Korupsaun Kazual iha PNTL

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“Membru PNTL barak maka servisu maka’as hodi servi ba nia povu ho nia nasaun ho fuan ho laran tomak, maibe sira nia servisu hetan traisaun husi membru PNTL seluk ne’e servi ba sira nia an rasik…. “

Vizita ho sorumutu komunitariu iha distritus nu’udar parte hosi Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia Misaun ne’ebé realiza kada iha tinan-tinan iha nasaun ne’e. vizita ho sorumutu ne’e fo oportunidade ba komunidade sira atu hasoru malu ho ekipa konjunta PNTL ho FM hodi halo diskusaun hamutuk kona-bá seitor siguransa hodi dezeña ba problema nia solusaun. Vizita no sorumutu refere sempre fo benefisiu diak ba Komandu PNTL distrital atu dezemvolve relasaun ida ne’e forte ho komunidade.

Iha loron 1 Outubru 2014, FM halo sorumutu Komunitariu iha distritu ida, teki-teki Komandu Distrtu PNTL (ne’ebe hamutuk halo responsabiliza ba kordenasaun sorumutu refere) husu “tip“. Depois ekipa FM responde laiha tip tamba atividade ida ne’e joint, depois Komandu ne’e husu FM pulsa telefoni ho osan ba mina kareta nian ho osan extra ba catering ka han media nian. Dala ruma Komandante refere haluhan kona-bá FM nia kna’ar ne’ebé durante ne’e halo monitorizasaun ba lalaok siguransa inklui transparante ho akauntibilidade.

Atu hetan benifisiu ne’e, hanesan moe boot ida tamba iha mos membru PNTL balun ne’ebé hare hela nia komandante nia hahalok ne’ebé lolos tenki hakiak komunikasaun diak ho komunidade hanesan meus ida ba sira, nune’e mos at liu tamba hetan oportunidade atu hetan lukru ba an rasik. Hetok aat liu tan akontesementu hanesan ne’e halo husi komando senior ne’ebé lolos tenki responsabiliza kona-bá eventu tomak (saida maka nia membru sira sei hanoin kona-bá hahalok ne’e?) FM hakfodak tamba durante ne’e FM simu keixa barak los kona-bá hahalok sira hanesan ne’e hosi elementu PNTL junior ne’ebé lasente kontenti ba relasaun hanesan ne’e ho korupsaun kazual husi sira nia superior sira, ne sorin ida. Sorin seluk, laos atu dehan katak membru Junior sira ne’e prefeitu.
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FM mos rona no simu ona kona-bá kazu sira nebe’e involve PNTL husu vitima hodi uza nia kareta hodi halo investigasaun. FM ladun komprende los kona-bá akontesementu ne’e, tamba ho hakfodak loron ba loron ita hare kareta PNTL sira lao barak tun sae iha estrada protokol nia ho velosidade as.

Insidentes hirak ne’e hamosu perguntas lubuk ida kona-bá PNTL nia Polisiamentu:

• Tebes ka PNTL laiha lojistika ka ekipamentu ne’ebé naton, no ikus mai tenki obriga membru sira ba husu ka esmola ba organizasaun publiku seluk kona-bá orsan ho transporte?

• Tamba sa maka membru PNTL senior lahatene lolos ho klean entre hahalok diak ho saida korupsaun ou saida maka laprofesional? Pesoal membru hanesan ne’e dignu ka hetan promosaun ba sira nia kna’ar?

• Nusa maka membru PNTL junior iha fiar oituan liu kona-bá halo keixa internal nian kona-bá sistema korupsaun ne’ebé sira fo hatene ba FM maibe lahalo keixa ho ofisialmente iha institusaun laran?

Tuir mai, bazea ba perguntas sira iha leten, FM rekomenda ba PNTL atu foti medidas ruma hanesan tuir mai:

• Halo investigasaun ba ami nia keixa kona-bá deskonfiansa korupsaun husi membru PNTL.

• Fo edukasaun ba membru sira (liu-liu ba membru senior sira) husi saida mak sira tenki konsidera iha lalaok komunikasaun, korupsaun, profesionalismu.

