Ami iha Fundasaun Mahein, fó an ba servisu konforme hare’e no lasura liu-liu kona-bá servisu advokasia publiku nian, sempre kontenti wainhira ami hetan halo influensia ba akontesimentu sira iha kualker dalan ou forma. Maski ida ne’e la akontese ho frekuénsia ne’ebé ami hakarak, iha feedback pozitivu oituan ne’ebé sempre halo ami nia servisu haree vale-duni no fó-hanoin ami tamba sa ami halo servisu ne’ebé ami tenki halo. Ho hanoin ida ne’e ami hakarak atu fahe ba ita-boot sira istoria ki’ik ida ne’e.
Foin dadaun ne’e, Ekipa peskizadór Fundasaun Mahein nian halo viajen ba iha Sub-Distritu Laga, Distritu Baucau hodi halo peskiza kona-bá impaktu husi “Operasaun 66” kontinuasaun husi “Opersaun Habelun” ne’ebé Parlamentu Nasional autoriza halo asaun hasoru Konsellu Revolusaun Maubere (KRM) no Conselho Popular Defeza Repúblika Demokratika Timor-Leste (CPD-RDTL). Iha ne’eba ami nia ekipa peskizador hala’o peskiza kona-bá operasaun ne’e no intervista vitima no mos membru komunidade afetadu sira. Rezultadu husi investigasaun hirak ne’e, FM públika nia relatoriu, Mahein Nia Lian 80 ne’ebé foka liu ba faktus katak operasaun ne’e halo siguransa iha baze sai aat liu duke antes ne’e, no hetan objetivu diak husi opersaun nee tamba membru husi grupu rua ne’e konsege halai. Relatoriu ne’e mos nota katak vitima prinsipál sira mai husi komunidade, ema barak sira iha ne’eba proteze husi F-FDTL no PNTL.
Hanesan rezultadu ida husi relatoriu ne’ebé hato’o ona, FM kontenti hodi hateten katak iha ona reasaun ida husi governu. Uluk liu, Ministru Defeza no Siguransa (MDS) haruka ona militar atu komesa prepara kedas ajuda no médiku ba kualker vitima sira husi operasaun ne’e rasik. Segundu, Sekretariu Estadu ba Siguransa hato’o ona reklamasaun ida no ejiji investigasaun ba operasaun sira ne’e.
Uluk nanain ami kontenti tamba governu kontinua rona Organizasaun Sosiadade Civil sira no hatán ba ami nia kritika sira ne’e. Ami mos kontenti ho resposta husi Ministru Defeza no Siguransa no Sekretariu Estadu ba Siguransa (SES) ne’ebé maka’as, hatudu ona sira nia komitmentu hodi kria paz iha sosiadade nia leet.
Saida mak ami iha FM hanoin ne’e halo kontenti maske mai husi karta ida ne’ebé ami simu ona husi membru afetadu husi komunidade balun. Kona-bá nee sira fo obrigadu ba Fundasaun Mahein no espresa impaktu positivu iha sira nia moris hosi kedas publikasaun ami nia relarotiu ne’e. Dala ida tan, sira bele moris iha situasaun ne’ebé paz no sosiedade ne’ebé hakmatek.
Razaun hirak ne’e mak Fundasaun Mahein halo servisu sira ne’e.
Why we do what we Do
We here at Fundasaun Mahein, engaged as we are in the seemingly thankless task of public advocacy, are always pleased when we find out we have influenced events in any way, shape or form. Although this may not happen with frequency that we would like, any small bit of positive feedback always makes our jobs seem more worthwhile and reminds us why we do the work that we do. With this in mind we would like to share with you a small story.
Quite recently the Fundasaun Mahein research team travelled to Laga sub-district in Baucau district to research the impact of “Operation 66” and the follow up “Friendship Operation” that the National Parliament authorised in order act against the Maubere Revolution Council (KRM) and the Popular Council Defense of the Republic Democratic of Timor-Leste (CPD-RDTL). While there our research team conducted research into the operations and interviewed victims and affected members of the communities. As a result of these investigations FM released its report Mahein Nia Lian 80 that highlighted the fact that operation had in fact made security in the area worse than before and didn’t achieve its goals as members of the two groups managed to escape. The report also made note that the main victims came from the community, the very people that the F-FDTL and the PNTL were there to protect.
As a result of this report being submitted FM is very happy to say that there has been a reaction from the government. Firstly the Minister of Defence and Security (MDS) has ordered the military to immediately start providing aid and medication to any of the victims of either of the operations. Secondly the Secretary of State (SES) for security has lodged a formal complaint and demanded an investigation into the operations.
We are happy first of all that the government continues to listen to Civil Society organisations and react to our critiques. We are also happy that the response from the Minister of Defence and Security and the State Secretary for Security SES was so forceful, showing their commitment to creating a more peaceful society.
What we here at FM though are most pleased about however come from a letter we have received from some members of the affected communities. In it they give their thanks to Fundasaun Mahein and express the positive impact on their lives ever since our report was published. Again they can look forward to living in a more peaceful, stable society.
