Candidate and Nomination for the PNTL General Command

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Fundasaun Mahein (FM),06 March 2015

Press Release

Candidate and Nomination for the PNTL General Command

This report will discuss about the candidate and the nomination of the new PNTL general command after the nomination of the former PNTL general command Longuinos Monteiro to be the minister of interior for the sixth (VI) constitutional government in 2015. It has left a big gap inside the PNTL and no one has been nominated for the position yet.

The discussion for this nomination of the new PNTL general command up to this point has been whether the new PNTL general will come from the national parliament or from civil society. This has been resolved that the proposed candidate for the PNTL general command should come from the PNTL institution and not civilian institutions.

As shown after the crisis in 2006, when the government nominated an important legal prosecutor, but received strong criticisms from the national parliament and civil societies. Ironically members of the PNTL were really concerned with such nomination because they were worried about a civilian leading the PNTL institution.

Therefore, FM suggests that the PNTL has for 15 years produced professionalism, academic and work experience thus far, so the candidate for the PNTL general command should from PNTL itself. Yet it needs to consider that a figure which is nominated for this position should pose high integrity and credibility to lead the institution.

So in order to get a high integrity and credible figure it needs public views and involvement in the process. Institutions such as the national parliament committee B, even though it is not mandated to be part of the process, need to be involved in order to get public legitimacy.

On the other side, the Commission of Anti Corruption (CAC) and the Public Ministry also need to be strongly involved. The purpose of these components involvement is to see over the track record on the criminal cases such as corruption and other case, and need to apply the performance evaluation to the PNTL members in the selection process for the candidate of the new PNTL general command.

Finally, the main agenda for the new PNTL general command to continue implementing past measures such as the PNTL strategic plan for 2014-2018.


1. Recommends to the Ministry of Interior that the selection process involves KAK and the Public Ministry over the criminal record of the figure who is the candidate for the PNTL general command.

2.The nominated candidate is the PNTL general command from the council of minister needs to declare his/her assets to KAK.

For more details, please see the following:


Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone (+670) 7737-4222 or (+670) 77561184

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