Loron ohin, 22 Agusto 2012, Prezidente da Republika Taur Matan Ruak deklara nia Aset (riku soin) ba publiku liu husi Tribunal Rekursu. Ida ne’e ezemplu diak ba boa governasaun diak. Durante governu uluk nian, ukun nain sira iha seitor siguransa nia laiha ida mak halo deklarasaun kona-bá sira nia Aset.
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Ne’e inspirasaun ba Prezidente, núdar komandate Supremu ass liu no Xefi Estadu hatudu ona exemplu diak.
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Fundasaun Mahein (FM) fo suporta ba Ministru Defeza ho Siguransa, SES, SED, Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun B, Komandu Jeral F-FDTL ho PNTL nian no diretor nasional sira iha institusaun seitor siguransa nian atu banati tuir lala’ok Prezidente Republika nian. Institusaun sira ne’e tenki nakloke no tranparante kona-bá sira nia Aset. Ideal liu mak, deklarasaun Aset tenki anualmente no tenki hetan monitorizasaun husi institusaun estadu nian ne’ebé relevante.
Step Forward in Asset Declaration Practices
Today, 22 August 2012, the President of the Republic Taur Matan Ruak declared public assets through the court of appeals. This is an excellent example of good governance. During the last government, officials in the security sectors never declared their assets. It is inspiring for the President, the supreme commander of the military and the head of state, to set this good example.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) encourages the Ministers of Defense and Security, the SES, the SED, parliament committee B, the commander general of the F-FDTL and PNTL, and all directors in security sector institutions to take note of the Presidents’ actions and follow his lead. All of these organizations should be openly declaring their assets. Ideally, this should be an annual declaration of assets monitored by relevant state institution.
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