Fundasaun Mahein, 09 Junu 2014
Komunikadu Imprensa
Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 79 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun tetun,pdf) (English version) halo analiza kona-bá Planu Estratejiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN) no planu V Governu konstitusional maka atu transforma Timor-Leste nia ekonomia ho “ baixo rendimentos” ba rendimentu “medio altos”. Hanesan hatete ona iha vizaun PEND katak Timor-Leste to’o 2030 sei iha ekonomia moderna no diversifikada no sei halakon agrikultura subsistensia hodi haburas fali ekonomia komersial ne’ebé mai husi produsaun rekursu naturais.
Governu hahu ona halo enkontru iha konsellu Ministru hodi aprova fabrika semente ne’ebé sei lokaliza iha area Caisido, Suku Trilolo, Distritu Baucau husi investor Perth-Australia liu husi nia kompania BGC no Swan Energy, tuir planu projeitu ne’e sei implementa iha fulan Janeiru 2015. Objetivu husi industria ne’e maka atu diversifika ekonomia Timor-Leste tuir vizaun Planu Estratejiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional 2011-2030.
Tuir Fundasaun Mahein (FM) fabrika semente ne’e nu’udar alternativu ba dezenvolvimentu nasional no rezolve problema dezempregu maibe iha sorin seluk mosu tentativa balu ne’ebé presiza toma atensaun husi Governu atu buka solusaun adekuadu hodi evita tensaun konflitu ne’ebé dadaun ne’e subar an hela ho planu fabrika semente ne’e rasik.
Iha prosesu inisiu konsultasaun Governu no Kompañia la esplika klean kona-bá polítika estadu nian ba rai, meiu ambiental no impaktu fabrika semente ba komunidade afetadu. Governu hateten fabrika semente ne’e la hamosu deit industria produsaun semente nian ba prazu naruk, maibe mos atu hamosu postu serbisu no fo biban foun ba ema rihun resin atu sai empregu iha feriferia. Husi esplikasaun ne’e hamosu duvida kona-bá postu serbisu tanba la hatene se maka atu serbisu? Komunidade ka ema téknika kompania maka atu serbisu?.
Fundasaun Mahein nia observasaun indentifika katak iha tendensia maka’as kona-bá disputa rai iha Caisido, iha ne’ebé komunidade rai na’in deklara katak lakohi simu no sei la autoriza fabrika semente atu loke iha rai Caisido, tanba kestaun kultural no nain ba rai ne’ebé seidauk defini lolos.
1. FM rekomenda ba Ministeriu Petroliu no Rekursu Minarai ho nia Ekipa Inter-Ministerial atu halo sosializasaun kle’an ba komunidade sira antes implementa fabrika semente iha Caisido.
2. FM Rekomenda ba Ekipa Konjunta Distrital no kompañia atu esplika klaru ba komunidade sira kona-bá impaktu ambiental husi fabrika semente hodi nune’e komunidade iha serteza informasaun.
3. FM Rekomenda ba Governu no Kompania atu kria akordu kontratu ho komunidade ne’ebé legalizadu atu nune’e bele garante komunidade nia moris iha futuru.
Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefon (+670) 7737-4222 ka bele kontaktu (+670) 7756 1184
Fundasaun Mahein, June 09 2014
Press Release
Cement Factory in Caisido, Baucau District: Opportunity or Threat?
This Mahein’s Voice No 79 analyzes the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP), and the Fifth (V) Constitutional Government’s Plan is to transform Timor-Leste’s economy from “low income” to “High average” income. As mentioned in the view of NSDP that Timor-Leste by 2030 will have a modern diverse economy and will move away from subsistence agriculture by re-investing in commercial products from natural resource production.
The government has had a meeting with the council minister to approve a cement factory which will be located in Caisido area, Trilolo village of Baucau district. The investor will be coming from Perth, Australia, his companies: BGC and Swan Energy. According to their plan this project will be implemented on January 2015 with the purpose of this industry is to diversify the economy of Timor-Leste based on the views of the National Development Strategic Plan 2011-2030.
According to Fundasaun Mahein this cement factory is in line with national development and will help resolve some unemployment issues. On the other side of the issue though, that needs attention from the government, is to find an adequate solution to any conflict that may arise from the tension that the building of the cement factory has created.
In the beginning of the consultation process, the government and company did not explain in full detail the state’s policy over land, the environment and the impact of the cement factory to the affected communities. The government explanation was that the factory is to not only to produce cement for a long period but will provide job creation as well and will allow thousands of people to be employed at the periphery. This explanation has created confusion over jobs, as it is not clear who is eligible for these positions? Whether it be the communities or technicians of the Company?
Fundasaun Mahein’s observations have identified that there is a strong possibility for land disputes in Caisido area. This could arise if landowners disagree with the construction of the cement factory, these have the potential to arise because of cultural issues and poorly defined land ownership rights.
1. FM recommends to the Ministry of Petroleum and Oil Resource with its Inter-Ministerial Team to conduct clear socialization efforts with the communities before building the cement factory in Caisido area.
2. FM recommends to Districts Conjoint Team and the Company to explain clearly to the communities over the environmental impact of the cement factory so the communities will have better information about the risks they face.
3. FM recommends to the government and the company to have a legal contract deal with the communities in order to ensure the communities’ life in the future.