These are the reasons why Fundasaun Mahein does the work that it does
Uluk Timor sei iha funu laran Sr.Mauk Moruk halai ba ema nia rai,Timor komesa diak ituan Sr.Mauk Moruk mai halo provokator…
Se Sr.Mauk Moruk mak hanoin rai Timor karik entao serviso ho governo atu fo opiniao no fo idea bamalu atu servi nasaun ne’e,laos mai atu diskusi konaba imi nia luta.Se quando imi atu diskusi imi nia luta entaun tur hamutuk ho luta nain sira atu bele halo livro koba historia durante iha funu laran,hau sente ne’e sei iha valor ba jerasaun foun atu bele isruda no comprende.
Povo hakarak hakmatek no lakoni lakon vida ona se Sr.Mauk Moruk hanoin rai Timor karik entao entrega sasan nebe badu no la memperbolehkan ba Masyarakat hanesan kilat ou pustola .
Sasan nebe mak hanesan kilat ou pistola ne’e PNTL ho F-FDTL mak bele kaer,hudar ita ema sivil tenque iha consiensia atu bele intrega..n
Uluk Timor sei iha funu laran Sr.yuMauk Moruk halai ba ema nia rai,Timor komesa diak ituan Sr.Mauk Moruk mai halo provokator…
Se Sr.Mauk Moruk mak hanoin rai Timor karik entao serviso ho governo atu fo opiniao no fo idea bamalu atu servi nasaun ne’e,laos mai atu diskusi konaba imi nia luta.Se quando imi atu diskusi imi nia luta entaun tur hamutuk ho luta nain sira atu bele halo livro koba historia durante iha funu laran,hau sente ne’e sei iha valor ba jerasaun foun atu bele isruda no comprende.
Povo hakarak hakmatek no lakoni lakon vida ona se Sr.Mauk Moruk hanoin rai Timor karik entao entrega sasan nebe badu no la memperbolehkan ba Masyarakat hanesan kilat ou pustola .
Sasan nebe mak hanesan kilat ou pistola ne’e PNTL ho F-FDTL mak bele kaer,hudar ita ema sivil tenque iha consiensia atu bele intrega..n
Uluk Timor sei iha funu laran Sr.yuMauk Moruk halai ba ema nia rai,Timor komesa diak ituan Sr.Mauk Moruk mai halo provokator…
Se Sr.Mauk Moruk mak hanoin rai Timor karik entao serviso ho governo atu fo opiniao no fo idea bamalu atu servi nasaun ne’e,laos mai atu diskusi konaba imi nia luta.Se quando imi atu diskusi imi nia luta entaun tur hamutuk ho luta nain sira atu bele halo livro koba historia durante iha funu laran,hau sente ne’e sei iha valor ba jerasaun foun atu bele isruda no comprende.
Povo hakarak hakmatek no lakoni lakon vida ona se Sr.Mauk Moruk hanoin rai Timor karik entao entrega sasan nebe badu no la memperbolehkan ba Masyarakat hanesan kilat ou pustola .
Sasan nebe mak hanesan kilat ou pistola ne’e PNTL ho F-FDTL mak bele kaer,hudar ita ema sivil tenque iha consiensia atu bele intrega..n
FM buka naran ka ou buka saida? ita lahatene tamba iha Inicio kona ba artigo dehan: Prezidente KRM, Paulino Gama alias Mauk Moruk afirma liu husi via telefone ba Timor Post katak latauk no hein forsa estadu nian husi tasi, foho no lalehan ba kaer nia; (TP, 10.03.2015); Informasaun relevante klik iha link ne’e:…/08/13/why-we-do-what-we-do/.
Mas depois de loke, sai fali “tansa ami halo, saida mak ami halo?
hakerek artigo rungu-ranga e hakarak buka naran deit. sabraut los!
Eks. komadante nangala TNI. karik agora hakarak aktivo fali atu sobu nasaun. ita sei lembra hela dialog SR. Xanana nebe laiha presenza Sr. Moruk. saida mak PR Taur Dehan. “Halo mudansa troka SR. moruk tamaba nia “in aktividade” analiza didiak saida PR Taur dehan nee nia signikado ih funu tempo neba.
obgdo brk ba fundasaun mahein nbe fo sai informsn rai laran atu Nune’e ami nb iha rai liur bele akompanna.
Ami lakohi funu no lakohi terus tan, tamba funu amu lakon familia sente triste kuandu lakon familia ba ukun ida nee. Nebe ukun nain sr tur hamutuk ba resolve tiha problema nee. Ami nia hakarak Peace, peace and peace. VIVA TIMOR LORO SA’E
Diak liu halo hanesan Alfredo Reynaldo nian,nee mak bele resolve lalais..
Agradese ba FM nb mk desimiba ona infrmasaun mai ami…
Atu hateten deit katak se MM mruk hnsan Timor oan karik tenke iha fuan bot ba rai doben ida n…
To ona tempu para atu Timor oan sira tur hamutuk hodi desemvolve rai doben idane laos atu mai estraga fali imagen nasaun nian obrigado.
se maumoruk ne matenek krik nia nunka hanoin hanesan ne ba povo no nasaun…nia hahalok sira ne hatudu momos katak nia la iha kapasidade em termos de intelectualidade….tuir hau nia hare nasaun persija foti medidas nebe forte ba hahalok terrorismo sira hanesan ne…..tuir info nebe mak iha katak nia entrega an tamba moras todan hau tauk deik mak governo fo tan osan haruka nia ba halo tratamentu iha Singapura,,,,ne kala ita fahi loss ona……remember HEROES is only those who die for freedom…..