recorded 20 soldiers being suspended from active duty for the following offences: abandonment of duty, polygamy, corruption and general ill-discipline.

Fundasaun Mahein would, first of all, like to applaud all measures employed by the state designed to bring these cases to light and to discipline all those involved. Fundasaun Mahein however would like to see this go further. Fundasaun Mahein would first of all like a far more robust investigation procedure into ALL cases were a breach of conduct or regulations has occurred.
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In cases were an actual breach of law, that the security forces have sworn to protect, has occurred Fundasaun Mahein would like to see any parties responsible face prosecution in a court of law.

These measures would have a three-fold effect.
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Firstly that any members of the security forces that have broken the law face justice, providing solace to any victims. Secondly it will serve as an example to all ranks that misconduct is not acceptable and that there will be consequences for any dishonest actions and will hopefully reduce any spread in corruption among the security forces. Thirdly it will reward the many members of the PNTL or the F-FDTL that do their job competently, professionally and honestly.
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Fundasaun Mahein hopes that by implementing these measures and having a more rigorous disciplinary process all of Timor-Leste can benefit from having a more balanced, fair and professional army and police.

5 thoughts on “Disiplina iha Sistema Siguransa”

  1. ba Kazu Droga nebe tama sai iha ita nia nasaun, hau hanoin, membro Polisia Investigasaun lalika taka demais segredo ba dadus sira nebe hetan husi Investigasaun nia laran, tamba hau hare droga nebe tama mai ita nia rai laran, ne’e iha ligasaun ho ema lideransa balun no liu-liu ba ema pengusaha bot sira nebe kaer projeito governo nian. tamba hau la fiar katak povo kiak no kiik atu bele sosa droga nebe ho nia folin miliaun nian. ne’e duni karik hetan Liderasnsa ruma makhola parte iha krimi ne’efo sai no kaer husu nia responsabel tuir lei lebale hetan tiha informasaun tamba nia lideransa ida neba-ida ne mai ita taka lakon tiha husi kriminozu ne’e lao liverdade entaun ikus mai membro Polisia Investigasaun mak tenke hetan pena ba hahalok ema seluk nian. ne’e duni diak liu halao servisu ho profesionalismo, labele fali ba politikus sira nia intrese, PNTL halao Lei no ordem, maibe persisa tau lei ne mak iha leten lalika ordem ne mak a’as liu fali Lei. obrigado…!

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