Époka Violênsia no Asidenti Trafiku iha Timor-Leste

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(Foto: Internet)

Tinan hirak ikus ne’e hanesan “époka” ba insidenti (violênsia) no asidente trafiku. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia monitorizasaun époka violênsia no asidenti trafiku akontese iha periodu ka tempu loron boot hanesan natal, tinan foun, paskoa no finadu nian. Iha ne’ebé tempu hirak ne’e movimentu ka viajen sidadaun sira nian husi Kapital Dili ba munisipiu no husi munisipiu fila ba Dili maka’as tebes. Nune’e mos iha tempu hirak ne’e konsentrasaun boot husi sidadaun sira iha nia suku no aldeia hodi pasa ferias ho atividade sosial no familiar sira.
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FM nia monitorizasaun rejista tinan 2013 no 2014 barak liu violênsia ho tipu oin-oin, ataka malu entre membru Grupu Arte Marsial – GAM maske grupu hirak ne’e taka ona tuir rezolusaun governu nia haruka no juventude ho autor siguransa sira. Iha tinan rohan 2014 númeru dominante maka violênsia ne’ebé akontese barak liu mai husi asaltu entre grupu juventude sira iha tempu natal no tinan foun. Iha ne’ebé barak liu mai husi Munsipiu Baucau, Viqueque no Kapitál Dili. Husi violênsia ne’e rezulta balu mate, kanek no estragus.

Situasaun iha leten ne’e kontinua mantein iha efoka tinan 2015 nian. Violênsia kontinua rejista iha tempu natal no tinan foun iha munisipiu sira hanesan Bobonaro, Viqueque no Dili. Iha ne’ebé rezulta balu mate, kanek no estragus. Kazu ne’ebé fatal liu akontese iha Kapital Dili durante periodu hirak ne’e. FM nia monitorizasaun rejista insidenti lima no rezulta ema na’in tolu mate iha Kapital Dili (Delta III, Hudi Laran no Tasi Tolu), na’in ida iha Munisipiu Viqueque, inklui membru Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste – PNTL iha Munisipiu Ermera.

Nune’e mos, asidenti trafiku iha tinan 2015, FM nia monitorizasaun rejista asidenti trafiku kuaze aumenta maka’as, antes no depois loron natal no tinan foun 2015. Maizumenus ema 12 mate husi asidenti trafiku iha tempu natal no tinan foun, husi asidenti bis BALTIMOR iha Fatu-Ahi-Dili no ema na’in 3 mate husi asidenti bis CAHAYA iha Rontuda – Lafatik – Dili. Inkuli munisipiu sira hanesan asidenti ida iha Munisipiu Liquisa rezulta ema ida mate, iha Ainaro ema ida mate husi asidenti motor ida, rejista mos asidenti trafiku seluk husi Munisipiu Bobonaro no Baucau husi kareta no motor.

Situasaun hirak ne’e konfirma asaun prevensaun sira sei menus no buat ne’ebé FM nota durante periodu hirak ne’e autoridade siguransa nia asaun akontese depois violênsia no asidenti. Hanesan hatudu iha asidenti trafiku Fatu-Ahi nian, polisia pasa revista no kontrola movimentu kareta no motor sai ba munisipiu hafoin asidenti ne’e akontese ho alerta ne’ebé maka’as mos.

Nune’e mos violênsia ne’ebé kada tinan sempre akontese iha periodu natal no tinan foun, laiha asaun prevensaun husi polisia liu-liu halo patrollamentu intensivu iha area ka fatin sira ne’ebé identifikadu zona konflitu. Siginifika katak vizibilidade polisia nian sei menus. Maske dala-barak esteitmentu lideransa instituisaun siguransa nia fo sai katak sei garantia siguransa iha tempu natal no tinan foun.

