Foto Media Prezidensia Republika RDTL 2018
October 30th 2018
While nominations for positions in the F-FDTL hierarchy was subject to political gridlock in 2016 between the government and president of the republic, it ultimately led to the renewal of the position of CEMG F-FDTL, vice CEMG F-FDTL and CEM F-FDTL for one-year periods. These positions must be renewed every year.
Normally, positions in the F-FDTL hierarchy are based on article 74, which holds that the mandates for the positions of CEMG F-FDTL and vice CEMG F-FDTL are four (4) years and can be renewed only once. The mandate for the position of CEM F-FDTL and component commanders is two (2) years with the possibility of a one-time renewal, also according to article 75 of decree law no. 28/2016 of July 13th Primeira Alteração ao Decreto-Lei N.o 7/2014, de 12 de Março (Estatuto dos Militares das F-FDTL).
However, in these cases the mandates were for only one year and did not follow norms on article 74 and 75 decree law no.28/2016 July 13th Primeira Alteração ao Decreto-Lei N.o 7/2014, de 12 de Março (Estatuto dos Militares das F-FDTL). Therefore, this report analyzes the mandate of positions in the F-FDTL hierarchy based on decree law no.28/2016 July 13th Primeira Alteração ao Decreto-Lei N.o 7/2014, de 12 de Março (Estatuto dos Militares das F-FDTL).
For more details on this issue, please contact:
João Almeida
Vice Director of FM
Email: almeidamahein@gmail.com
Phone: (+670) 77561184 or 78316075
Website: www.fundasaunmahein.org