Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 29 Outobru 2015
Komunikadu Imprensa
Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 104 (Versaun Tetum.pdf) (English Version.pdf) kona-bá Esbosu Konseitu Estratejiku Defeza no Siguransa Nasional (KEDSN), Governu liu husi Ministeriu Defeza aprezenta dahuluk ho entidade militar no sivil sira orgaun Estadu nian. Iha tempu hanesan Primeiru Ministru husu atu rona mos sosiedade sivil nia hanoin portantu KEDSN hanesan liña orientador defeza no siguransa relasaun ho dezenvolvimentu nasional. Nune’e konsulta tuir mai ho sosiedade sivil iha loron 12 fulan Outobru tinan 2015.
Nune’e Fundasaun Mahein (FM) hanesan membru Grupu Traballu Sosiedade Sivil ba Setor Siguransa hamutuk ho Gabinete Premeiru Ministru hetan opurtunidade mos hodi halo aprezentasaun ida no fo kontribuisaun ba konstrusaun KEDSN.
Nune’e Konstrusaun KEDSN ba dadaun ne’e Governu elebora hela hodi hatur medida estratéjika sira defeza no siguransa nasional nian. Maske nune’e FM preokupa tebes kona-bá konstrusaun KEDSN ne’e rasik. Preokupasaun dahuluk, Timor-Leste seidauk iha Polítika Siguransa Nasional no Polítika Defeza Nasional.
Purtantu polítika ne’e sei difini objetivu permanente sira Estadu nian, ambiente no interese estratéjiku sira, ameasa no risku, no medida defeza nasional nian. Hodi kompriende kontestu ida luan iha ambitu dezenvolvimentu nasional nian. Nune’e defeza nasional la’os deit iha duminiu ida militar nian deit maibe komponente tomak Estadu nian hanesan hatur tiha ona iha Konstituisaun.
Preokupasaun daruak, KEDSN sei hatan objetivu Polítika Defeza Nasional iha kuadru Polítika Siguransa nian. Maske nune’e hanesan FM temi tiha ona sesaun dahuluk ba katak Timor-Leste seidauk iha Polítika Siguransa no Defeza Nasional ida. KEDSN hanesan interpretasaun ida mai husi Lei Defeza Nasional. Nune’e FM nia leitura ba Lei Defeza Nasional hatur atuasaun importante sira oinsa Governu elabora KEDSN no medida koordenasaun sira iha ambitu defeza nasional nian entre instituisaun Estadu nian.
Preokupasaun datoluk kona-bá dezafiu implementasaun KEDSN sei des-orientadu no nivel orientasaun sei kloot entre instituisaun sira ne’ebé importante iha faze planeamentu, implementasaun no faze monitorizasaun. Portantu la iha polítika siguransa no defeza nasional ida hodi orienta tuir interese sira siguransa nasional nian. Hodi kompriende kona-bá elementu sira iha siguransa nasional no medida sira ba defeza nasional nu’udar estratéjia global Estadu nian.
Iha âmbitu ida ne’e mós, Polítika Siguransa Nasional iararkiamente hanesan konseitu siguransa ne’ebé aas liu polítika siguransa sira seluk. Tanba Polítika Siguransa Nasional identifika interese primordial sira Estadu nian husi ne’e defini Polítika Defeza Nasional determina saida maka atu halo hodi asegura interese sira Estadu nian. Nune’e, KEDSN determina medida ka liña orientador oinsa atu implementa polítika sira ne’e.
KEDSN hanesan inisiativa dahuluk, maske ne’e polítika inkoerensia ida ba defeza no siguransa nasional tuir ierarkia konseitu siguransa nian. Tanba ne’e FM rekomenda ba:
1. VI Governu Konstituisional partikulamente Ministériu Defeza no Ministériu Interior hahu diskute ona kona-bá Polítika Siguransa no Defeza Nasional atu bele iha koerensia ho KEDSN.
2. Ministériu Defeza kontinua konsulta ho entidade públiku no privadu sira iha konsturusaun ba KEDSN, liu-liu analiza ba ameasa no risku sira iha kontestu Timor-Leste nian. Nune’e bele hetan formulasaun ida komprensivu.
Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefone (+670) 7737 4222 ka (+670) 77561184
Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 29 October 2015
Press Release
Construction of the Strategic Concept of Defense and National Security
“The Civil Society Perspective”
The Government, through the Ministry of Defense, has presented a draft of the Strategic Concept of the National Defense and Security (KEDSN), concerning the military and civil entities of the state’s security institution. Concurrently, the Prime Minister has welcomed responses and views on the draft from Timorese civil society actors, as the KEDSN must present effective guidelines for defense and security within the larger movement of national development. Therefore, the following consultation with civil society actors took place on 12 October, 2015.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) is a Civil Society Organization that works within the Timorese security sector and with the Office of the Prime Minister, and was invited to deliver a presentation to involved parties and contribute to the formation of KEDSN.
Creation of the recent KEDSN has been undertaken by the government in order to clearly lay out strategic mechanisms of national defense and security. However, FM holds concerns about the creation of the KEDSN. First and foremost, FM observes that Timor-Leste has not yet established any formal national security and defense policies.
This policy will define a permanent objective for the state, environment and strategic interests, threats and risks, as well as mechanisms of national defense, in order to provide a larger context for national development. National defense is not just a domino within the military, but a full component of the state as outlined in the constitution.
FM’s second concern is that the KEDSN will address the objectives of national defense policy within the framework of security policy. As observed above, Timor-Leste does not have national security and defense policies; thusly, this KEDSN seems an interpretation of the national defense law. Therefore, FM’s interest in the national defense law focuses particularly on what actions the government takes to develop the KEDSN and refine coordination of national defense between the state institutions.
The third concern surrounds the challenges of implementing the KEDSN, which is still disoriented and still lacks a degree of orientation between key state institutions. There exist no standing national defense and security policies to orient planning, implementation, and monitoring processes according to national security interests, and to draw out understanding of the elements within national security and those mechanisms o national defense as part of global strategy of the state.
Within the hierarchy of national security development in Timor-Leste, the Strategic Concept ranks higher than other security policies, in that it identifies the foundational security interests of the state, from which national defense policies can be developed to properly secure the state’s interests. The KEDSN informs the defense and security sectors on how to implement those national defense policies.
The KEDSN is the first initiative of the state, even though it is an incoherent policy for national defense and security as according to the current hierarchy of security development strategy. Therefore, FM recommends:
1. That the VI constitutional government, and particularly the Ministry of Defense and Interim Ministry, discuss policies of national security and defense in order to coherently operate with the KEDSN.
2. That the Ministry of Defense consult with public and private entities in construction of the KEDSN, especially in terms of analyzing threats and risks in Timor-Leste, in order to achieve a comprehensive formation.
For more details on this issue please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director
Phone: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184
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