Tuir monitorizasaun FM katak fatór sira ne’ebé sai kauza ba asidenti trafiku durante ne’e maka ema ne’ebé lori kareta ka motor la ho atensaun ka kuidadu, estrada aat, kondisaun kareta nian no tula pasajeiru sira liu kapasidade kareta nian. Inklui mos asaun prevensaun ne’ebé sei menus husi polisia no Dirasaun Nasional Transporte no Terestre (DNTT).

Ho ida ne’e, FM rekomenda:

1. Rekomenda ba DNTT atu funsiona terminal sira iha Kapital Dili no munisipiu hodi kontrola movimentu kareta no motor sira nian. Inklui funsiona sinais trafiku sira iha estrada públiku.

2. Rekomenda ba instituisaun polisia atu halo patrullamentu rutina iha periodu loron boot sira, iha fatin sira ne’ebé buras konflitu hodi nune’e bele minimiza aktu violensia no oho malu iha futuru. Nomos taka informasaun asidenti trafiku nian iha terminal sira nu’udar edukasaun sivika ba públiku nomos toma-atensaun ba kondutor wainhira lori kareta no motor.

Violence and Traffic Accidents in Timor-Leste

Fundasaun Mahein’s monitoring over the past few years have shown a standard uptick in traffic accidents and violent conflict in holiday periods in Timor-Leste, and particularly around Christmas, New Year’s Day, and All Saints Day. For these holidays there is a large increase in citizens traveling between Dili and the municipalities to visit their families, resulting in higher numbers of vehicles on the roads and higher numbers of accidents.

FM has monitored and registered frequent cases of violence in 2013 and 2014, of various circumstances, including fights between martial arts group (GAM) members, even though GAM has been banned under a government resolution. In 2014, high rates of violent attacks between youths occurred during the Christmas and New Year period. Incidents took place in Baucau, Viqueque and Dili, in which a number of victims were injured or even killed from the violence.

The same incidents continued to transpire in 2015, and again in the Christmas and New Year period there was a rash of violence, notably in Bobonaro, Viqueque and Dili, where a number of victims were again injured or killed.
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FM recorded five such incidents, which resulted in three deaths in Dili (Delta III, Hudi Laran and Tasi-Tolu) and one in Viqueque, including a PNTL member in Ermera.

FM’s monitoring of traffic and vehicular accidents in 2015 also showed a strong increase in accident frequency before and after Christmas and New Year’s. At least 12 people were killed in bus crash (BALTIMOR) in Fatu-Ahi Dili during this period, and 3 further people died in a separate bus crash (CAHAYA) in the roundabout Lafatik-Dili. Traffic accidents also caused fatalities in Liquica (one death), Ainaro (one death) and occurred in Bobonaro and Baucau, as well.
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These accidents continue to occur because the country lacks a proper road and driving safety strategy. One thing that FM has noted is that the authorities do take action after violence or accidents take place. For example, after an accident in Fatu-Ahi, the police held a check point and controlled movement of transportation through to the municipalities.

The lack of an effective preventative strategy extends as well to the extant issue of increased violence at the end of the year. There exists no adapted police strategy for discouraging these outbreaks of violence. Options exist—police patrolling areas identified as conflict areas would be an easy adjustment. The visibility of the police is still at a minimum, even after frequent promises from police institution seniority to ensure public safety during the Christmas-New Year timeframe.

FM’s monitoring noted that these traffic accidents are often due to the negligence of drivers and passengers; poor road conditions and upkeep; poor vehicle quality and maintenance; and a lack of traffic oversight from police and the National Directorate of Transportation and Land (DNTT).

Therefore, FM recommends:

1. DNTT to operate stations in Dili and the municipalities in order to control transport flow as well as the placement of traffic lights in public streets.

2. The police institution hold routine patrols in the period of Christmas and New Year, in locations inclined to violence or crime, in order to minimize violence and attacks in the future. FM also recommends the police also publicize information on traffic accidents in police stations to provide civic education for the public and call attention to driving safety for all drivers and passengers.

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