• Dezemvolve efektivamente transparante nian ho sistema keixa internal nian ne’ebé tenki fo pretesaun ba keixa nain sira, no laos ba autor korupsaun nian sira.

• Aplika zero toleransia iha sistema disiplinar ba membru sira ne’ebé lakohi preformensa ho professional iha sira nia kna’ar tomak.

Casual Corruption in PNTL

There are many hard working members of the police who want to serve their community and their country. Unfortunately they are at risk of being drowned out by members who only want to serve themselves…

As part of its mission FM undertakes a number of community forums in different parts of the country. These meetings provide an opportunity for members of the community, community leaders and local civil society organizations to meet with PNTL members to discuss common security issues, learn about the security sector and raise and resolve problems. The meetings are mutually beneficial for all parties and both the community and police have acknowledged the advantages of building stronger relationships.

So when undertaking a community forum last week FM was somewhat surprised when a regional PNTL commander (jointly responsible for coordinating the meetings) asked us for a “tip”. When we refused his request was later repeated in terms of “money for fuel and Pulsa”, and yet again as “money for extra catering”. Perhaps the officer in question forgot what the role of FM is – as he most certainly forgot what his own role is!

With such obvious benefits for policing, it is a shame that some members of the PNTL view events fostering better communication with the community as a burden on their resources, or worse, an opportunity to profit themselves.
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Worse still is that in this instance it was a senior commander who seemed not to be aware of his responsibilities (what hope is there for those who serve under him?). It should come as no surprise that FM actually receives many complaints of this type of behaviour from junior officers who are frustrated with the ‘comfortable’ relationships and casual corruption of their superiors.
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That’s not to say that the junior officers are themselves perfect. FM has heard of cases where members of the PNTL are asking victims of crime for the use of their cars in order to conduct their investigations. The apparent lack of PNTL vehicles is somewhat surprising considering the number of official PNTL motorcades that speed down the streets each day.

These incidents raise several questions for the PNTL command:

• Is there such a lack of resources within the PNTL that its members have to ask members of the public or civil society organisations for money and transport?

• Why don’t senior members of the force understand the difference between proper conduct and that which is corrupt or unprofessional? Is it that those promoted just aren’t suitable and qualified for their jobs?

• Why is it that junior officers have so little faith in internal complaints and anti-corruption systems that they turn to us with information rather than reporting it officially?

Further to these questions we ask that the PNTL takes the following actions:

1. Investigate our claims of corruption by a member of the PNTL.

2. Educate their members (and particularly leaders) on what is and is not appropriate behaviour in regards to corruption and professionalism.

3. Develop an effective and transparent internal complaints system that protects the informants and not the perpetrators of corruption.

4. Implement a zero-tolerance disciplinary system for those members still unable to act professionally.

4 thoughts on “Korupsaun Kazual iha PNTL”

