Kilat no Kilat-Musan Rekolla Hotu Ona Husi Autor Krize?

Kilat no Kilat-Musan Rekolla Hotu Ona Husi Autor Krize? post thumbnail image
(Foto: Arkivu FM)

(Foto: Arkivu FM)

Mahein Nia Lian Nú 92 koalia kona-bá kilat no kilat-musan ne’ebé rekolla hotu husi autor krize (Relatoriu Versaun Tetum pdf) (English Version.pdf). Fundasaun Mahein (FM) alerta dahuluk ona relatoriu kona-bá investigasaun kilat F-FDTL no PNTL iha tinan 2011 no hato’o ona rekomendasaun lubuk ida relasional ho paradeiru kilat ne’ebé sei lakon. Rekomendasaun hirak ne’e detallamente refere ba Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa tenki hola medida adekuadu hodi rekolla kilat hirak ne’ebé sei iha eis-elementu FALINTIL-FDTL, eis-elementu PNTL, elementu PNTL ativu balu no ema sivil balu ne’ebé sei iha relasaun ho kilat hirak iha krize 2006 hodi loke investigasaun ba sira.

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia monitorizasaun iha periodu 2012 to’o agora, esforsu lubuk ida husi autoridade siguransa rekolla ona kilat balu no kilat ilegal seluk husi komunidade no pesoal siguransa seluk. Iha sorin seluk Governu hasai rezolusaun ida hodi estabelese periodu foun atu rekolla kilat, kilat-musan, esplozivu no fardamentu. Maibe komunidade sira sei kestiona nafatin kona-bá kilat ilegal no kilat seluk ne’ebé sei espalla iha komunidade nia leet.

Iha loron 22 Agostu 2014, Konselu Ministru hasai ona rezolusaun Nu. 24 /2014 de 1 de Setembru, iha ne’ebé estabelese períodu foun ida, atu rekolla kilat, kilat-musan, esplozivu no fardamentu to’o loron 31 fulan Outobru tinan 2014, atu sidadaun no entidade sira ne’ebé seidauk kumpri bele ba entrega ona materiál ilegál hirak ne’ebé sira sei uza hela no kolabora ba manutensaun estabilidade polítika no sosiál ne’ebé agora iha.

Maibe limite husi data ne’ebé temi iha rezolusaun ne’e liu tiha ona. FM nia monitorizasaun la iha vontade diak husi pesoal siguransa balu, komunidade no autoridade ne’ebé mensiona iha rezolusaun ne’e, lahatudu kooperasaun diak hodi entrega.

Buat ironiku ida ne’ebé husi FM nia monitorizasaun hetan katak pela kontrariu husi rezolusaun ne’e nia haruka. Iha ne’ebé pesoal balu husi PNTL asegura hela kilat-musan no farda militar FALINTIL-FDTL nian iha ninia uma. Maske hatur iha rezolusaun ne’e rasik katak PNTL hanesan entidade responsavel hodi rekolla material sira ne’e, sei la kastigu ka kriminaliza ba ema ne’ebé entrega voluntariamente kilat, kilat-musan, esplozivu no fardamentu to’o prazu entrega loron 31 fulan Outobru tinan 2014.

Kazu hanesan iha loron 06 Dezembru 2014, autoridade seguransa rekolla munisoens pistola nian hamutuk 500, munisoens AK-33 no Stayer nian hamutuk 986 inklui farda FALINTIL-FDTL nian, iha Sarjentu Polisia ida nia ho inisial V. de A. M. nia uma (Ex. Pemancar TVRI), Lahane Osidental – Dili. Sarjentu Polisia V. de A. M. nu’udar elementu polisia ativu no dadaun ne’e hakna’ar-an iha Quartel Jeral PNTL, Departamentu Lojistika, Seksaun Fardamentu nian.

Maske Sarjentu Polisia ne’e deklara ba autoridade siguransa, munisoens pistola nian, kilat-musan AK33 no Stayer inklui farda FALINTIL-FDTL la’os ninia. Maibe Sarjentu polisia ne’e rasik kontinua asegura ka subar sasan hirak ne’ebé Governu hasai ona rezolusaun hodi entrega.

Kilat-musan, farda militar, relasaun kilat forte ho kilat hirak ne’ebé ba krize tinan 2006 no autor prinsipal sira iha krize ne’e hanesan Abilio Mesquita iha ne’ebé hetan rekomendasaun lubuk ida husi relatoriu inkeritu independente ONU nian iha tinan 2006 no hetan akuzasaun lubuk ida iha tinan sira tuir mai.


Kilat, kilat-musan, esplozivu no fardamentu militar nian ne’ebé dadaun ne’e sei problematiku hela. Nu’udar frakeza ida husi implementasaun avizu, rezolusaun no kriasaun komisaun investigasaun barak ona. Maibe la implementa diak rezolusaun sira ne’e no rekomendasaun sira husi investigasaun nian.

Ida ne’e nu’udar espasu ida kontinua fo fatin ba ema hodi subar ka asegura. Nune’e buat ironiku ida husi relatoriu ida ne’e nian elementu PNTL balu kontinua subar maske pesoal ne’e rasik konsiente sasan hirak ne’e ilegal no hetan ordem ona hodi rekolla no entrega ba Estadu.