To know more details over the issue you can contact:
Nélson Belo
FM Executive Director
Phone Number (+670) 7737-4222 or You can Contact (+670) 7756 1184
Hau hare ba Plano desembolve V Governo konstituisional ba 2030 ne diak ba futuro, maibe persisa estuda klean wainhira atu hatama ka simu pabrika ruma tama mai hodi loke pabrika iha ita nia nasaun kiik oan ida ne’e, tamba ita nia lideransa sira la iha kapasidade atu halo akordo ho perusahan sira ne’e mak ita hare ba ita nia Mina ne’ebe fo ba Australia produs ate agora sai problema lori ona ba iha Tribunal Arbitrazen Internasional, tamba lideransa do Governo rona wain hira ema mai koalia ho pesoal ne’ebe iha kompetensia ba pabrika refere, nia hare ba karik pabrika ne fo benevisu ba nia, entaun nia aseita no assina akordo ona ho ema ne’e maibe, nunka hare ba povo nia intrese ba futuro wainra implementa pabrika ne’e iha fatin ne’ebe, fatin ne’e agora se mak sai nain ba, pabrika nia vantagen no dezvantazen mosu iha komunidade se mak sai responsablidade, e pabrika ne’e loke to’o durasaun tinan hira, oinsa nia resultado fahe oinsa, komunidades sira nebe hela besik iha areia produsaun ne’e atu lori ba ne’ebe, se mak sai responsavel, maibe ita nia Lideransa hirak ne’e sei dauk hare ba buat hirak ne’e hodi estuda kelan, sira hatudu lalais sira nia ambisaun no arogansia -an tamba ita mak iha kompetensia ona nebe foti dezisaun ruma nunka sukat ba ema seluk. sira hatudu katak nia iha poder politika, nia hatudu-an ba ema katak nia matenek nia iha poder, maibe ema hamnasa ita wainhira ema subar hela buat balun iha akordu ne’e nia laran ita hare la hetan. hanesan iha 2002 primeiro Governo Konstituisional halo akordo ba mina no gas ho australia. obrigado, a bracos…!!!
tuir analiza ne’ebe fundasaun Mahein fo sai katak iha kestaun hirak ne;ebe ita htu persija peskija no estudu ne’ebe klean…
tamba ida ne mak tuir hau nia hanoin katak planu dezemvolvimentu ne;ebe governu forma liu husi ministeriiu petroleum rekursus minerais ka MPRM kona ba pabrika simenti iha Caisido ne’e persija tebes duni para ita analiza no peskija nnia vantagen no desvantagen.
vantagen ne’ebe ita persija analiza mak tuir mai ne’e :
– industri cementi ne sai kampu trabalhu ba timor oan hotu.
– sei fo benefisiu ba Estudu liu husi taxa, royalti no seluk tan
– sei loke oportunidade fila liman ba komunidade nee’be lokaliza iha area refere, ets
Disvantagen :
– Proposta kodigu mineiru ka lei cdk preparadu,( seidauk aporva),
– lei kona ba meiu ambiente (dekretu lei nnumeru 5/2011 ) nebe presija atu review.
– Impaktu meu ambiente, impaktu polusaun, ar, b’e no rai wainhira uza material kimika,
– impaktu social no kultura
tamba ne tuir hau nia sujestaun katak industri/ou pabrika cementi ne tenki lao duni no industri sira seluk tan nodi bele suporta ba ekonomia para bele depende liu ba rendementu nebe mai husi Mina No gas. maibe presija ita aforsa huluk mak lei, segundu persija estuda ne’ebe klean liu tan kona ba Impaktu meiu ambiente, social no kultura.
No kompanha nebe mak atu manan iha indutria ne persija socializasaun kona planu esplorasaun, ekploitasaun, eskavasaun produsaun, planu reabilitasaun ba meiu ambiente, social kultura no planu saida mak kompanha halo wainhira rezervasaun cemente ne hotu, ( Plan mine closure).
obrigadu wain
Gilbeto Amaral,ST, MT
atu dezenvolve nasaun ida la dependente deit ba area ida, maibe presiza ba area barak atu nune’e bele kompleta malu hodi dezenvolve nasaun, sai nasaun nebe forte no avansadu..
nune’e mos ba nasaun timor leste labele depende deit ba mina no gas maibe halai mos ba area sira seluk, mak hanesan rekursu minarais, rekursu minarais presiza ita esplora no esploita atu hasae rendimentu ba nasaun atu nune’e bele denzenvolve ba nasaun.
atu loke fabrica sementi agora dadaun hanesan atu loke iha Caisido, Baucau ne’e presiza estudu nebe klean, estudu ba vantazen ho desvantazen ba nasaun no povu timor leste, vantazen no desvantazen mak ita nia irmaun Gilberto Amaral ST, MT. mensiona balun ona iha leten.
saida mak ita atu hanoin no ita atu halo atu nune’e fabrica Sementi iha Caisido ne’e bele hamrik?
ida ne’e sai home work mai ita para ita hotu bele hanoin, ita hotu bele fo ita nia sujestaun nebe diak, laos ho kritika nebe hatun malu maibe ho kritika nebe pozitivu.
lei konaba minarais tenke iha atu bele regula no kontrolu ita nian rikusoin liu-liu area minarais, ita mos tenke hare ba impaktu ambiente, ita mos tenke hare ba nesesidade komunidade sira nebe hela besik area industria.
buat hotu bele lao kuandu ita hotu servisu hamutuk, ita hotu hanoin diak no pozitivu, wainhira buat sira ne’e atinji entaun ita hotu espera katak buat hotu lao ho diak.
a b r a c o …