  1. Ho respeito sujere kazu hanesan ne’e tuir lolos aprazenta ba Komandante Geral PNTL hodi konsidera ou ba Ministerio kompetente hodi foti atuasaun. Tanba se publika deit iha komunikasaun sosial ne’e laos solusaun mas konsidera deskritasaun no defamasaun tanba Policia kaer metin principio presupsaun inocente wainhira iha decisaun final ida husi Tribunal katak individual oficial suprior nebe’e refere komite duni korupsaun kazual. Depois oficial suprior nebe’e halo ida ne’e nain ida no la reprezenta instituisaun PNTL tomak. Tuir lei kondena nia halo korupsaun kazual apakah nia realiza ona nia intensaun ne’e ba ona pratika. Hanesan Policia nunka taka a’an no hasubar prakeza nebe’e mak sekarik komunidade sira aprazenta. PNTL laos deit hanesan instituisaun Policia mas hanesan mos forca seguranca nasaun Timor Leste tanba ne’e parte se deit tenki respeito wainhira publika sai imajen a’at PNTL nebe’e individual balu halo ho nia interese rasik ba publiko no a’at liu tan ba ema estranjeiro sira hodi hatene, ne’e laos koreksaun hodi hadia mas hare husi asunto seguranca ida ne’e konsidera fo sai segredu policial ba parte seluk nebe’e tuir lolos la merese hodi hatene. Komando PNTL sei apraceia tebes ba Timor oan nebe’e ho neon no laran ho vontade hakarak duni ho intensaun atu kontribui hadia dezevolve dalan diak liu aprazenta kazu hirak hanesan ne’e mak kanaliza atraves linha komando no hato’o sekretamente hodi halo proseso investigasaun kriminal no disiplinar. Komunidade sira tenki hatene katak personel PNTL hotu dedika a’an tomak hodi garantia seguranca no paz ba Timr Leste ho sakrificio tomak hanesan patriota Timor Leste to bainhira deit sein hanoin atu hetan beneficio seluk hanesan oficial nebe’e FM Mahein kondena dadaun ne’e. PNTL instituisaun iha Timor Leste nebe’e nia patriota sira bele hetan proseso iha Tribunal ba asunto krime, PDHJ ba asunto violasaunDireito Humanus no Provost ba violasaun disiplina no laiha imunidade nebe’e proteje husi lei policial balu hanesan iha nasaun seluk. Realidade iha ona membro barak mak horas ne’e terus hela iha kadeia Becora laran, demisaun no mate tanba deit dedikasaun ba Estado nebe’e konsidera la professional. Ne’e signifika katak Komando PNTL nunka no nunka mas tolera no perdua personel sese deit iha PNTL laran halo buat hanesan FM Mahein publika abertamente ba publiko no nasaun estranjeiro sira hodi hatene. Hau hanoin eskritorio FM Mahein no Komando Geral PNTL iha Kaikoli so ho deit distancia mais ou menus kilometro 5 deit karik mas tanba sa mak la ba koalia deit ho linha Koando iha neba’a mas tenkiser halo publikasaun abertamente ba publiko no nasaun estranjeiros sira hatene hodi uza fali hanesan bumera ida hodi kontra estado Timor Leste iha asunto seluk seraque inkerito no investigasaun mos seidauk halo.


  2. Bele ka la’e ita bot sira halo tok monitorizasaun ba Polisia Imigrasaun sira ne’ebe destaka iha linha fronteira hanesan Mota ain, Salele, Oesilo, Nitibe. tuir informasaun ne’ebe ami hetan katak iha membro balu ke hela tama iha ema nia rai laran, hola tan feto iha ne’ebe depois mak mai servisu iha linha fronteira!!!!! ida ne’e iha pontesia akontese transasaun ilegal no buat seluk ka la’e? buka hatene tok depois mak share mos mai ami!!!

  3. korupsaun sai hanesan beneno ida ne’ebe hada’et tia ona ba ema barak iha Timor-Leste. dalabarak ema kestiona korupsaun ne’e rasik tanba sa mak tenki mosu? korupsaun iha oin tolu mak hanesan ” pety corruption, organized corruption and Criminal corruption”. entre tipu korupsaun tolu ne’e ida ne’ebe sempre mosu loron-lorn mak pety corruption. mas dala barak ema la tau kestaun ba ida ne’e. tanba sira hatene katak ida ne’e sei la sai problema bot ida no sei la fo impaktu ba nasaun nia soberania. maibe kuandu ita hare didiak kazu ida ne’e sei liga diretamente ba hahalok komandante polisia ida ne’ebe halo iha leten. hahalok ida ne’ebe ema barak la tau kestaun ba ida ne’e. maibe tuir lolos ida ne’e sai hanesan kestaun importante ne’ebe mak ema hotu tenki aware ona. tanba hahalok ida ne’e sei dada komandante polisia ne’e ba dalan ne’ebe sei prejudika nia dignidade no hamoe polisia tomak. ho ida ne’e, hau hakarak sujere ba Diretor FM atu hase kedas ka fo atensaun kedas ba nia, lalika koalia deit iha kotuk. karik diak liu hateten kedas diak liu sai husi polisia tanba komandante nia hahalok so para hamoe deit.

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