1. Rekomenda ba Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa, FALINTIL-FDTL no PNTL kontinua halo investigasaun ba eis-Petisionariu sira, eis-FALINTIL, sivil armadu sira iha krize tinan 2006. Nune’e mos ba elementu PNTL no FALINTIL-FDTL ativu sira ne’ebé relasaun forte ho kilat no kilat-musan sira iha krize tinan 2006 nian, ikus liu ba Abilio Masquita. Revista ba eis FALINTIL, eis-polisia no eis-FALINTIL-FDTL ida ne’e nu’udar parte ida kontrolu kilat.

2. Rekomenda ba Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa ho Komandu FALINTIL-FDTL halo investigasaun ba fontes farda ne’ebé asegura hela iha Abilio Masquita nia rezidensia husi nia fen Sarjentu Polisia ho inisial V. de A. M.

3. Rekomenda ba Komandu Jeral PNTL, loke investigasaun ba Sarjentu Polisia ho inisial V. de A. M. iha ne’ebé asegura kilat musan no farda FALINTIL-FDTL nian hodi prosesu tuir lei no regulamentu.

Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefone (+670) 7737-4222 ka (+670) 77561184

Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 22 December 2014

Press Release

Recollecting Weapons and Bullets from Perpetrators of the 2006 Crisis

In a 2011 report concerning the investigation of weapons within the F-FDTL and PNTL, Fundasaun Mahein presented recommendations with regards to missing weapons. These recommendations were clearly presented to the Ministry of Defense and Security, and the these recommendations requested a comprehensive strategy for the recollection of weapons still in the possession of former F-FDTL and PNTL personnel. These weapons may also been in the hands of active members of the PNTL and even some civilians. Given the unknown status of many weapons used in the 2006 Crisis, it seemed that security authorities should conduct a comprehensive investigation.

Fundasaun Mahein’s monitoring from 2012 to the present noted that security authorities have made efforts to recollect illegal weapons from both communities and security personnel. To complement this initiative, the government has issued a resolution that establishes an official effort to recollect illicit weapons, bullets, explosives and uniforms. However, many citizens remain concerned with the spread of illegal weapons within communities.

On 22 August 2014, the Council of Ministry issued Resolution No.24/2014. This resolution established a grace period from 1st September 2014 to 31st October 2014, in which citizens and security personnel could hand over weapons, bullets, explosives, and uniforms still in their possession. This resolution asked these entities to continue collaborating in the name of political and social stability.

However, the time period mentioned in the resolution has officially ended. FM’s monitoring noted that security personnel, communities, and authorities identified by the resolution did not make sufficient efforts to complete this initiative, and these groups did not show cooperation.

FM’s monitoring has brought to light some troubling and complicated aspects of this initiative. Indeed, some members of the PNTL are keeping bullets and the military uniforms of the F-FDTL in their houses, despite the fact that the PNTL is institution responsible for conducting this operation. These individuals held onto the contraband items, despite the promise by the PNTL to not issue punishment to those who voluntarily handed over weapons, bullets, explosives, and uniforms voluntarily before October 31st, 2104.

A similar case took place on 6 December 2014, when security authorities recollected 500 pistol bullets, 986 rounds of AK-33 ammunition, Stayer weapons, and F-FDTL uniforms at the home of a police sergeant (V. de A. M) in Lahane Osidental, Dili. This police sergeant is an active member of the PNTL and was recently assigned to duty at the Uniform Logistics Department of the PNTL General Quarter.

Despite the evidence collected on-site, this police sergeant continues to testify that the materials mentioned above did not belong to him. However, the fact of the matter is that the man continued hiding those materials in his home, despite the government resolution mandating the handing over of these materials.

Bullets, military uniforms, and other missing security materials relating to 2006 crisis continue to surface. Meanwhile, Abilio Mesquita, one of the main instigators of the crisis, has received criticism by an independent investigative report conducted by the UN in 2006. Mesquita also faces allegations in the coming years.


Weapons, bullets, explosives, and the military uniforms remain missing. This can be attributed to insufficient socialization of the resolution, as well as poor implementation by investigative officials and security actors on the ground.

These shortcomings have not deterred people from hiding their weapons. This FM report discusses the problematic reality: Citizens and even PNTL personnel continue to hide their weapons, even though these items are illegal and demanded for recollection by the state.

1. The Ministry of Defense and Security, the F-FDTL, and the PNTL should investigate former petitioners, members of FALINTIL, and civilians known to have been in possession of weapons during the 2006 crisis. These investigations should also examine active members of the PNTL and F-FDTL, institutions that had close access to weapons and bullets during the crisis. Finally, these searches should examine Abilio Mesquita as well as former members of FALINTIL, the PNTL, and the F-FDTL.

2. The Ministry of Defense and Security and the F-FDTL should investigate the police sergeant, ‘V. de A.M.,’ who was harboring weapons and uniforms at his residence.

3. The PNTL General Command should investigate and prosecute the aforementioned police sergeant, ‘V. de A. M’, according to the law and institutional rules.

6 thoughts on “Kilat no Kilat-Musan Rekolla Hotu Ona Husi Autor Krize?”

  1. Iha tempu atu ita paseincia no hamaus malu iha tempu ruma ita tenki fo presaun. Tempu uja demokrasia tempu ruma ita uja Otoriter. Honunee deit mak ita iha balanxu moris. Keta kritika demais enkuantu ita iha fatin deit, diak liu agora iha operasaun Hanita ita tun no Acompanha kedas ho menbru sira para iha htne iha Terrenu nemak hlo nusa. ADEUS

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